The Lawyers that convicted Hovind were Pedophiles


New member
Creationists that dislike hovind are ones that want to be loved by the world usually. Plus they think he's a conspiracy nut bc he points out the fact that the world is ruled by a secret government made up of oligarchs. There are also disinfo agents who just want to falsely accuse men like hovind.

Hovind blames the Trail of Tears on the theory of evolution, even though it happened decades before anyone ever heard of evolution.

Interestingly, he said "the implementation of the NWO's world-domination plan was May 5, 2000." Maybe they were involved in the hanging chad conspiracy that got their new leader elected that year?

He thinks laetrile is a cancer cure.

He is not a scientist, he was a high school science teacher that suffers from severe paranoia, like you and Naz. It's sad, really.

I agree that the guy shouldn't be in jail. . . He should be in a mental institution getting the help he needs.


New member
A bizzare twist has journalists and experts from all over the USA
commenting on the Hovind Case now:

I believe the government sees Hovind and Hansen as a continuing problem that has to be squashed. Because there are more extreme forms of sovereign citizen belief. From liens that require court actions to remove, we move on to sovereign citizen house squatters, sovereign citizen burglars and sovereign citizen bank robbers all the way up to sovereign citizens who have been a real threat to law enforcement. Some police officers have died at the hands of self-declared sovereigns.

Law enforcement officials have said in 2015 that sovereign citizens are a bigger threat than Islamic terrorism. As a result, the government has made it very clear it is not going to put up with sovereign citizen theories because of where they could lead people.

I agree with you, Peter, that this is a tragic situation, but it’s one entirely of Kent Hovind’s own making. I can’t help but wonder if Hovind were to get out of jail on parole in August, as had originally been the plan, if he wouldn’t be back in prison a short time later for failing to cooperate with the terms of his parole. Certainly he would be required to be conventionally tax compliant and get a job with W-2 withholdings. (It’s not likely the terms of his parole would allow him to take up itinerant creation evangelism again.) I could very much see Kent objecting strenuously...

That's right. Even neutral parties are noticing some very strange things
about this case.

Why and how can Hovind's terms of parole prevent him or
ban him from practising his own religion in the future?

How can the government stop him from preaching,
if its not even 'hate speech' against a recognizable ethnic or religious group?

This is draconian Secular Communism at its worst.


New member
They went after Kent to stop him from preaching the Bible. Period. People were starting to know who he is and they had to stop him.


New member
They're stalking Steve Anderson in AZ too. Anyone who preaches the truth and starts to become more well known is someone the state goes after.


New member
Pastor Stephen Anderson actually preaches hate, when he should perhaps stick to preaching the Bible.

Warning: Hate being preached!

Wow that was great!

I never heard of this guy,
but he's welcome to preach in our church.

thanks for the link!

Bless you alwight!



New member
Wow that was great!

I never heard of this guy,
but he's welcome to preach in our church.

thanks for the link!

Bless you alwight!
It seems you just can't beat a hate filled bigoted windbag for entertainment value and your moral compass Naz.


New member
It seems you just can't beat a hate filled bigoted windbag for entertainment value and your moral compass Naz.

Would you say the same thing if he ranted about rapists, or child molestors?

How about serial killers or mob hit men?

I just want to know if there is EVER a case where a liberal would
say its ok to get angry or express disgust or hatred.

Are you saying hatred is itself a completely forbidden taboo?

Is hate a sin, or do you still believe that all 'sins' are relative and anything goes?

And if so, have you ever been angry, hated someone or ranted?


New member

Guilty of 58 counts, including failure to pay $845,000 in employee-related taxes.

Two hung juries later?

Judge orders retrials because she can't stand the outcomes?

There is no such thing as "employee related taxes".

Employees pay taxes. They pay their own taxes.
If he had employees and they didn't pay their taxes,
then Kent Hovind is innocent, and his employees should be charged
with income tax evasion.

The charge of income tax evasion has never stuck on any
"alleged employee" of Kent Hovind or his CHURCH MINISTRY....

So what are you talking about?

Most Christians pay their taxes, what makes this con artist think that he shouldn't?

Are you unaware that churches haven't paid taxes since the Reformation?

You seem to be part of the disinformation engine
operating to obscure what really happened here.

But to sum up,
a man was put in jail for 10 years straight,
for 'structuring', that is, making withdrawals of his own money
from his own bank account less than $10,000 at a time,
like any normal person using a bank account for day to day business.

The whole made up charge of "structuring" is supposed to show

Intent to 'hide' money from ill gotten or illegal means like
drug dealing or money laundering for organized crime.

Instead, the prosecutors, one of whom is a convicted child molester,
called Kent Hovind himself "organized crime" in order to weasel
a bogus conviction.

But Kent Hovind has never engaged in ANY typical or even rare
illegal business which organized crime groups do, like:

drug dealing, extortion, betting, theft, fencing goods, prostitution,
pornography, bars and hotels, gun running, operating stills,
collecting protection money etc.

The only thing Kent Hovind did was assume his church status
was safe and reasonable, since he was PREACHING THE GOSPEL.

But thanks for playing.


New member
P.S. Culture Warrior:

Guilty of 58 counts,...
Hovind made 58 withdrawals, and they charged him with 58 'counts'.

But "structuring" cannot apply to single withdrawals.

Its only 'structuring' with intent to hide larger withdrawals,
if you make multiple small withdrawals to move a larger amount of cash.

Thats the only sensible interpretation.

If Hovind made 58 withdrawals to hide a large sum of money,
then he's guilty of ONE COUNT.

This is the obvious correct interpretation,
and we know it because
they have charged the house speaker with the same charge of "structuring",
for making 90 payments under $10,000.

But they only charged him with ONE COUNT.

Even if the house speaker is guilty, they will only find him guilty of
ONE COUNT for 90 withdrawals of sums smaller than $10,000.

Even if instead we count the "alleged employees" supposedly paid
who didn't themselves pay income tax on their income,
that would be less than 10 COUNTS.

If you could COUNT we could COUNT on you to see the hypocritical
persecution of Hovind.


Your link uses the title "convicted on 58 counts" sarcastically,
and if you read the article it clearly takes the position that
Hovind was betrayed by criminal Judases.

Guilty of 58 counts, including failure to pay $845,000 in employee-related taxes.


There is no such thing as "employee related taxes".

According to the wiki article Hovind didn't pay Social Security taxes on his employees.

Are you unaware that churches haven't paid taxes since the Reformation?

According to the wiki article Hovind didn't have a tax exempt status for Dinosaur Land. and other businesses. What makes Dr. Dino better than other Christians who have to get a tax exempt status?

But to sum up,
a man was put in jail for 10 years straight,
for 'structuring', that is, making withdrawals of his own money
from his own bank account less than $10,000 at a time,
like any normal person using a bank account for day to day business.

Gee, think of all of the gas money Hovind could have saved if he'd just made one large deposit instead of numerous ones under the IRS $10,000 limit.

Care to address why Hovind didn't get a building permit for the park?

Dinosaur Adventure Land buildings were closed by county officials, and the Florida circuit court found the owners in contempt, ordering fines of $500 for each day the buildings were used.[37] Hovind argued he did not need a permit due to the nature of the building, but after a 5-year court battle over the $50 building permit, on June 5, 2006, Hovind pled nolo contendere as charged to three counts: constructing a building without a permit, refusing to sign a citation,[114] and violating the county building code.[115][37] Hovind paid fines totaling $675.[114][115]

Or how about the NY Times article stating the following?

In 2003, Hovind would tell The New York Times, "I haven't filed a tax return in 30 years."

I pay my taxes. If Kent Hovind has a problem with paying taxes, there are legitimate ways to get legislation changed.


New member
Care to address why Hovind didn't get a building permit for the park?

Dinosaur Adventure Land buildings were closed by county officials, and the Florida circuit court found the owners in contempt, ordering fines of $500 for each day the buildings were used.[37] Hovind argued he did not need a permit due to the nature of the building, but after a 5-year court battle over the $50 building permit, on June 5, 2006, Hovind pled nolo contendere as charged to three counts: constructing a building without a permit, refusing to sign a citation,[114] and violating the county building code.[115][37] Hovind paid fines totaling $675.

Have you ever owed parking tickets (oh thats right, you're a cop).

According to your own quote, he finally entered 'no contest' and
paid the fines.

I don't see a problem with delaying paying fines,
perhaps hoping they will be dropped or lessened.
Its the standard practice in every courtroom dealing with fines
that I've ever seen or heard of.

And if someone pays the fine, they are now FREE.

That is, paying the fine IS the punishment. There is no further punishment.

He paid his fine, and it has nothing to do with this case,
unless you are suggesting that stalling on minor fines
makes a person an Organized Crime member under RICO.

I would guess that 80% of Christians who drive cars have
received tickets and tried to get fines reduced, and then paid them.
And another 10% probably have outstanding fines right now.

Are they organized criminals? Is that evidence for organized crime,
or even that Hovind is some kind of shadey criminal?

Cops probably almost never get tickets or pay fines.
Does that make them even worse organized thugs?