ECT The decision to obey God's commands, is it an individual freedom we have?


Salvation is of the Jews, but neither the Jew nor the Gentile is saved by keeping the law but by Christ's (substitutionary) death and resurrection alone.

Romans 5:10 NASB - For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.

Word based mystic

New member
So many miss the whole summary of the Law. Loving God and loving others.

Mans conscience was dysfunctional after adams spirit died all men died spiritually and could not commune with the Father properly. The law came for a season to keep men from following a path of death or walking in unhealthy practices.
Jesus came and fulfilled the law because no man could.
In doing so Jesus Also came to enable man to become born again spiritually. When we become born again He restores our conscience.
He also restores our communion with the Father.
Now our eyes are set on Him and heavenly things not on earthly laws.
we obey because He loves us and we love Him and we respond in the same manner as a husband and wife.
I don't need to have a list of things not to do to my wife that would harm her.
I do things for her because we love one another and our eyes are set on doing good things that please each other.

Word based mystic

New member
Christ came to restore all things that were lost.
Gods original intent was that man not have our eyes set on the law/the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Man was innocent of such. Instead He walked in relationship with God with constant communion.
adam chose being able to manipulate his own salvation and rewards by choosing the knowledge of good and evil rather than being in constant relationship with God.
do we now choose to keep our eyes and mind on trying to keep the law or do we keep our eyes on heavenly things and His face producing love based works rather than slave based obedience.


Well-known member
Those Christ lived and died for have obeyed all of God's Commands through His Obedience in their behalf, Rom 5:19

19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

That word righteous dikaios :

1. in a wide sense, upright, righteous, virtuous, keeping the commands of God;

Thats one of its meanings ! Those of us who Live by Faith live in the Knowledge that through Christ we are and have Kept all the Commands of God as He did for us !


Christ came to restore all things that were lost.
Gods original intent was that man not have our eyes set on the law/the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Man was innocent of such. Instead He walked in relationship with God with constant communion.
adam chose being able to manipulate his own salvation and rewards by choosing the knowledge of good and evil rather than being in constant relationship with God.
do we now choose to keep our eyes and mind on trying to keep the law or do we keep our eyes on heavenly things and His face producing love based works rather than slave based obedience.
If you are a Christian you used to be a slave to sin but now you are a slave to righteousness.

The Law came long after the garden of eden.


New member
All of God's commands are important. Not everyone is circumcised. For those who are, like myself, we are still not supposed to preach circumcision. But that does not mean circumcision is not a command of God.

if the circumcision is a command of God... why you and Paul dont teach to obey God by circumciding? Hypocracy?

Word based mystic

New member
relationship birthed out of love produces the work that Christ says He will finish that which He started.
He first loves us allowing us to comprehend/experience His love. This allows us to Love others.
If we walk in love as well as the Spirit we will not sin and the 10 commandments will not be broken because our eyes are not set on not sinning but instead they are focused on loving relationship in the spirit.
Like an alcoholic that tries (not) to drink. His eyes and his thoughts are set on trying not to drink. That just re-affirms he is an alcoholic his thoughts draw him back to his old addiction.
Instead one should put our thoughts and eyes on heavenly things and the reality of what Christ is making us to be. His character, love peace, righteousness comes out of that love and focus.

As to the law and knowledge of good and evil. Plainly that is summarized in the law. If you do good, rewards will follow, if you do evil then destruction. Pretty standard old testament basics. The awareness and focus of our eyes on good and evil was not a desire God had for man. And Christ came to restore all things lost, including our innocence of good and evil. That innocence comes from seeing things through Gods relationship eyes instead of rules and regs eyes.
Tithing is a shadow. How can we tithe 10% if He already owns 100% of our heart and possessions? He is ours and we are His.


Matthew 23:2 NASB - saying: "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses;
Matthew 23:3 NASB - therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them.

Matthew 23:23 NASB - "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cummin, and have neglected the weightier provisions of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness; but these are the things you should have done without neglecting the others.

Luke 11:42 NASB - "But woe to you Pharisees! For you pay tithe of mint and rue and every kind of garden herb, and yet disregard justice and the love of God; but these are the things you should have done without neglecting the others.


Well-known member
Whatever commandments God required man the elect to obey, Jesus the Elect hath obeyed them fully in their stead, and God has accepted His Obedience for theirs, and they are Mad Righteous because of it Rom 5:19 !


relationship birthed out of love produces the work that Christ says He will finish that which He started.
He first loves us allowing us to comprehend/experience His love. This allows us to Love others.
If we walk in love as well as the Spirit we will not sin and the 10 commandments will not be broken because our eyes are not set on not sinning but instead they are focused on loving relationship in the spirit.
Like an alcoholic that tries (not) to drink. His eyes and his thoughts are set on trying not to drink. That just re-affirms he is an alcoholic his thoughts draw him back to his old addiction.
Instead one should put our thoughts and eyes on heavenly things and the reality of what Christ is making us to be. His character, love peace, righteousness comes out of that love and focus.

As to the law and knowledge of good and evil. Plainly that is summarized in the law. If you do good, rewards will follow, if you do evil then destruction. Pretty standard old testament basics. The awareness and focus of our eyes on good and evil was not a desire God had for man. And Christ came to restore all things lost, including our innocence of good and evil. That innocence comes from seeing things through Gods relationship eyes instead of rules and regs eyes.
Tithing is a shadow. How can we tithe 10% if He already owns 100% of our heart and possessions? He is ours and we are His.


It is my hope and prayer that you come to understand God's word as He wants you to understand it.

