The Bioneer resolution of masculinity and femininity


Well-known member
Today I heard the presentation 1014 (I think) on the ageless conflict between genders.

Most of what I heard was Anne Craigman. The interesting thing about her part in the presentation was that she was told by many women around her that she could very powerful and could be anything--and astronaut. But then she realized there was something wrong with that, and nearly spilled all the beans, and said that it was as though those women were treating her as men themselves, like another man, which would miss the whole point of genders.

She had to learn for herself that women don't need to do that; they have instead an essence of the divine, their goddess nature.

I see her criticism; I did not know the solution was 'goddess nature.'

She (or another speaker) went on to explain that the Patriarchy (deserving a capital in this system of thought for being a Big Problem) did not want women to find their divine side. It did not do so historically--preventing one early Christian document about a woman healer from being in the canon.

But wait a second: Anne didn't want to be 'treated like another man.' She wanted to find her divinity because that was how the genders to get beyond duality, which to Bioneers is a social construct.

I don't accept that it is just a social construct (meaning, to be overthrown like the overthrow of male-female marriage as oppressive). Some things, like gravity, are bigger than social constructs. But I do accept that there are some duality nuisances around.

The problem is this, and here I am quoting a female relationship therapist, which was probably not the first group of women Anne talked to: women think feelings are facts, while men think facts are facts. By nature (in terms of these two terms), it won't be possible to arrive at unity on feelings as much as it will be on facts. When a woman expects a man to track all of her feelings, he feels (!) like he has just been told to race her with his legs taken away. She is saying things but it is not information, and he needs information.

There are natures (as in human natures) in the genders that were created that way. And so the thing you will find is this: that whether you accept that they were created that way by God, or the analogy in Ephesians 5 about husbands and wives, the Bioneer will find a structure there in which the duality is not a nuisance and they are unified. The husband is told by a God who is there to love his wife; the wife is told to respect him.