The Big Marxist Picture: Destruction of America

It is said that World Communism pushed by the Soviet Union because of two institutions it could not overcome: Religion and the Family

In the 21st century the pews are now empty, and family is under attack from all directions.

This, by the way, is the only way that otherwise incomprehensible stories become comprehensible.
Why spend us into oblivion? Why destroy the military with woke perversions? Why fire 1,000’s of first responders at during a crime wave and a pandemic? Why give our greatest middle east base to the Taliban (and then to China)?

Once a crisis of massive proportions is created, thats when Marxists seize total power.

And the Democrats are the Marxists!

In some cases they already are:

Another tiny piece of the puzzle, tearing down American traditions:

Fox News @FoxNews
Thanksgiving 'myth'? Universities ask whether Americans should 'reconsider' holiday as 'Day of Mourning'
From another thread Big Tech Marxists censure truth in favor of leftist lies

Mainstream media in America has been joined by big tech giants in censuring free speech and suppressing the truth in favor of leftist propagandist lies. They are under the delusion and influence of the devil who is the father of lies and enemy of the truth.

A Wisconsin jury finding Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense, when he shot three people at a BLM protest in Kenosha last year, makes more apparent the dangerous powers of Big Tech. Within days of the August 2020 shootings, Facebook labeled Rittenhouse a mass murderer, telling Breitbart: "We’ve designated the shooting in Kenosha a mass murder and are removing posts in support of the shooter." It also blocked search results on "Kyle Rittenhouse."

In September 2020, Twitter suspended the account of Rittenhouse's attorney for attempting to raise funds for the teenager's defense. GoFundMe cited its policies against supporting those charged with violent crimes when thwarting efforts to pay for Rittenhouse's legal fees, despite plenty of similar fundraisers remaining live. Only after the verdict of innocence was reached would GoFundMe allow campaigns to help pay for the teen's legal fees and living expenses.

During Rittenhouse's trial, Facebook again blocked search results on his name, leaving users to converse about it only on their profiles or in their subscribed feeds. And YouTube suspended live streams about the trial hosted by independent legal analysts.

In America, alleged criminals are presumed innocent until proven guilty. The court of Big Tech social media, however, is anything but impartial. And their actions regarding this particular case should concern us all.

Dan Gainor, VP of the Media Research Center, said Big Tech's attempts to stifle discussions about Rittenhouse proves how much control it has in societal and political issues. “It's dangerous that they have this much power over what can be discussed in a public forum,” he said. “They could prevent free elections in every free country in the world if they wanted to.”

What do you think? Should Big Tech protect its users from the "bad side" of a criminal case? Talk about it on Parler.

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I've said it elsewhere but before you can "build back better", you have to start from scratch. Burn it all down. Bulldoze it off the site. And only then can you build back better.
The left intends to burn it all down. Everything that has made America great, everything that has made America successful - the traditional family, capitalism, the church, the very identities of men and women - all of it must go so that they can start from scratch to create their socialist Utopia.
I've said it elsewhere but before you can "build back better", you have to start from scratch. Burn it all down. Bulldoze it off the site. And only then can you build back better.
The left intends to burn it all down. Everything that has made America great, everything that has made America successful - the traditional family, capitalism, the church, the very identities of men and women - all of it must go so that they can start from scratch to create their socialist Utopia.

Yes. And to your point, from another thread:

Why is this true? Because everything is a lie rather than the truth.

Keep an eye on the BLM page to see their moves