SSM overcomes Religious Freedoms


New member
” Laws normalising gay marriage are the big stick needed for “queer rights” to beat religious freedom into legal submission. And “any who pretend otherwise are deluding themselves”.

"A judgement of the European Court of Human Rights found that if same-sex marriage is legal in a member state, then any church that refuses to marry same-sex couples would be guilty of discrimination."

"There should be no pretence in our Parliament that churches can be guaranteed lasting exemption from the law of homosexual marriage."

(Quotes from: Australian Marriage Forum,'Think of the Child' FAQ)

The politicians are fooling Australians when they say religious freedoms will be protected.


Well-known member
What a lot of hooey. Please show us where this has happened in any country which has legalised SSM.

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New member
Follow the links, Stan. The court ruling isn't what you think it is. The quote in the linked article is:
“This means that if same-sex ‘marriage’ is legalised in the UK it will be illegal for the Government to prevent such marriages happening in religious premises,” he said."

Not what you claim in the OP. Nothing there preventing churches refusing gay couples, only that the government can not ban the churches from deciding themselves.

Which is the complete opposite of the claim. And since this is old news, and there has been no case over the years here of churches being forced to marry gay couples, there is no issue here. Gay marriage is a purely civil marriage right, and doesn't affect churches.