The rise and fall of a mighty faith healer.


The rise and fall of a mighty faith healer.
Halder was a rabid Christian-hater. When he refused to accept even water from a Christian pastor, he prophesized that one day he shall beg food from them. after partion of india he migrated to west bengal of india and hawked various items. There also he abused Christians.
Once he abused a Christian in a wedding ceremony. That night he dreamed an austere man asking him “Why you are torturing me”. Terrified he said “how I can torture you, when I don’t know you even. Who are you?” that man drew lines of light crossing each other and vanished. in panic he fell from cot making his family awake.
From that day he lost peace of mind and appetite. He asked everyone the meaning of the dream. One told him to go to a pious Christian for it. Subduing his antipathy he went to the Christian. When he narrated the dream the Christian fell on knees astounding him. Then he said that Christian has appeared. Halder asked “how I tortured him?” Christian said “torturing Christian is torturing Christian”. halder asked what he can do now. Christian said “ask forgiveness and beleive in him”.
So Halder believed in Christ and was secretly baptized. But he had no instruction and could not read bible. But his Christian-hater family found out and pounced upon him one winter night. They threatened to kill him unless he returns to hindu fold. To save himself he hid among the plants in a nearonly in underwear. There he heard the cry of his wife and only child. But he refused the temptation to apostatize. Before dawn he ran out and went to a friend to get a shirt and a loan of ten rupees. With that he went far away. There as a vagabond he sold hand-fans decorated by him for a living and wept feeling lonely; praying to God. One day contemplating suicide due to depression, he gave his belongings to a lady and went towards a river in order to drown himself. Seeing a church on the way, he stopped to pray on the steps before the locked door. Miraculously, he found himself inside the closed church. Here he prayed continuously for 3 days and nights eating nothing, as if in a trance. Christ came to him and carried him in spirit to world’s main Christian shrines and assemblies. Then he bade him to preach God’s love and sin-forsaking. When Halder said that no one will heed him, a poor illiterate hawker, Christ said he is empowering him to do miracles. He took Halder’s hand and said “when you show your hand to the possessed, ghosts will flee and sick will be healed”. Then Christ departed and he came to his senses. He could open one window and asked a lady in a nearby house, to open the church. They could not figure out how he entered the locked church. They gave him food and treatment. Thus he regained some peace of mind and resumed hawking of fans on the village roads again as a vagrant. He had forgotten or didn’t take seriously the bidding and miracle promise of Christ.
God answers prayers in right time
One day, while he was hawking, one old lady called him and admired his craftsmanship. She offered to buy two fans at rupees 2 a piece, if he would teach her two daughter-in-laws to make those fans and then he will be given a hot meal too. He was elated as he had few hot meals, having no home and scanty money these days. He started teaching those young ladies. One had a small infant in her lap, constantly soiling her and interrupting. Halder asked the mother-in-law “Granny why is the infant passing stool so often?” She answered “It has stomach trouble from birth. Doctors could not cure it. Do you know some cure?” Halder was embarrassed as he never heard about healing prayers. He blurted out “I am a Christian. I don’t know anything about that”. The lady caught him on his words. She said “Christians prayed over sick people in our village in East Bengal and they got well. Please do something for the child”. Caught unawares, Halder was perplexed. Being newly converted and almost illiterate with scanty Christian instructions, he had never heard about such things before and did not know any prayer for healing. To evade the situation he thought of giving something to the baby pretending as a cure. He pondered if he gave a leaf, the baby may get worse. Possibly water would not harm and pacify the granny for the time being. So he asked for water and prayed over it “Jesus, if you can do something, do. I know nothing”. Then he handed the water to the lady telling her to give it to the baby. The lady put some water in the baby’s mouth and the rest remained in the glass. Just then an old man clutching a soda can came into the house. He asked “Granny what did you give to the child?” She explained “This man is a Christian. He has given this blessed water to cure it”. The old man immediately entreated Halder “Brother please do something for me. I am suffering from stomach ulcer for a long time. I take soda frequently from this can to ease the pain a little. No medicine could cure it. The terrible pain compels me to contemplate suicide. Please save me”. Halder was now in a real fix. He never heard that prayer could cure diseases. But to pacify the old man he told him to drink the left over water in the glass. “Ah, what relief, my pain is totally gone!” the old man exclaimed after drinking. “Soda gives a little relief only. Certainly God has come into this house!”
At that moment a young girl came limping into the house on a crutch. “What happened?” She enquired. The man told her that the Christian had cured him from ulcer. The girl immediately pleaded “Sir, please do something for me. My leg has been broken for two months. They could not set it. It is swollen and in such constant pain that I can’t sleep”. The granny also pleaded “Please do something for my granddaughter. She has to be married off, but with a broken leg, that is impossible”. Halder was terrified, feeling that they are forcing impossible demands on him. He thought of some excuse to escape but stopped at the prospect of a hot meal being cooked in front. He was terribly hungry. So he pondered “Water may not be good on that leg, maybe oil would do no harm. After that I shall escape from this place”. So, he asked for oil. On that oil he said the same prayer “Jesus, if you can do something do, I don’t know anything”. Then he gave that oil to the girl. People were assembled around, drawn by the commotion. She put the oil on her palm and pressed it from the knee down to the ankle. As her hand progressed, the swelling vanished accordingly before the stunned spectators. The whole leg became normal. She threw away her crutch, yelling and running through the streets, “God has come, God has come,”
Thus ended Halder’s roaming and starving on the streets. People vied with each other to have him as a guest. Always a constant stream of people, sick, maimed or demented visited him and he said the same prayer over them and many got healed. He got time to learn reading the Bible and had some knowledge of Christianity. He learned more sophisticated prayers which had the same effect as his childish prayers before. He had company of humble Christians but was vexed by their shallow faith and mentality. The pastors of the churches too envied and opposed him even after seeing the clear sign of Christ’s presence with him. They never loved Jesus, but their own prestige, which was undermined by the lowly street hawker. Jesus raised even the dead through him. But, the so called blind intellectuals closed their eyes and opposed him, refusing to believe in these miracles of Jesus. So he gradually retreated to villages and remote places as designed by God. He remained reasonably humble resisting people worshipping him as god. Possibly for that, God used him. We the proud intellectuals are unfit for His use.
I would not have believed this, had I not seen the miracles from time to time covering thirty years with my own eyes. I was raised up in an intellectual, atheist home and environment. But I had to flee from that, to save my sanity and life. Later I was rescued by the faith in Christ. But I must confess that I also envied him, whereas I should have been ashamed of my unworthiness and enormous ego. He lived a short while with me, but I was unworthy of him, so he went away. He was reconciled to his people latter, who came to respect the power of Christ in him. All of them accepted baptism and requested him to reside with them. But he remained home for a short duration only, because He had to fulfill his preordained mission of healing poor simple rural people. By now he must have cured millions of people with Christ’s power. He was abused, insulted and attacked by murderous gangs. But Jesus protected him. He was not a saint, as he had all the weaknesses like us, especially about women. When he sinned Christ went away leaving him powerless and depressed. But when he repented and wept, Christ’s power came back to him. Again he could heal people. He gave me a short biography written by another. But due to carelessness I lost it. But I have read it and remember some part of it where he narrates his varieties of experience. There was the curious instance when Hindu gods sent him their devotees, commanding them to be disciple of Christ leaving them, but this discipleship can't be attained by the power of gods and man. Only God, the Holy Spirit, can help in this objective. He only helps those who repent and continue to obey through suffering and persecutions. So those people sent by gods failed to be Disciples of Christ.
Ghosts refuse heaven during exorcism.
Halder come to my locality and worked in some villages. I invited him to my place. Here he healed many people. Before healing he preached about Christ with sermons and songs. He divided the people into two groups sick and possessed. For the sick and maimed he prayed and gave prayed over oil or water to be administered like medicine. When the possessed were brought before him he put his palm in front of their face chanting “Jesus has bought me by his blood. No one can claim me from him. I am his” Then the possessed would fall down in a swoon. Halder would ask then “Who are you?” Another voice in the patient would answer, that was the ghosts’ voice, while the possessed one remained unconscious. He would ask the ghost his past history and why he had entered the patient. The ghost gave some causes, like the possessed one defecating under their tree or shelter, standing shamelessly with hair streaming loose, thinking impure thoughts, taking flower or food dedicated to a deity. The later two examples are in case of possession by deities. Then Halder would ask them to go away. They usually said that they have no place to go; they were so lonely and suffering that they entered into that person to get shelter and respite from their torments. Many possessions were by souls who had committed suicide. Their suffering and guilt were too much to bear. They told that entering that person they got a respite and pleaded to him pathetically, not to drive them away. But Halder commanded them to go. When they disobeyed, he sprinkled blessed water on them. They howled in pain and agreed to go. He commanded them to do something before they left, like taking a broom in the mouth and run some distance. Then that possessed one would do that and fall down unconscious again. Regaining consciousness he or she would be self again, oblivious to what had happened. Non-Christian exorcists, common in villages, also drive away ghosts by inflicting terrible pains, sometimes causing permanent injury or even death to the patient. They command the ghosts to do things impossible for humans, before departing, like breaking the highest branch in a high tree. I have not witnessed their exorcisms but heard from my fellow teacher colleagues who had seen it and from numerous other people. In villages, exorcism is a common occurrence. People throng to see such a scene. There are many possessed people too who do not create much problem. So they are left alone. In time the harmless ghost become one with the possessed one’s soul giving him some power. But the evil souls create havoc on the possessed one creating suicidal, anti social tendencies often leading to crime, suicide, diseases and madness.
Some unbelievers argue that these are cleverly conjured by the possessed and the exorcist; there is no ghost or possession. They even deny the existence of a soul like my father did. But I have seen so many incidents of exorcism that faking is impossible. Halder cured, may be a hundred cases in one place, the patients coming from far and near, totally unknown to him. He often saw the patient for the first time. He took no fees. But people sometimes gave voluntary donations. Let me describe some cases at Islampur and Nimtala 20 kms apart.
Here a woman suffering from bouts of weeping and violence was brought. Qualified doctors could not cure her with psychic medicines. Halder chanted the Christian song and she fell down unconscious. Being asked “Who are you?” the ghost replied in a male voice “I am an ex-havilder of the army.” On questioning how he died, he said “My wife accused me of having an affair, so I took poison”. Halder asked some proof of his identity. So the habildar ghost started a military march shouting military commands in English from the lips of that illiterate lady. Then Halder asked him to go away as he was making her sick. He pleaded that he was suffering and had no place to go. In that lady he got relief and shelter. Being told to go to Sunderban, a forest in South Bengal, he answered that he doesn’t know the place. Halder said “If you want to go to heaven I can pray to God for that”. The ghost said “I am a suicidal soul, so I don’t want to go to heaven”. Sprinkling holy water Halder again commanded him to go out. Writhing in pain he agreed, but warned “I shall come back to her when I can get an opportunity”. Then he went out and lady became unconscious again. Regaining consciousness she cringed in shame, being exposed to public in shameful position. She became cured. But she did not obey Halder’s advice to pray regularly to God and Jesus, read the Bible and repent for her sins. So after some days the ghost again attacked her. This time also Halder freed her. After that we had no news of her.
Why ghosts refuse heaven when all desire it in earth? People of world know heaven vaguely as a place of only merry making. But going to afterlife they know better that heaven is a place of mutual loving self-sacrifice and responsibility. Evil souls especially those committing suicide has rejected responsibility and love. So they had rejected the essence of heaven. Likewise did the denizens of hell. So they reject heaven in afterlife.
Another exorcism by Haldereswar. One girl suffering from acute mental depression came to my center in Islampur. She was taken to mental doctors, who could not cure her. All they did was to give her some sedatives. Suspecting her of being possessed by a ghost, very common in villages, they brought her before Halder. He started with the chant and the girl fell down unconscious. Then Halder enquired who she was. The ghost answered that she was a suicidal soul living in her. He enquired how she had died. She answered that her mother scolded her and she took poison. She was commanded to go out but she refused. So Halder sprinkled holy water on her and she screamed in pain and went out. The lady whom the ghost has possessed became conscious and cringed in shame for being exposed to so many people, drenched and disheveled, oblivious to what had happened to her. After that she became normal.
I have personally seen his and other exorcists’ miracle healings. My intention is to strengthen people’s faith in God and in the afterlife of the soul. The falsehood of Atheism, agnosticism, materialism all are endangering people and leading them to self-deception. When we base ourselves on falsehood, destruction is sure. I was also on the brink of it due to these falsehoods. But Christ opened my eyes to the truth and saved me though I was his mortal enemy. Indeed I was an enemy to those who loved me and tried to save me. In my heart the Devils of pride, bitterness, lust, anger was in control. I would have joined with the enemies of Jesus to crucify him had I been there in the Calvary having worse hatred and blind anger than the Pharisees. But still he saved me from the hate-fire burning within me. We are all more or less in the same category rushing to inevitable conflagration of A-bomb and third world war which will pull us down to the level of demons, creating hell. This conflagration is the continuation of the fire we kindled in our paradise (Rev12,7-12)before our fall by rejecting Heavenly Father and becoming disciple of Satan as Adam became, degrading ourselves together. All the degradations we see around are our own making, rebelling against Father and fatherhood. We can still save ourselves by repenting and coming to Jesus, the supreme repentance of the Heavenly Father. Then, if death of the body comes naturally or by Atomic war then we will die with hope and love, ready for heaven. Others will die in hate and despair, ready for hell.
I now have to tell the painful truth that later Halder offended Christ seriously. For that he can’t be blamed much as he lived a lonely insecure life of privation wondering among unknown people and wild places far away from family. Women always surrounded him being benefitted mostly and among them were many loose women.
Though Christ has not taken away healing power totally, it had become much less. He began to suffer from sickness too. Miraculous power is dangerous as it makes one proud and thus estranged from Christ. Besides miracles, even strong faith to raise the dead don’t save souls but love generated repentance does by bringing in Holy Spirit. I feel much burdened for him. Please pray that Christ saves him.