The First New Testament Book and Two Drudge Headlines


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The First New Testament Book and Two Drudge Headlines

This is the show from Wednesday July 8th, 2015


Bob Enyart does his best to not talk about two headlines on the Drudge Report, and quickly gets to the first New Testament book written and its description, surprisingly, of the Apostle Paul distancing himself from the Twelve Apostles. And from there, Bob was able to coast to the finish line as today's fast ride on BEL was all downhill. Oh yeah, and by the way, we're at $3,300 of our vitally important $30,000 telethon goal!

* Telethon Update: We're now at $4,000! Thank you to everyone who has so kindly given toward helping us reach our vital $30,000 goal. Sadly, BEL's steady and high-pitched warnings regarding the moral free fall of our nation have been vindicated. While few heeded and acted upon those warnings, perhaps more people will be looking to biblically-based voices for help in knowing how we should live, given the world's current predicament. Please help BEL financially, and please pray for us, so that we can withstand the assaults coming from every side and continue to help more and more people as we press on toward the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

* BEL Flashback: In the summer of 2005, we aired John Roberts Worked For Homosexual Rights. That show summary has since been updated, as follows:

* 10 Years Later Update: By repeatedly upholding the immoral and socialist, let alone unconstitutional Obamacare, by forcing homosexual marriage upon the state of California (though not the whole country, for merely technical reasons), and by many other unjustice rulings, John Roberts validated the warning about him on this 2005 program and other Bob Enyart Live shows. Meanwhile, a decade later in the summer of 2015, the "conservative" P J Media's report, Love Her or Hate Her, Ann Coulter Warned Us About John Roberts 10 Years Ago credits her for insight. Well at BEL, we love Ann Coulter because Jesus commanded us to, Love your enemies. Consider though the actual dire warnings about Roberts publicized via press release and radio broadcasts by Bob Enyart Live as compared Coulter's wonderings:

It turns out that Ann Coulter sniffed another Souter-esque betrayal in the offing ten years ago:

After pretending to consider various women and minorities for the Supreme Court these past few weeks, President Bush decided to disappoint all the groups he had just ginned up and nominate a white male.

So all we know about him for sure is that he can't dance and he probably doesn't know who Jay-Z is. Other than that, he is a blank slate. Tabula rasa. Big zippo. Nada. Oh, yeah ... We also know he's argued cases before the Supreme Court. Big deal; so has Larry Flynt's attorney.

But unfortunately, other than that that, we don't know much about John Roberts. Stealth nominees have never turned out to be a pleasant surprise for conservatives. Never. Not ever.

* From the BEL YouTube Channel:
