Teen Vogue under fire after promoting sodomy among teens


New member
If you had a teenage son who read the article and said, "Hey Dad, this magazine says it will be awesome if I let Bobby next door sodomize my butt! Should I try it?"

Your answer would be...?

Something like "be safe, son.", I suppose. It partially depends on what kind of relationship he was in.

I'd probably think it odd that they use the vernacular of hyper-religious pearl-clutchers to describe the act.


Well-known member
if only there was a magazine that was doing that...

Why won't you answer? It should be easy to answer those questions. Come on - stand up for what you believe in!

Do you think children should commit sodomy? Do you think magazines should promote sodomy among children?

Own up to your beliefs.


like marbles on glass
Well being a "father" and not an actual father, you are talking from ignorance. Let actual fathers speak, sit and listen.

IIRC, glassjester isn't an actual father. How does your "sit and listen" method work when you're in agreement with someone who isn't an actual father?