The End Is Come!!


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Hall of Fame
I wish you ( know-it-alls ) would at least read the Book so you'd know a little something about God!!!

((( Colossians 1:23 KJV ))) – “If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of (((( the Gospel )))), which ye have heard, (( and )) which (( was preached to every creature which is under heaven )); whereof (( I Paul am made a minister ))”. ----- (( Now )) ((( Deny ))) ((( It )))!!!!

Paul – 070712

In other words, you cannot provide scriptural evidence that the gospel has already been preached to all nations and that the end has already come.


New member
In other words, you cannot provide scriptural evidence that the gospel has already been preached to all nations and that the end has already come.

((( Of course not ))) - There's not a fool on the Planet that can discern, or understand ((( GOD )))!!! God said so!!! -- I've already ( Proved it )!!!

Paul -- 070812


New member
((( My Post ))) ---- Why do "you" keep writing posts with ((( symbols ))) all over them (your posts)? --- Can't "you" try and write ((( normally ))) ?


It's none of your business if that's the ( only way ) you can respond to (( ALL )), or (( Any ))Threads!!!

Any how!!!! - My Thread: (( "Judgment without the End" )) seems to have been stolen by some God hater, or Liberal, or it got eaten by Big Foot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- I sure can't find it because the days I posted it, it can't be reached in those days. (( It Ain't there ))!!!!!!!!!! - Just how good is that to the members here!!!!!!

Paul -- 091012


New member
The End Is Almost Here!!

What makes you believe that Christ did not come when He said He would?? – Christ did come exactly the way He said that He would!!!
Someone didn’t like my ( Prophesy ) back on ( May 11, 2007 ); - (( “Judgment without the End” ))!!!! - Why??? – Because it is still ( Right On ) the money!!! – How could any ?Christian (( Remove the Truth ))???? – (( They try to shut Him up, and buried HIM ))!!!!! But God will forever say what He says!!!!!!!

Paul – 091012