The Plot: The Law of Moses


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Theology Thursday: The Plot: The Law of Moses

This is the show from Thursday December 11th, 2014


The Plot: On today's Theology Thursday, we present part one of The Plot: The Law of Moses from the audio series based on the book The Plot by Bob Enyart. For the next several weeks we will present portions of the other Plot audios as well as The Plot Boys audio teaching series for kids.

Today's Resource: The Plot

The Bible Gets Easier to Understand:

Apparent contradictions plague many Bible students. The Plot demonstrates how hundreds of such contradictions disappear when the reader applies the big picture of the Bible to its details. Tunnel vision focuses so narrowly on a problem that the solution often lies just out of view. As the pastor of Denver Bible Church, Bob Enyart teaches Christians how to use the whole counsel of God to understand the plot of the Bible and solve biblical mysteries.

The Plot is available in book form or you can listen to the entire teaching series on MP-CD or MP3 downloads or get The Plot Boys for kids!
