I think you're sneaking up on what, for me, is at the root of most denominational quibbling; namely, you don't understand correctly therefor you are not saved, or, salvation via gnosis. To me this has always robbed Jesus of His job. He saves. Not what you know.
We know NOTHING now as we should. Intent means everything. Our lives bear witness of our intent. Salvation via proper doctrine damns babies, the infirmed, the unlearned and a host of others. I suspect many of those who champion the notion of salvation via proper doctrine will likely find themselves staring at the wrong side of the door Jesus shuts after picking up the five wise virgins, many of whom will be those they were so sure were hell bound for their doctrinal shortcomings.
It's more of a circuitous perpetuity of being and becoming; internal to external to internal to external...
Ontology (Being) > Epistemology (Knowing) > Economy (Doing) > Methodology (Patterns of behavior) > Ontology > Epistemology > Economy > Methodology > Ontology...
(Ontology is from ontus and -ology, and is the underlying substantial {sub-standing} objective reality of existence... HYPOSTASIS; which is from hypo- and histemi. Epistemology is from epi- and histemi and -ology, and is that which is upon the underlying as the study of the foundations of knowledge.)
We are hypostatically resurrected and translated into Christ by faith and into grace.
We have love abound in knowledge (epignosis) and all judgment.
We have the being come forth as doing, which are the works OF faith.
We have the enduring fruit of the Spirit yielded in us as character in outer conduct.
We have outer conduct reinforce the physicality of the underlying internal that brought forth the external.
This all sanctifies us wholly; spirit, soul, and body. It makes us a whole man again with a true underlying reality of existence. Non-believers don't actually "exist" completely.
If someone isn't always growing to know, then they don't have the ontology of being in Christ and putting Him on... Literally.
It's all about "the thing heard" (report), and whether it's the thing thought and spoken about by God. Too many have heard another report, or only some miniscule portion, or a majority substitute of the report as a false Gospel by degree. A qualitatively another Gospel, which there isn't (Galatians 1).