The Gospel that Reconciles, Justifies, Sanctifies and Redeems

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Jesus is our reconciler, justifier, sanctifier and redeemer. Not the Catholic church, not Calvinism, not any religion or denomination. Christ and Christ alone reconciles, justifies, sanctifies and redeems lost sinners.

"To him that does NO WORKS, but believes on him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness" Romans 4:5.

The reason that salvation is by grace through faith is because the work of salvation has ALREADY been done. This is why Paul wrote...

"And you are COMPLETE in him who is the head of all principality and power" Colossians 2"10"

If Jesus is the one that reconciles, justifies, sanctifies and redeems, then what good is religion? To not believe that Jesus reconciles, justifies, sanctifies and redeems is to not believe the Gospel. To not believe the Gospel means that you are outside of the faith and are still in your sins.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Jesus said, "Repent and believe the gospel."

Maybe some day you'll discover Jesus' gospel.

But then again...


I already know what is Jesus Gospel.

It is the Gospel that justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:19.

I have embraced this Gospel as my only means of salvation. What are you embracing?


Jesus is our reconciler, justifier, sanctifier and redeemer. Not the Catholic church, not Calvinism, not any religion or denomination. Christ and Christ alone reconciles, justifies, sanctifies and redeems lost sinners.

"To him that does NO WORKS, but believes on him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness" Romans 4:5.

The reason that salvation is by grace through faith is because the work of salvation has ALREADY been done. This is why Paul wrote...

"And you are COMPLETE in him who is the head of all principality and power" Colossians 2"10"

If Jesus is the one that reconciles, justifies, sanctifies and redeems, then what good is religion? To not believe that Jesus reconciles, justifies, sanctifies and redeems is to not believe the Gospel. To not believe the Gospel means that you are outside of the faith and are still in your sins.

Robert Pate,

You just keep hitting home runs!


Sent from my iPad using TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus is our reconciler, justifier, sanctifier and redeemer. Not the Catholic church, not Calvinism, not any religion or denomination. Christ and Christ alone reconciles, justifies, sanctifies and redeems lost sinners.

"To him that does NO WORKS, but believes on him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness" Romans 4:5.

The reason that salvation is by grace through faith is because the work of salvation has ALREADY been done. This is why Paul wrote...

"And you are COMPLETE in him who is the head of all principality and power" Colossians 2"10".

If Jesus is the one that reconciles, justifies, sanctifies and redeems, then what good is religion? To not believe that Jesus reconciles, justifies, sanctifies and redeems is to not believe the Gospel. To not believe the Gospel means that you are outside of the faith and are still in your sins.

You are right; no one can be our Savior and Redeemer. (Isaiah 43:1,3 but the Lord Himself. Not the Catholic Church, not Calvinism, not any other kind of religion but "Christ" only aka the anointed One of the Lord which, according to Prophet Habakkuk 3:13, "The Lord goes forth to save His People; to save His Anointed One." That's what "Christ" means, the Anointed one of the Lord aka Israel, the Son of God. (Exodus 4:22,23) "Israel is My Son, said the Lord,"Let My Son go that He may serve Me." That's why Jesus said that "Salvation comes from the Jews". From the Jews, he said, not from one among the Jews. (John 4:22)

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You are right; no one can be our Savior and Redeemer. (Isaiah 43:1,3 but the Lord Himself. Not the Catholic Church, not Calvinism, not any other kind of religion but "Christ" only aka the anointed One of the Lord which, according to Prophet Habakkuk 3:13, "The Lord goes forth to save His People; to save His Anointed One." That's what "Christ" means, the Anointed one of the Lord aka Israel, the Son of God. (Exodus 4:22,23) "Israel is My Son, said the Lord,"Let My Son go that He may serve Me." That's why Jesus said that "Salvation comes from the Jews". From the Jews, he said, not from one among the Jews. (John 4:22)

How sad. Your Messiah has come and gone and you missed him.