ECT The Resurrection Question that terminates D'ism

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The middle of Romans 10. that's not written about just getting Israel to believe; it is written to get them to do what they were meant to do. V15. They don't have beautiful feet because they are perfect bio-specimens, but because they take the Gospel everywhere. That's why, once you understand that, the whole of ch 11 looks different. ch 11 is not excitement about a future in the land; it is trying to leverage their (Israel's) background and aggressiveness to work in the mission.

Acts 13:47. After explaining that the resurrection is what completes things promised to Israel, he explains that it should take the light of Messiah to the world. It is light to the world insofar as it takes Messiah to the world. Not in itself. Not because there will be a 'kingdom in Israel.' This is another exact location in Acts, where, if there was supposed to be a kingdom (which D'ism believes from 1:8 and 3:21), Paul would have said so. Or else the apostles were quite possibly the most absent-minded collection of teachers ever assembled in history, because they systematically forget what is so important so often, on so many occasions, when theirs and others lives are at stake!

Psalm ___. "The Lord gave the word, and great was the multitude of those who proclaimed it."

Hi and post 100 will again not be answered ??

So , Rom 5:14 escapes your grammar ??

As always , you write good , but with no content ??

We all need to study 1 Cor 11:1 and never believe when error is presented !!

dan p
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