Thanks Bob

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I guess it's just either incredibly predictable or incredibly typical that a good, sound candidate would be nitpicked and rejected in favor of a complete failure who happens to throw the right bloody sops to the faithful exactly on cue.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
S†ephen;1577707 said:
No, I believe if they were passed it would take the issue out of the hands of the supreme court.

Well I guess it doesn't matter what what the Supreme Court, the Congress and the President believe, as long as some kid in flyover country believes it, that's all that matters! :D
As long as the Congress believe they can't override the Supreme Court, they can't.
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Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
(sigh) all I can do is sit here and dream about wonder woman.

Lucky dog.

Naw! Just finish growing up. Then go out and meet your own wonder woman! I'm sure when you are old enough to want to take on the responsibility of a family, your dad and Pastor Kevin would be happy to introduce you to somebody nice!


New member
You are right, including about my lacking treatment about the libertarian party although as a party it's platform is more pro-choice, as a party.
Actually, the party has backed away from any stance whatsoever on the issue. Unfortunately, that results in a pro-choice "by default" position. However, the party itself is not actively pro-choice, nor are they pro-life. The issue is so hot within the libertarian community - just like everywhere else - that they haven't gone either way yet.
That being said, the one thing I didn't point out and that can be said about libertarians is that unlike both the Republican's and the Democrats, NO true libertarian supports any federal funding for abortion.
That is true and an excellent point. Even pro-choice libertarians refuse to allow one cent of federal funds to go toward abortion in any way. In a way, that makes them more anti-abortion than Christians who want the federal government fail yet again at a constitutional amendment.

Its tragic that the anti-abortion strategy of Christians is so bad that even pro-choice libertarians are more effective at putting up roadblocks to abortion.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I guess it's just either incredibly predictable or incredibly typical that a good, sound candidate would be nitpicked and rejected in favor of a complete failure who happens to throw the right bloody sops to the faithful exactly on cue.

Ron Paul is a nut job!


New member
Hall of Fame
Ron Paul is a nut job!

...says the guy who thinks a candidate in favor of reparations is a good choice.

Yeeeah. Whatever you say, boss.

It's almost too easy for you guys to find yourself on the wrong side of a choice. Unreal.


New member
Well I guess it doesn't believe what the Supreme Court, the Congress and the President believe, as long as some kid in flyover country believes it, that's all that matters! :D
As long as the Congress believe they can't override the Supreme Court, they can't.

Sorry I don't quite follow you on this one.


New member
there was nothing I said which indicated I was a victim. You wrongly accused me
I think that speaks for itself.
Then stop making it a "futile effort" and start communicating. None of this stuff is relevant to having an intelligent discourse.
Prove it!

Oh, c'mon... we have to have a little fun around here, don't we? :)
And of course you assume that someone who holds a different opinion from you could not POSSIBLY have researched anything, or they wouldn't come to a different view than you.
A month or so ago I asked you who you'd vote for and you said Alan Keyes. I repeatedly asked what specific positions he would take as president on various issues and you finally said - and this is a quote - "Well, honestly I've not really looked that deep into him. I'm just voting for righteousness." Those were your exact words.

So in truth, I did not say that you hadn't researched the topic.... you said you hadn't researched the topic.

And then you come on this forum claiming Alan Keyes to be pro-life, having no idea whatsoever that by his own words Keyes claims to be pro-murder if the mother's life is in danger.

And now you say that I only accuse you of not researching things because you don't share my position?
Pride is in the way of us having a reasonable conversation about this topic.
Pride comes from defending one's position. But I am not asking you to come to my position. I'm not asking you to stick with your position. I'm asking you to come to an informed position. I am asking you to make a life's habit of truly dedicating yourself to study and research before you state positions on various topics. Proverbs, James and Psalms suggest the same thing.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
S†ephen;1577773 said:
Sorry I don't quite follow you on this one.
That is because i typed it different than I wrote it in my head! I will fix it!


New member
It's almost too easy for you guys to find yourself on the wrong side of a choice. Unreal.

I don't know if you're really a Satanist wannabe or not, but...

If you are, its amazing that a Satanist can better discern a Christian viewpoint that most Christians. Some of your posts seem a bit spiteful, but you apparently believe that Ron Paul is pro-freedom, anti-government stealing, in favor of small government and opposed to abortion, and you can't understand why Christians are so dumb as to oppose the man that would best represent them. If I am wrong, accept my apologies and please correct me.

But if I am right, Christians in this country had better pull their heads out of their collective back sides and realize that even a Satanist can see that we're too dumb and bullheaded to support the very man who would forward our own agenda.


New member
Read post (#752) again and if you still don't follow we will talk.

Yes I see all that. have you actually read Ron's bills? As I understand it they are supposed to take the issue out of federal hands and put in the hands of the individual states.


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't know if you're really a Satanist wannabe or not, but...

If you are, its amazing that a Satanist can better discern a Christian viewpoint that most Christians. Some of your posts seem a bit spiteful, but you apparently believe that Ron Paul is pro-freedom, anti-government stealing, in favor of small government and opposed to abortion, and you can't understand why Christians are so dumb as to oppose the man that would best represent them. If I am wrong, accept my apologies and please correct me.

But if I am right, Christians in this country had better pull their heads out of their collective back sides and realize that even a Satanist can see that we're too dumb and bullheaded to support the very man who would forward our own agenda.

Thank you, I'll take this post as a compliment.:cheers:

And yes, I'd say if I had to vote today I'd vote for Paul.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Yes I see all that. have you actually read Ron's bills? As I understand it they are supposed to take the issue out of federal hands and put in the hands of the individual states.

Ok I went back and fixed post (#763) See if that make more sense.


New member
Ok I went back and fixed post (#763) See if that make more sense.

Yes I think I understand. But, I think Paul's bills fixes what you're saying. I believe what they are supposed to do is take the issue entirely out of congress and the supreme court giving the individual state the power to recognize a fetus as a life and act accordingly.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Yes I think I understand. But, I think Paul's bills fixes what you're saying. I believe what they are supposed to do is take the issue entirely out of congress and the supreme court giving the individual state the power to recognize a fetus as a life and act accordingly.
but congress can't pass a law that overrides the constitution, and like it or not, the Supreme Court has decided that the constitution says an unborn baby is not a person.
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