ECT "The Big Switch"

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Here is a new command from God only to Paul...Paul gets to be THE ONE, and ONLY ONE...we can cross out everything that was said before him and after him, because Satan taught God a lesson, and that lesson is that we cannot do anything right ever. So God is just going to have to out smart that devil and save us for NOTHING.

Did you read that? Don't you hear the illogical insanity implications of the beliefs you teach?

What you talkin' bout, Willis?


New member
If I don't get drunk because the Apostle Paul tells me not to in Eph 5:18 am I spitting on grace?

Am I being legalistic because I'm obeying a commandment from Paul?

I doubt you'll get this, given how drunk (filled up) you are (with) pride, but here goes.

Paul's is not a command.

Rather; it is a guideline he desires they follow, much along the line, say, of a passage like Rom. 12:1's "I beseech you, therefore..."


TOL Subscriber
I doubt you'll get this, given how drunk (filled) you are (with) pride, but here goes.

Paul's not a command.

Rather; it is a guideline he desires they follow, much along the line, say, of a passage like Rom. 12:1's "I beseech you, therefore..."
tet knows that we are all talking about salvation, not serving God. But here he is again, living up to his MO of defending a known gospel perverter.


it is a guideline he desires they follow,

That's my point.

After salvation, there are guidelines (commands) that a believer should follow.

It has nothing to do with salvation. I'm pro-OSAS.

Too many in your camp do nothing after salvation, including being part of a church, helping others, etc.


tet knows that we are all talking about salvation, not serving God.

When people throw around the word "obey", they should make the distinction.

But here he is again, living up to his MO of defending a known gospel perverter.

No, I agree with you, I just think you're doing a terrible job explaining it.


New member
That's my point.

After salvation, there are guidelines (commands) that a believer should follow.

It has nothing to do with salvation. I'm pro-OSAS.

Too many in your camp do nothing after salvation, including being part of a church, helping others, etc.

Nope; commands are not guidelines.

Even in commands guidelines serve the purpose of guiding the one under a command in how to carry out the command in line with the commander's intent.

Graces teaches, instructs, or guides one in - it does not command, as had been the case under the Law, thus the Law's bondage (towards the Law's intent).


Nope; commands are not guidelines.

Even in commands guidelines serve the purpose of guiding the one under a command in how to carry out the command in line with the commander's intent.

Graces teaches, instructs, or guides one in - it does not command, as had been the case under the Law, thus the Law's bondage (towards the Law's intent).

In 1 Cor 5 was it a guideline to throw the guy out of church who was sleeping with his fathers wife, or a command?

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Jamie Gigliotti

New member
Nope. Anyone can fake that "FORM OF godliness."

The Jew went around "called a Jew." When he was in fact "a breaker of the law."

The standard is invisible - neither male, nor female, nor circumcision, nor uncircumcision, nor Jew, nor Gentile; BUT a NEW creature.

Where? According to what "after the flesh"?

Wrong standard of measure - now we know NO MAN after the flesh.

Yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh even He know Him in that way no more.


Case in point - one might think the athelete who thanks God for his win in some fool football game (man's pursuit of glory in his own vanity) might be "a good Christian," but all that proves is a superstitious fool (for the Son is "about My Father's business" NOT about the NFL).

"Nope". No standard of behavior for an authentic Christian? So then anything goes for a "saved" person.

So for you grace is a license to sin?

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
One can evidence a change in behavior from visiting a health club/sauna, calling a psychic hotline,....That does not make it "Christian."

A Muslim, Catholic, Buddhist, JW, atheist.................................. can "evidence a change in behavior."


So can you be sexually immoral and an idolator and have an inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and God?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
So can you be sexually immoral and an idolator and have an inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and God?

1.So, can a person with bad thoughts, cutting someone off in traffic, ...................have an inheritance in the kingdom of God?

2. Lay out the sins for which the Lord Jesus Christ did not die-specifics, as eternal destinies are at stake.

3. You missed Paul's point, and deleted scripture....That's slick, real slick:

1 Corinthians 6 KJV

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Memorize:were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified...

Verses 9-10 sins "covers just about all of the whopper sins."

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
1.So, can a person with bad thoughts, cutting someone off in traffic, ...................have an inheritance in the kingdom of God?

2. Lay out the sins for which the Lord Jesus Christ did not die-specifics, as eternal destinies are at stake.

3. You missed Paul's point, and deleted scripture....That's slick, real slick:

1 Corinthians 6 KJV

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Memorize:were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified...

Verses 9-10 sins "covers just about all of the whopper sins."

You did not answer my question.

Is grace a license to sin then?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
1.So, can a person with bad thoughts, cutting someone off in traffic, ...................have an inheritance in the kingdom of God?

2. Lay out the sins for which the Lord Jesus Christ did not die-specifics, as eternal destinies are at stake.

3. You missed Paul's point, and deleted scripture....That's slick, real slick:

1 Corinthians 6 KJV

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Memorize:were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified...

Verses 9-10 sins "covers just about all of the whopper sins."

Good post Sonny.

Right Divider

Body part
(Eph 5:18 KJV) And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

The above is a commandment from Paul.

Paul is saying don't do something (get drunk), do something else (be filled with the Spirit).

You can't not get drunk by just believing. Not getting drunk requires you to not do something (a commandment). Which means you have to obey.
So you think that Eph 5:18 is a "salvation formula"?