The Democracts Lie Again!


"Tuesday at Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing for the Supreme Court, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) said Kavanaugh would have an “asterisk” by his name unless he released all of his documents and allowed the hearing to be delayed because he was nominated by “a president named as an unindicted co-conspirator.”

Trump has never been named as an unindicted co-conspirator and the Dems know it!

Richard Blumenthal and Cory Booker have both been caught lying in this hearing and the Dems couldn't care less!

That is what they expect from their representatives because the Democratic Party is the party of lawlessness!
The Democra(c)ts Lie Again!

Only the conservatives, in their infinite wisdom, would devote a whole thread labelling Democrats as "LIARS" and "LAWLESS" over an "asterisk!"

What's the penalty for the misspelling of "Democrats" - the "death penalty!"

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Only the conservatives, in their infinite wisdom, would devote a whole thread labelling Democrats as "LIARS" and "LAWLESS" over an "asterisk!"

No, it is the people who love the USA who are exposing the people who are trying to bring the USA down because it is standing in the way of those people's wish for a World World Government.

And the elite of the Democratic Party as well as the mainstream press are among its leaders.


No, it is the people who love the USA who are exposing the people who are trying to bring the USA down because it is standing in the way of those people's wish for a World World Government.

And the elite of the Democratic Party as well as the mainstream press are among its leaders.

Jerry, please go back on your meds.