The second month, the month Ziv.



Today is Aviv 28. I am in the United States of America, where I live. I was born here. I am a citizen. I have never been to Israel but I am Jewish. I am a proselyte or convert. I am of Israel.

Rosh Chodesh is the Head of the Month, the beginning of the month. In Torah we read of the month Aviv, the first month. The mention of the second month by name is not found in the Torah. It is found in the TaNaKh though, which includes the Torah. The TaNaKh is the Torah, the Nevi'im, and the Kethuvim, which is the Law (Torah - Instruction), the Prophets, and the Writings.

The second month is mentioned by name here.

1 Kings 6:1

In temple times, the new month began after the sighting of the new moon, with witnesses in the temple, as I understand it. This was not the astronomical new moon, when the moon is completely dark or black, but when the first sliver of light appears.

It is my understanding from talking with my Rabbi that this is not a leap year, when there is an extra month (13 rather than 12). I also understand that without the observation of the new moon determining the start of the new month, the month begins on a calculated calendar. uses different month names, but has that the first month has 30 days. The month names many observe by came out of Babylon.

Biblically, days begin and end with sundown or sunset. Day or daylight hours obviously begin with morning when we first see the sun when it rises (sunrise), or after this. Usually, a person does his work during the day. At sunset we have evening, erev. At sunrise we have morning, boker.

