Take YOUR - "Born Again", AND!!

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( Ye MUST Be "Born Again" )?? - What is that - you Smarter than GOD FOOLS??

( Galatians 4:26 KJV ) -- 26- "But Jerusalem which is above is Free, which is the Mother of "US" ALL". --//----
Is that the Mother of You Fools, or is that the Mother of all "Christians"?? -- That - AS Sure as the "Lake of Fire" - is Not YOU FOOLS!! -- PROOF?? - You Cursed Idiots Couldn't believe the Truth if "HE" Stood in front of you, and told you who He was!! -- ((( WHY?? ))) -- You Fools ARE "BORN AGAIN"; - and don't have the slightest idea What ( THOSE / "T-H-O-S-E" ) ARE!!

The Christian IS "Born Again", OR - "Resurrected" unto the New LIFE, And Christ "IS" That Life, and Christ "IS" that "Resurrection", they are the Same Thing - NOW What Are "THEY"??

((((( SATAN )))))!!
( John 8:44 KJV ) -- 44- "Ye are of (( Your "FATHER" the Devil )), and the lusts of (( Your "Father" ye will do )). (( He )) was a murderer from the beginning, and ( Abode Not in the Truth ), because there is no Truth in HIM. When ( HE ) speaketh a lie, ( HE ) speaketh of HIS Own: for ((( HE is a Liar, AND THE "FATHER" of IT )))"!!

(( Luke 17:34 KJV )) -- 34- "I tell you, in ( that Night ) there shall be ((( "TWO MEN" in One Bed )))". --//--- WHAT IS THAT??

( How can a child of the Devil be a child of the Devil ( Without Being "Born AGAIN ALSO" )??
All children of Satan are "Born Again" ALSO!!! -- BUT - Who is the ((( Mother of Each Lost FOOL ))) that is Born Again to Satan; his ~father?? - How can Satan have children without women?? -- Does Satan MARRY to Have children?? - (( NOO!! )) - You ALL are children of Satan "BORN AGAIN" ( OUT OF WEDLOCK!! ). -- Who are the Women / Mothers of Satan's children?? ----- (((( ALL YOUR WIVES!! )))), AND all the other Women, (( WHO ELSE ARE THERE ))?? -- How can Satan have children without women?? - Who are "THEY"??
((( Hebrews 12:8 KJV ))) -- 8- "But if ye be without Chastisement, ((( Whereof "ALL" Are Partakers ))), then are ye (( "BASTARDS" )), and not sons". --//----- A Bastard is Born Again Out of Wedlock!! - Satan doesn't Marry!!

Show me A single person, or couple that has been "Joined / Married" together BY CHRIST!! - There is None!! - No One today on earth has Been Joined or Married by GOD, but by your STATE Government and LICENSED by IT!! - And all you FOOLS Call Yourselves "CHRISTIANS"!! --- HHHAAAA!!

Boy!! - Am I going to Enjoy you all's Last AND First DAY!!
AND ~BOY~!! - You Ain't!!

Paul -- 112914


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John 3:3

Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.


New member
John 3:3

Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.

SSOOOO!!! -- That's exactly what I said, but that is also true with the ( Children of Satan ), Truly, truly the child of Satan is "born again" of Satan, curses Truth, desiring to SEE HELL!!!

That is everyone today!!! -- (( Romans 3:10-13 KJV ))!!

OOHH; -- You are not included in the Truth of GOD that ( there is not ONE ) who seeketh after God; - No Not ONE?? - Are you the Only ONE???

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