Supreme Court Says Marriage is Hateful


New member
Already answered.

Either you supported the DOMA or you didn't. It's really that simple. No, the DOMA said nothing about criminalizing homosexual behavior but I'm not sure why you think it would have :idunno:

That's another issue altogether; you're unnecessarily conflating the two.


The Dark Knight
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Hall of Fame
Either you supported the DOMA or you didn't. It's really that simple. No, the DOMA said nothing about criminalizing homosexual behavior but I'm not sure why you think it would have :idunno:

That's another issue altogether; you're unnecessarily conflating the two.
Having not read it I can't say if I would have supported such a thing.

Did it state: "No homos can't get married; homosexuality is criminally insane"?


New member
Already answered.

Can you supply the Bible verse for that idea?

Are you suggesting that Christian theology should be to hate both the sin and the sinner? Or are you suggesting that there is a Bible verse for every single issue that comes up in life?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Are you suggesting that Christian theology should be to hate both the sin and the sinner? Or are you suggesting that there is a Bible verse for every single issue that comes up in life?
Psalm 5:4-6, 139:19-22

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
How do you figure? You obivously have never read the document, nor paid attention to the loop holes they wrote themselves.

It is necessary, and proper, to exlclude faggots from any sort of assitance, help, means or anything else.

Ugh. the "Necessary and proper" clause. The liberal wet dream.

I'll admit, this abused clause is one reason that I prefer the Articles of Confederation. Nonetheless, it doesn't matter since the 10th amendment trumps it if it means anything near what you think it means. Since "Necessary and Proper" says that the Feds have powers (And ill defined ones at that) that do not specifically appear in the constitution, and the 10th amendment trumps this view.

Well aren't you just stupid?

To make any ruling on same sex marriage without criminalizing homosexuality as a whole is not a ruling in my favor.

Of course, you'd have to also say that if they ruled the punishment to be anything less than death, they are also not "ruling in your favor".

I'd nonetheless assume that you'd prefer a ruling that prohibits SSM, however much more you might want them to do, to one that allows it.

It is of the utmost ignorance to believe there is never anything for which there must necessarily be a federal mandate that the states/provinces/etc. must follow.

You have to explain why, but besides, I never said that. I said that marriage was not something that required a Federal mandate. I don't think it even needs a mandate from any government, but that goes further than we can go with the constitution alone.

The states aren't provinces either, and the terms are not interchangeable. I suspect you're an "indivisible" kind of guy based on your comment, which I find odd considering you are also a theonomist.

See #2 under "Common questions."

I will note, although you probably already know this, that I am not a theonomist, although I do believe there are some principles in Old Testament Jewish Law that make far, far more sense than modern principles which humanistic man has come up with in their place. Nonetheless, it seems like theonomists, according to this link anyway, support local government primarily by families and churches. So while we may disagree on what laws should be enforced by local government, and in what manner, it seems that you should agree with me that the Federal government needs to be drastically put back into place.

Having not read it I can't say if I would have supported such a thing.

Did it state: "No homos can't get married; homosexuality is criminally insane"?

No, it doesn't. And that would go beyond anythin the constitution allows the Federal government to do.


New member
Psalm 5:4-6, 139:19-22

Oh, thanks. Guess my understanding of Christ's message was totally flawed---we are to hate both the sin and the sinner. OK, got it---but no thanks you can keep your religion---you could use your analysis to justify jihad


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Of course, you'd have to also say that if they ruled the punishment to be anything less than death, they are also not "ruling in your favor".
The punishment for what? Make sure you're not assuming.

I'd nonetheless assume that you'd prefer a ruling that prohibits SSM, however much more you might want them to do, to one that allows it.
That is a puzzle box issue.

You have to explain why, but besides, I never said that. I said that marriage was not something that required a Federal mandate. I don't think it even needs a mandate from any government, but that goes further than we can go with the constitution alone.
If something is wrong it is wrong, period. This means that if any law exists regarding it it must necessarily be a prohibition of the act. Just as no entity has the right to pass laws permitting acts of murder, no entity has the right to pass laws permitting any immoral act.

Though there are certain immoral acts against which there should be no laws; this does not mean there should be laws permitting these acts either.

The states aren't provinces either, and the terms are not interchangeable. I suspect you're an "indivisible" kind of guy based on your comment, which I find odd considering you are also a theonomist.
What do you mean by "indivisible" in this context? And please explain why that is odd in light of my theonomy beliefs.

Must a theonomist necessarily be a reconstructionist?

I will note, although you probably already know this, that I am not a theonomist, although I do believe there are some principles in Old Testament Jewish Law that make far, far more sense than modern principles which humanistic man has come up with in their place. Nonetheless, it seems like theonomists, according to this link anyway, support local government primarily by families and churches. So while we may disagree on what laws should be enforced by local government, and in what manner, it seems that you should agree with me that the Federal government needs to be drastically put back into place.
See above.

No, it doesn't. And that would go beyond anythin the constitution allows the Federal government to do.
I can't say that I disagree with you there.

Oh, thanks. Guess my understanding of Christ's message was totally flawed---we are to hate both the sin and the sinner. OK, got it---but no thanks you can keep your religion---you could use your analysis to justify jihad
Your inability to reason and think critically is your largest failing.

Hate does not preclude love; the two are not mutually exclusive. I can love those I hate. Can you say the same?


New member
Marriage necessarily must be recognized federally; thus it must be a federal institution.

Getting married in a state that recognizes such and then moving to a state that does not creates problems.:juggle:

Thus the "Full Faith and Credit Clause" of the U.S. Constitution.


New member
Supreme Court Says Marriage is Hateful

This is the show from Wednesday June 26th, 2013



Speaking of June 26, 2013, Bob Enyart analyzes today's destruction of civilization.

Just what do you expect?? - I expect much, much more, before the ( “N – word” ) is completed. – If you knew who that man of sin is ( Today ), you would never think on such things, but God’s Things!!

Paul – 072213