Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Why are some people saved and others damned? The Calvinist
would say: "God chose whom He would save before the
foundation of the world." They would add: "He therefore, chose
who would be damned for eternity."

That's the reason they would give as to why some are saved and
others reject God's provisions. They claim that mankind is totally
depraved and is unable to choose God's Grace. In Romans 10:17
we are told: "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the
word of God." Most people would admit, this is how they came to
a saving knowledge of the Grace of God.

They heard the Grace Gospel and either accepted the message
or rejected it. The non-Calvinist, those who believe in free-will choice
would admit they heard the Gospel, believed it, and placed
their faith in Christ as their Lord and Savior. Calvinists believe that the
missing piece of the puzzle is, God's sovereign will to choose whom He will
save and whom He will damn for eternity.

The non-Calvinist would say: "The missing piece of the puzzle (why
some become saved and others not.) is based upon man's free-will
choice and the work of the Holy Spirit drawing men to Christ." As I've
testified a number of times, I asked my Mom if we were going to Hell?
The year was 1962 and I was twelve years old. My family weren't
church goers, we went maybe twice a year, Christmas and Easter.

We usually attended a Lutheran or Methodist church as I recall. I
believe the Holy Spirit led me to ask that question about Hell. Right
after I asked that question, a week or so went by and we moved to
an apartment in Garden Grove California. My Sister befriended a
neighbor girl, her Dad happened to be an assistant Pastor at a local
non-denominational church.

They preached the Grace Gospel to our family and we all placed our
faith in Christ as our Savior. I believe that the Holy Spirit placed our
family in a position of hearing the true Gospel and hence, we believed.
When Christ ascended into Heaven to sit on the throne beside His
Father, the Holy Spirit was sent into the world.

During His earthly ministry, Christ preached the Kingdom Message to
His chosen people. (The House of Israel) When the Holy Spirit was sent
into this world, His ministry was/is to draw all men to Christ,
and the message of God's Grace. I believe the Holy Spirit draws all
men. However, not all men will be willing to place their faith in Christ
and become a member of the Body of Christ.

I believe the missing piece of the puzzle, of why some receive the
Gospel and some reject it is, God created man with a free-will as
He did the angels. (Including Lucifer) The Holy Spirit is in the world
to persuade, not force God's Grace on anyone. There may come a
time in a persons life when they have hardened their heart/mind
to such an extent that, the Holy Spirit may discontinue to strive with
that individual? Perhaps that individual may be unable to be reached?

1 Timothy 2:4 "who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the
knowledge of the truth." This verse is speaking about God's desire.


Dear Grosnick,

I really don't know what to tell you except, I think you got it right in your last paragraph (2nd to last). I think you already have the answer of the matter!! It is God's Will that none shall perish. I don't know if I can phrase this right, but I think that more will be saved even at the Second Death, so people get saved during certain eras.

May God Bless You Abundantly, GM!!



New member
How dose god choose souls from the foundations of the earth?
Why is Abrahams seed, blood line only the said chosen people?
Jhn 6:65
And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.

SO SOME...over came Them by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB.
I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.

Then the Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat?
SO JOHN Taught them how? for jesus was eaten up an gone by those, except not given of the father? And did the jew's not already have the promise of the sons Father, written aboveWhy should they eat whats being served to those that have not been given?
John saying....Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.
Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.
Again..John said to the jews...jesus said For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.
He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. (John inDeed)
And many diciples..walked off..
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New member
Grosnick Marowbe,
Let me first remind you that ALL scripture is inspired by God, both the Hebrew and the Greek, 2Timothy 3:16,17.
Allow me to start first in the Hebrew Scriptures. Consider Ezekiel 18:21-24, which scriptures show that no one is required to remain in his condition, whether good or bad, all can change. Also Ezekiel, chapters 3and 33 say the same thing, chapter 3:18-21, chapter 33:8,9, 14-19.
The Greek Scriptures tell exactly the same thing. Think first about Jesus teaching, and teaching his disciples to teach. If their destiny was already determined, what would the teaching be for?? Consider 1Timothy 2:3,4, which says that God wants ALL people to be saved, and come to an accurate knowledge of the truth. Also 2Peter 3:9, which tells us that God is patient with us, because He wants ALL to attain to repentance.
Think about this, even men, who are all sinners, would condemn people to everlasting cutting off, without giving them the opportunity to change. The Almighty God, whose Proper Name is Jehovah, is much more forgiving than men, Psalms 86:5. As the Bible says, God is righteous, and Just in all His judgments, Deuteronomy 32:4, Job 34:10-12.
The Bible is clear about what it is that can condemn a person, it is his heart condition, not Jehovah God. Notice how Jesus stated this point, Matthew 13:13-15. Mark 7:20-23. Consider Jeremiah 17:9,10, 2Chronicles 16:9.
The Bible tells us that no wicked people can understand, Daniel 12:10. Also the Bible tells us that, even the wicked are shown favor they just will not learn righteousness, Isaiah 26:10.
Just how much does God want everyone to live?? God gave His own son to save EVERYONE that will put their trust in Him and His son, John 3:15-18.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the missing piece of the puzzle

unconditional election does not require it

the other missing piece

you are what you do
this will still require mercy

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Does anybody else have any theories/opinions on why
some get saved and some don't? Other than the Calvinist
view or the free-will view? That would be interesting.


The saved are elected from before the foundation of the earth according to God's good pleasure.

The non elect were passed over.

All have sinned, all were condemned before the foundation of the world.

If God did not elect some from the mass of humanity who were already condemned and heading to hell then none would be saved because none would ever come to Christ without the Father drawing them.

Adam did not choose God but hid himself and that is exactly what Grosnik would have done if it were not for the grace to believe. The seed of the gospel has a life of its own. Once it has been received it grows of itself.

People can believe that God grants them salvation for choosing to believe if they want to but in that thinking they are making faith a merit/work.

False Prophet

New member
Satan challenged God's sovereignty in the Garden of Eden when he told Eve that she would not die for eating the forbidden fruit. Men have lived in rebellion to God ever since. God will settle the issue at the Battle of Armageddon and the Millennium. Satan will be bound for a thousand years, and the end of that time he will be let loose again. All final rebellion will end at this time once and for all when men see that they cannot live without God.