The Disclosure Project


Eclectic Theosophist
Witness Testimony excerpts.......

Witness Testimony excerpts.......

Salutations all,

Bumping up our research by bringing more government witness testimonies to the fore, part 1 of some executive cuts from the greater archive so far accrued:



Eclectic Theosophist
Witness Excerpts, part 2...............

Witness Excerpts, part 2...............

For the new venue-format of the original Disclosure Project movement, interface 'Sirius Disclosure' for the latest network projects.

The import and implications of exopolitics are pertinent not only for our world in government and social politics, but 'religious politics' as well. Our learning and research of galactic history and our greater cosmic family of associated worlds affects the whole of human life, plus the advantage and rightful use of advanced technologies ;)


Well-known member

The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret.

- The Disclosure Project

Greetings all,

I dedicate this to the exemplary work of Dr. Steven M. Greer and his service to the American public in disclosing facts of ET contact

Why Christians Think Aliens Are Really Demons


Eclectic Theosophist
Religious opinion versus totality of facts and continuing research......

Religious opinion versus totality of facts and continuing research......

Why Christians Think Aliens Are Really Demons

I've watched this presentation and all this person does is present a limited traditional orthodox Christian opinion on the matter, without considering the entire field of UFOlogy and ET contact experience as a totality, and does not consider the mass volume of eye witness testimony and accounts on the UFO/ET phenomena, free from a presupposed or prefigured conclusion (without religious bias). The implications and import of 'exopolitics' still holds within the probability or inevitability of there being an interplanetary confederation of worlds, if not in reality one day (or already existing in other star systems or communities), even hypothetically...such relations between people, cultures and worlds is still integral to the politics of human experience.

Moreover, one cannot prove that all ET contacts are 'demonic', since positive encounters and experiences are also recorded, AND the Bible does does not have all the info./knowledge in the world, being quite limited to its own cultural-context and agenda-paradigms of its authors. An argument cannot be made from silence, neither can a definite conclusion be assumed by speculation.

As we've explored earlier, it is much more probable that there is intelligent life thru-out the Grand universe, which may contain trillions of universes within itself, so that even a small ratio of inhabited planets within the Grand Universe would still be exponential. When you consider infinity, and that The Creator is Infinite,....and 'creation' is an inherent activity within the MIND and SPIRIT of 'God',....then there exists in 'God', in the infinity of space, an endless evolution of life, infinite potential, dispensations, generations, worlds without number, if you consider the womb of infinity and 'God' as the HEART of all life thru-out.


Well-known member
I've watched this presentation and all this person does is present a limited traditional orthodox Christian opinion on the matter, without considering the entire field of UFOlogy and ET contact experience as a totality, and does not consider the mass volume of eye witness testimony and accounts on the UFO/ET phenomena, free from a presupposed or prefigured conclusion (without religious bias). The implications and import of 'exopolitics' still holds within the probability or inevitability of there being an interplanetary confederation of worlds, if not in reality one day (or already existing in other star systems or communities), even hypothetically...such relations between people, cultures and worlds is still integral to the politics of human experience.

Moreover, one cannot prove that all ET contacts are 'demonic', since positive encounters and experiences are also recorded, AND the Bible does does not have all the info./knowledge in the world, being quite limited to its own cultural-context and agenda-paradigms of its authors. An argument cannot be made from silence, neither can a definite conclusion be assumed by speculation.

As we've explored earlier, it is much more probable that there is intelligent life thru-out the Grand universe, which may contain trillions of universes within itself, so that even a small ratio of inhabited planets within the Grand Universe would still be exponential. When you consider infinity, and that The Creator is Infinite,....and 'creation' is an inherent activity within the MIND and SPIRIT of 'God',....then there exists in 'God', in the infinity of space, an endless evolution of life, infinite potential, dispensations, generations, worlds without number, if you consider the womb of infinity and 'God' as the HEART of all life thru-out.

End Time Alien/Demon connection and deception


Eclectic Theosophist
Vatican accepts theistic evolution, and the logic of ET life elsewhere in the cosmos.

Vatican accepts theistic evolution, and the logic of ET life elsewhere in the cosmos.

Not much here but the usual prophetic sensationalism and assumption that all UFO or ET activity is somehow 'demonic' in nature, when such cannot be proven, beyond any consistency where any force or entity is actually doing psychic and physical harm to someone, for in such cases we identify the forces or entities involved as being malevolent, having evil intent. These situational contexts then would be handled with discretion and remedied thereby.

Endtime prophetic seminars have been taking places for decades, and with each generation some are expecting the Messiah to return, or for him to enter into the earth realm for the first time, depending on religious tradition,...yet the same long extension of end-time calamaties just keep happening to one degree or another, with no major coming or 'revelation' of a 'Messiah', at least on a planetary level.

While the Creator watches over his creation and visits in the person of his Son, or divine sons, avatars and prophets,...humanity must become responsible for their own condition and repent making adjustments and changes in consciousness, cooperating with the Spirit-forces that foster evolution, progress and soul-development, for all life is co-operative, synergestic and relational in nature. Therefore, no one 'savior', 'avatar' or 'prophet' can change the entire planet as long as free will creatures exist with the capacity to reject the offer of salvation, until all in community repent, renew their minds and ascend together as one in God-consciousness.

As far as the Vatican goes,...I agree with Catholic sentiments towards accepting the facts of science with religious faith or living spirituality which recognizes that Deity uses the natural processes of evolution and life-adaptation to bring about its divine will for the unfoldment of all potentials and possibilities towards the perfection and joy of being.

The video link that is being responded to (Sid Roth's 'Its Supernatural' episode) dates from 2013, and the response by Dr. Salla below is 2014. We may note to research more to see if any changes in 'viewpoint' has been made by state-church powers that be since this time. In any case,...whether a 'savior' or 'messiah' returns physically, or is returning spiritually in every heart as it converts to love, souls are always responsible for their own sins and salvation, by their God-given potential, ability and capacity to choose life.



Well-known member
Not much here but the usual prophetic sensationalism and assumption that all UFO or ET activity is somehow 'demonic' in nature, when such cannot be proven, beyond any consistency where any force or entity is actually doing psychic and physical harm to someone, for in such cases we identify the forces or entities involved as being malevolent, having evil intent. These situational contexts then would be handled with discretion and remedied thereby.

Endtime prophetic seminars have been taking places for decades, and with each generation some are expecting the Messiah to return, or for him to enter into the earth realm for the first time, depending on religious tradition,...yet the same long extension of end-time calamaties just keep happening to one degree or another, with no major coming or 'revelation' of a 'Messiah', at least on a planetary level.

While the Creator watches over his creation and visits in the person of his Son, or divine sons, avatars and prophets,...humanity must become responsible for their own condition and repent making adjustments and changes in consciousness, cooperating with the Spirit-forces that foster evolution, progress and soul-development, for all life is co-operative, synergestic and relational in nature. Therefore, no one 'savior', 'avatar' or 'prophet' can change the entire planet as long as free will creatures exist with the capacity to reject the offer of salvation, until all in community repent, renew their minds and ascend together as one in God-consciousness.

As far as the Vatican goes,...I agree with Catholic sentiments towards accepting the facts of science with religious faith or living spirituality which recognizes that Deity uses the natural processes of evolution and life-adaptation to bring about its divine will for the unfoldment of all potentials and possibilities towards the perfection and joy of being.

The video link that is being responded to (Sid Roth's 'Its Supernatural' episode) dates from 2013, and the response by Dr. Salla below is 2014. We may note to research more to see if any changes in 'viewpoint' has been made by state-church powers that be since this time. In any case,...whether a 'savior' or 'messiah' returns physically, or is returning spiritually in every heart as it converts to love, souls are always responsible for their own sins and salvation, by their God-given potential, ability and capacity to choose life.