thanks for your explanation but I am kind of lazy person. I don't go into depth of prophesy.
I discern faith with face value.
If their practice is godly and harmonize with Jesus' simple teaching, I am with them.
Peace, brother
I see, so what would you say about a man, who called the teachers of the church that he was brought up in, Hypocrites, Serpents, liars, sons of Satan, etc. A man, who after seeing some business men, cheating others out of their hard earned money, then went back to where he was staying, made himself a whip, then came back next morning and flogged hell out of them?
Still no idea of why the tribe of Dan is not mentioned I see.
Do you think that a person who is too lazy to study the books of the prophets, has the right to even suggest that others who do study them, don't know what they are talking about?