The error in the word ''cross''.

Desert Reign

Humpty Dumpty said ''words mean what I want them to mean'' is that what you're saying?

I'm a consultant in legal services and I can tell you for a fact that words and what they mean is vital.

If you paid as much attention to the way your words string together as you pay to the words in isolation, I would listen to you. You have missing punctuation between 'mean"' and 'is', where you should probably begin a new sentence anyway. You also have a plural subject with a singular verb here: 'words and what they mean is vital.'

These are basic English writing mistakes. I wouldn't usually mention this kind of thing because I am generous and it doesn't help discussion, but you have just told us that words mean things and that you are a legal consultant.

Words in fact don't mean anything unless they come in a proper context. I suggest you take your consultations elsewhere - try them on more gullible people. Your legalism is obvious but I am free in Christ so you won't get me!


New member
If you are blind to the spiritual significance in receiving the correct words as given by the Holy Spirit I shan't try and explain.

If you think I'm blind you should try leading me.

I don't see how this is any more significant than having a Christmas tree. Is your issue with the fact that a pagan symbol was supposedly adopted to represent a crucifix?


New member
If you paid as much attention to the way your words string together as you pay to the words in isolation, I would listen to you. You have missing punctuation between 'mean"' and 'is', where you should probably begin a new sentence anyway. You also have a plural subject with a singular verb here: 'words and what they mean is vital.'

These are basic English writing mistakes. I wouldn't usually mention this kind of thing because I am generous and it doesn't help discussion, but you have just told us that words mean things and that you are a legal consultant.

Words in fact don't mean anything unless they come in a proper context. I suggest you take your consultations elsewhere - try them on more gullible people. Your legalism is obvious but I am free in Christ so you won't get me!

I left school when I was 13 years of age so I never finished full time education. When I left I couldn't write a letter, but it looks as if I'm from a line of ignorant and unlearned men:

‘’Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Yah Shua’’. Acts 4:13 KJV

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; 1 Cor 1:27 KJV
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New member
If you think I'm blind you should try leading me.

I don't see how this is any more significant than having a Christmas tree. Is your issue with the fact that a pagan symbol was supposedly adopted to represent a crucifix?

My issue is with people who bang on about the necessity of preaching the ''cross'', when it's obvious they haven't got a clue what the word means.


New member
It seems to me that the shape of the wood on which Christ died is not nearly as important as the fact that Christ died for us.


New member
It seems to me that the shape of the wood on which Christ died is not nearly as important as the fact that Christ died for us.

The term 'cross', through continued usage, has come to represent something that it was never intended to represent. It has become an object of veneration in many apostate denominations and a form of good luck charm for the superstitious masses.


New member
Yet you accept his concordance?

Partially yes, but it is not authoritative, as in being inspired or Elohim spirited. (God breathed) As a numbering system it is useful. As are the system of chapter and verse numbering of the scriptures*. If you check out a Moffat translation you'll discover his chapter and verse is not the same as the KJV. His verse order is also different and in some cases, his order makes perfect, spiritual sense.

*They were then inserted into Greek manuscripts of the New Testament in the 15th century. Robert Estienne (Robert Stephanus) was the first to number the verses within each chapter, his verse numbers entering printed editions in 1551 (New Testament) and 1571 (Hebrew Bible).


New member
The term 'cross', through continued usage, has come to represent something that it was never intended to represent. It has become an object of veneration in many apostate denominations and a form of good luck charm for the superstitious masses.

The superstitious would do that with any piece of wood, or with anything. A lucky penny or a rabbit's foot come into mind. I'm not saying you are wrong, and I'm not saying I agree with you. Can I just say "I don't know what the shape was but it doesn't really matter, what matters is Christ and Him ἐσταυρωμένον."

On the other hand, if it really doesn't matter to me why I am I posting here at 5:30 in the morning? I really don't know.

May God bless you.


New member
The superstitious would do that with any piece of wood, or with anything. A lucky penny or a rabbit's foot come into mind. I'm not saying you are wrong, and I'm not saying I agree with you. Can I just say "I don't know what the shape was but it doesn't really matter, what matters is Christ and Him ἐσταυρωμένον."

On the other hand, if it really doesn't matter to me why I am I posting here at 5:30 in the morning? I really don't know.

May God bless you.

It's 11:41 here.

I'm just doing a study on the word tree, because it is upon a tree that Messiah was afixed and executed. I was taught that the purpose of exegeses is to discover, not only the root meaning of words, but also to discover what the people who first heard the word understood by it. I would add that it's equally important to understand what word they applied when they saw something.

A few years ago when coming off a mountain, through an old oak wood, it was given to me that there were two trees involved in the evangelism. The tree that gave us the fruit of disobedience at Eden and at Calvary the tree that gave us the fruit of obedience. Firstly through Adam and then via the Last Adam. By using the term ''cross' this important doctrine is lost, because cross does not in any way represent wood or a tree. Starous, pale and stake do represent wood or a tree.

I noticed you used the term ἐσταυρωμένον and this is the term used in my Interlinear, but on further study, I discovered it was originally stauroo 4717 from stauros 4716 only the latest Strong's expanded red-letter edition gives this. Stauroo means to be impaled upon a pale.
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Desert Reign

I left school when I was 13 years of age so I never finished full time education. When I left I couldn't write a letter, but it looks as if I'm from a line of ignorant and unlearned men:

‘’Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Yah Shua’’. Acts 4:13 KJV

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; 1 Cor 1:27 KJV

So why then did you make those claims? This is open hypocrisy on your part. If you thought poor writing skills were a sign of being spiritually mature, why did you make a big fuss about what words mean and you being a legal consultant? If stauros doesn't mean cross (which is entirely unsubstantiated anyway) - but if it doesn't mean cross, then is that not just a foolish mistake which you claim God chooses to shame those who claim to be knowledgeable? Aren't you the one claiming to be knowledgeable here??? It's sickening.


New member
So why then did you make those claims? This is open hypocrisy on your part. If you thought poor writing skills were a sign of being spiritually mature, why did you make a big fuss about what words mean and you being a legal consultant? If stauros doesn't mean cross (which is entirely unsubstantiated anyway) - but if it doesn't mean cross, then is that not just a foolish mistake which you claim God chooses to shame those who claim to be knowledgeable? Aren't you the one claiming to be knowledgeable here??? It's sickening.

If it is truly ''sickening'' why are you even bothering to read and then comment on what I fail to write properly? Why don't you just ignore this ignorant wretch of a man?

When I see certain people start threads on here I don't even bother reading the first post, because I know it's sickening and I stay out.

I think it would have been better if you'd started this post with; So then, why did....etc.

PS I think over use of ? is sickening. Everyone knows what ? means so ??? is completely unnecessary.

PPS I notice from your signature you make a habit of ridiculing people.
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New member
I'm just doing a study on the word tree, because it is upon a tree that Messiah was afixed and executed.

And a tree is more than a stake or post in the ground. A tree has branches. The crossbeam was the branch on which the Branch was nailed.


TOL Subscriber
The error in the word ''cross''.
Next, "truster" will tell us what God accomplished through the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ was also in error.

Nothing to see here, folks. It's just another Bible corrector.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Most people have been brought up to think of a cross, but they have been brought up in error. The scriptures state ‘cursed is he who hangs from a tree’’. Stauros answers to this as the stake or pale it is the central part of a tree with branches cut off.

1 Corinthians 1

18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God

Stake or cross is not his point. He is subtil.