The left loses its cool

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The left loses its cool
‘When you’re violent and cursing and screaming and blocking me from walking into a movie, there’s something wrong,’ said one top GOP official.
By MARC CAPUTO and DANIEL LIPPMAN 06/25/2018 05:04 AM EDT Updated 06/26/2018 11:31 AM EDT

Two senior Trump administration officials were heckled at restaurants. A third was denied service. Florida GOP Attorney General Pam Bondi required a police escort away from a movie about Mister Rogers after activists yelled at her in Tampa — where two other Republican lawmakers say they were also politically harassed last week, one of them with her kids in tow.

In the Donald Trump era, the left is as aggressively confrontational as at any time in recent memory.

What it means for 2018 — whether it portends a blue wave of populist revolt for Democrats or a red wall of silent majority resistance from Republicans — largely depends on one’s political persuasion. But there’s a bipartisan sense that this election season marks another inflection point in the collapse of civil political discourse.

Few disagree that Democrats are marching, protesting and confronting Republican officials with more intensity during the midterm elections than at any time in decades. The progressive fervor recalls conservative opposition to the previous president in his first midterm, when Democratic members of Congress were left running from disruptive town halls and ended up being crushed at the polls in November.

"If you see anybody from that Cabinet — in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station — you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” implored California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters at a Saturday rally, prompting an immediate conservative backlash on social media.

The intense, in-your-face approach toward public officials is only expected to intensify, fueled by social media and what appears to be an increasingly polarized and angry electorate.

“It is part of a trend,” said Bondi, a close Trump ally who came face-to-face with protesters Friday at the Tampa Theatre before and after a screening of the Mister Rogers documentary “Won't You Be My Neighbor?”

“When you’re violent and cursing and screaming and blocking me from walking into a movie, there’s something wrong,” she said. “The next people are going to come with guns. That’s what’s going to happen.”

According to Bondi, she and a friend were confronted at least four times — while buying tickets, entering the theater, standing in line at the concession stand and then on their way out — and that activists were aggressive in each instance, with one yelling so loudly at her that he spit in her hair, either unintentionally or because he meant to expectorate on her. She said they also taunted her friend as “blue eyes” and asked him in a threatening manner if he was going to protect her, as though they wanted to fight.

The activists tell a different story.

“Pam Bondi’s version of events is inaccurate and don’t reflect what happened,” said Tim Heberlein, Tampa Bay regional director for the progressive group Organize Florida. He said he and a handful of fellow activists coincidentally ran into Bondi at the movie.

Heberlein said the videos the group released don’t comport with Bondi’s version of events. Bondi said the reason for that is that the activists released only the videos showing what happened as they were leaving the movie, when Tampa Police were there and everyone was on their best behavior.

Heberlein said the activists tried to talk to Bondi about her policies and political stances: support for Trump, and her longstanding opposition to Obamacare in the courts.

“This wasn’t a tactic to mobilize voters. This was a couple folks just going to see a movie. And the attorney general, our elected representative, is there,” Heberlein said. “There’s a lot more of an energized base around progressive voting, just people impacted by this administration’s policies, including Pam Bondi. People are aware and very hyper-cognizant about how it affects the state and how it affects them in their personal lives.”

In talking to POLITICO, Heberlein said he needed to be cautious about his remarks because Bondi is the “top law enforcement officer” in the state and she had called the actions of his group an assault. Earlier, to The Tampa Bay Times, he had more swagger: “If you refuse to meet with us, we're coming to where you're at. We're coming to where you're watching a movie or eating dinner”

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Two senior Trump administration officials were heckled at restaurants.

Any broken bones, or did only the names harm them? :)

A third was denied service. Florida GOP Attorney General Pam Bondi required a police escort away from a movie about Mister Rogers after activists yelled at her in Tampa — where two other Republican lawmakers say they were also politically harassed last week, one of them with her kids in tow.
All treated for 3rd degree ego bruises and released back into the wild.

Don't you have any new outrage?

In the Donald Trump era, the left is as aggressively confrontational as at any time in recent memory.
That's fair.

What it means for 2018...But there’s a bipartisan sense that this election season marks another inflection point in the collapse of civil political discourse.
Republicans haven't tried to engage in civil discourse since Reagan.

Few disagree that Democrats are marching, protesting and confronting Republican officials with more intensity during the midterm elections than at any time in decades.

The intense, in-your-face approach toward public officials is only expected to intensify, fueled by social media and what appears to be an increasingly polarized and angry electorate.
That happens when the majority of Americans don't control a majority of power.

“It is part of a trend,” said Bondi, a close Trump ally who came face-to-face with protesters Friday at the Tampa Theatre before and after a screening of the Mister Rogers documentary “Won't You Be My Neighbor?”“When you’re violent and cursing and screaming and blocking me from walking into a movie, there’s something wrong,” she said. “The next people are going to come with guns. That’s what’s going to happen.”
No, that's Bondi's fantasy. What's going to happen will happen at the polls. This is just an angry, embarrassed majority expressing outrage in a way that Bondi appears to misrepresent, not particularly shocking given who she is and what she supports.

I omit Bondi's fantasy about what transpired, where she wasn't in any way harmed, leading to police doing literally nothing to those who confronted her. And if you think the police wouldn't have acted on any semblance of disorder you haven't been paying attention to the police and how they respond to the concerns of power.



New member
Any broken bones, or did only the names harm them?

I guess you wouldn't mind being unable to sit down at a restaurant without being screamed at continually until you left???

Perhaps peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the rest of your days is cool with you????

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That happens when the majority of Americans don't control a majority of power.

is this the consequence (finally!) of your mythical "lack of mandate"?

angry leftists chanting like retards?

angry leftists impotently shaking their fists and giving voice to infantile outbursts?

townclown said:
What's going to happen will happen at the polls.

if you don't mind, i believe i'll ignore your predictions about the polls, seeing as you were completely wrong last time

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I guess you wouldn't mind being unable to sit down at a restaurant without being screamed at continually until you left???

if i had been a patron in one of those restaurants, i believe i would have been tempted to persuade those retarded leftists that they would be safer elsewhere


New member
That happens when the majority of Americans don't control a majority of power.

Go complain to Jefferson and Madison.

All areas of the nation must share power. All power cannot be held by a razor thin geographical area on the coasts.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I wrote, That happens when the majority of Americans don't control a majority of power.

Go complain to Jefferson and Madison.
That would be about as productive as your telling me to do it. And while I'm for abolishing the EC, in that instance I was simply noting where the increased activity and hostility of many Americans is coming from.

All areas of the nation must share power.
No argument there. Do you think that's happening at present?

All power cannot be held by a razor thin geographical area on the coasts.
As opposed to a razor thin imaginary line where land matters more than people?

Power that is held exclusively in towns with one million plus population is tyranny.
The problem with that is that the Senate and House will still exist. But the president should represent the people, not a de facto gerrymandering.

The vast majority of the population was against gay marriage but I suppose majority vote doesn't matter then?
The majority vote does matter. You just have to have enough of it to make a Constitutional Amendment. But then, there's a vast difference between suggesting the people should directly elect a president in our republic and suggesting that we put a thumb on the scale of right to favor the majority, which is what your complaint amounts to.



The left loses its cool

The fact that a sitting President is supposed to make decisions that take into account the interests of all Americans, not just those who voted for him, is a political fact that Trump has chosen to ignore!

These public outbursts directed at Trump appointees are symptomatic of a growing unrest with a President whose actions are designed to satisfy 1/3 of the electorate - while effectively disenfranchising the rest!


Hall of Fame
The left loses its cool

The fact that a sitting President is supposed to make decisions that take into account the interests of all Americans, not just those who voted for him, is a political fact that Trump has chosen to ignore!

These public outbursts directed at Trump appointees are symptomatic of a growing unrest with a President whose actions are designed to satisfy 1/3 of the electorate - while effectively disenfranchising the rest!

Something about what's good for the goose ...

Trump set the tone with all of his attacks ... his henchmen/women need to get over it. Boo hoo ... they get heckled and booed out of restaurants. It's not like they or their families are stuck in cages.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The intense, in-your-face approach toward public officials is only expected to intensify, fueled by social media and what appears to be an increasingly polarized and angry electorate.

That happens when the majority of Americans don't control a majority of power.

it would be interesting to see you rebut jgarden or rusha on the advisability of harassing government employees and their families in the public square

do you have any comments on Unites States Congresswoman Maxine Waters' exhortation to her followers "If you see anybody from (Trump's} Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere..." ?

what i'm looking for in particular is your own thoughts on the state of affairs, not whether they're within their legal rights or whether you think this is the way democracy should or shouldn't proceed

i'll model what i'm looking for

My opinion is that waters should be charged with fomenting harassment, at least, and if any of her followers takes it to the next level and engages in violence, waters should be charged as an accomplice. Her words of incitement are reckless and will only lead to an escalation. The political body is dry as tinder, waters (and to be fair trump) have poured gasoline on it and all it needs is one spark to go up in flames

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Boo hoo ... they get heckled and booed out of restaurants.

i don't remember this happening with obama staffers

do you?

in fact, the last similar instance that comes to mind was kissinger in the seventies

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
it would be interesting to see you rebut jgarden or rusha on the advisability of harassing government employees and their families in the public square
I think families should be out of bounds. If I was in a public place and saw a public figure with his children I'd leave them alone. I don't see the good served by it. There are more constructive ways to protest and they're better for everyone.

I suspect a lot of people are finding it amusing the conservatives who once and frequently made a point of speaking to the fragility of the left are wailing like snowflakes now over treatment that didn't so much put a hair out of place. And it is funny. But the potential isn't and it's especially ill-considered for public figures to encourage it, be they Waters in her extolling, or Trump talking about what would happen to hecklers in the day.

do you have any comments on Unites States Congresswoman Maxine Waters' exhortation to her followers "If you see anybody from (Trump's} Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere..." ?
As a guiding principle, I'm perfectly fine with giving a public servant an earful within the letter of the law. That's constituent feedback. It comes with the job. Telling anyone, public servant or private citizen, that they aren't welcome in a public place is something else and I'm against it. And suggesting the creation of a hostile mob is never a good idea.

what i'm looking for in particular is your own thoughts on the state of affairs, not whether they're within their legal rights or whether you think this is the way democracy should or shouldn't proceed
You say that but in the model you give you do just that, speak to legality and consequence instead of what you said you wanted. I don't like what I'm seeing out of either side these days. It's pointlessly confrontational in a way that doesn't serve argument and continues to transform the public square into something more like a boxing ring, where the point is to pummel and win, instead of serve the public interest.