The Commandment of Nibiru


The Book of Enoch totes the phrase, "Watchers", frequently enough. To raise our suspicions that perhaps, Matthew 25:12-13, it talking about "Watching", as to look for an entity or energy that travels to us to earth. To these ends we have a few conclusions that need to be made, before the events of revelation are soon to be done.

Nimrod = Ninth = Nibiru
Babel = Tenth Kingdom of Revelation

(Gen 10:7-10) ... This follows the Pattern of Matthew 26:3-7, which states "Caiaphas, then Bethany, then Alabaster Box (or New Kingdom). This follows the Pattern of 2Kings9:1-3, which states "Elisha, Ramothgilead, then 'Box of Oil'. Which declares exactly what the people claimed that Jesus said as he was being crucified, that "Elias" would come before the Kingdom. Given the Context of this Statement we can correct "Elias" to Nibiru. (the Traveler that begins the New Kingdom of Revelation according to Matt. 25:12-13)

Ninth = Nibiru = Tribulation of 40 Days ... Tenth = New Kingdom = 5 Months of Revelation (40 Days + 5 Months = 9 or 4+5=9)

Going back for a moment. Acts 10:3, Acts 10:3-48 says, "Cornelius, Nazareth, 'Tarry Certain Days' (Tenth Kingdom). Acts 10:30 says, "Ninth Hour = Bright Clothing of Revelation". Lets view the pattern before we discuss what is going to be done soon:

NEHEMIAH 11:1 And the rulers of the people dwelt at Jerusalem: the rest of the people also cast lots, to bring one of ten to dwell in Jerusalem the holy city, and nine parts [to dwell] in [other] cities.
LUKE 17:16 And fell down on [his] face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan.
LUKE 17:17 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where [are] the nine?

Paraphrasing, Babylon Falls from the Ninth Planet or Body, and then the Tenth Planet is Revealed and this begins the "Events of Revelation" (Rainbow, 40 Days, Darkness, 5 Months or 4+5=9). We can see this illustrated in Nehemiah 5:15-17 or Rev. 12:15-17 (40 Days to receive the Commandments and 150 Days of the Flood). We can also see this pattern in Nehemiah 6:14, "Noadiah (Ninth), Tobiah (Tenth), Sanballat (Sabbath or New Kingdom) ... which is restated in Nehemiah 6:4-5, "Four Times + Fifth Time" = End of Time or the "Events of Revelation".

"Events of Revelation" = Nibiru = Ninth Hour = Eloi (Ninth), Eloi (Tenth), Sabachthani (New Kingdom)

1. Sumeria Cylindar Seal va243, shows Nibiru (star symbol) and the Tenth Planet (Earth's Moon), the Trajectory goes from the bottom point Arrow of the Nibiru Symbol that aligns with the body, to our earth's Moon which is to the right, that is to the right of Earth.
2. Nine Aztec Cosmological Days = Cosmological drawing with the God Xiuhtecuhtli
3. Nine Mayan Gods of the Night = Lords of the Night

Adjusting the Pattern to "Ninth Month to Twelfth Month to 'Events of Revelation'"

I CHRONICLES 24:16 The nineteenth to Pethahiah, the twentieth to Jehezekel,
I CHRONICLES 24:17 The one and twentieth to Jachin, the two and twentieth to Gamul,
ESTHER 3:7 In the first month, that [is], the month Nisan, in the twelfth year of king Ahasuerus, they cast Pur, that [is], the lot, before Haman from day to day, and from month to month, [to] the twelfth [month], that [is], the month Adar.

1. 9/11/2001 = NYC Terrorist Attacks
2. 12/21/2012 = Galactic Alignment of Mayan Calendar
3. 2/12/2016 = (Rainbow First) 40 Days of Tribulation Begins that ends with 3 Days of Darkness, then 150 Months of Revelation

(1Chronicles 24:11, appears to state our previous pattern of "Ninth, then Tenth, then New Sabbath or New Kingdom) ... ... ... ... The Unifier in the interpretation is the Solstice Precessional Alignment of 1980, 1998, 2012, 2016. We are seeing the footprint that identified with the theme of changing the face of man that began on 9/11/2001. Going to List a few Fact based Relationships Below:

1. Apollo 13, 1970
2. Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster, 1986
3. International Space Station Explosion, 2016 (Going to Happen)

1. Roswell UFO Incident, 1947 (Limited Interaction)
2. Better Andreasson Encounter, 1967 (Limited Interaction + Identification with Individuals)
3. 5 Months of Antichrist, 2016 (Limited Interaction + Identification with the Masses) (Going to Happen)

1. Dyatlov Pass Incident = February 2, 1959, Linjeflyg Plane UFO Lights = March 6, 1960
2. Chelyabinsk Meteor = February 15, 2013, Flight 370 Vanishing = March 8, 2014
3. Tribulation of 40 Days = February 12, 2016, 153 Days of Revelation = March 23, 2016 (Going to Happen)

Specifically with Better Andreasson in 1967, it will make 50 years for Genesis 18 to the 5 months of 2016, that is 49 years + 1 Year for the 5 months. With Roswell UFO Incident in 1947 that will make 70 years for Daniel 9, or 69 years + 1 Years for the 5 months. Love and Blessings.
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New member
Ok, now you lost me. Please explain to me what the latter paragraph has to do with anything? Peace


Ok, now you lost me. Please explain to me what the latter paragraph has to do with anything? Peace

(I am taking everything that is mine, and much more. So much needs to be settled based on what these people do, soon. That being said, I am confident in the USA's ability to act on behalf of my best interests, as the Gospel does not necessarily intend for the Antichrist to take a more direct role, nor the Gospel intend for his authority to be challenged by a great measure, so this needs to settled soon)

GENESIS 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
GENESIS 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

The Antichrist is called a Daughter by reason of Babyon, because he takes the place of the Son of Man to Confirm the Covenant, Jeremiah 33:20-21. The Lifespan of the Antichrist is not to exceed 120 Years, that is 50 + 70 years, we ended out previous conclusion with, which terminates in 2016. The same time the 12210th Day of the Antichrist terminates. These are simply measurements, between right now, and the next few days, which is the beginning of the Tribulation of 40 days, the matter of terminating the Antichrist, should be resolved, for the next level. Love and Blessings.