SpaceX Launch Tonight!


New member
The SpaceX launch last night was postponed to tonight due to weather and temperature problems. With that said, now is a great time to look at the supporting cast for the SpaceX launches!

Just Read the Instructions and Of Course I Still Love You!

These two ladies are the autonomous spaceport drone ships that are critical to recovering the first stage (the big rocket that launches the payload).

These two colorful characters are the autonomous spaceport drone ships that are designed to act as mobile landing pads. Of Course I Still Love You (OCISLY) can be found swimming in the Atlantic Ocean while Just Read the Instructions (JRTI) calls the Pacific Ocean home. The idea is to use GPS satellites to carefully position the ships underneath the first stage as it returns to Earth. They are pretty good at it, too! They can automatically position these ladies within ~three meters of their desired location.

The technology behind these ships is pretty cool. Given how big the ocean is I find it remarkable that they can be positioned with three meters of their target. Not only that, they have to catch a moving target from space (and you thought playing left field was bad)!

Tonight, Of Course I Still Love You gets the nod from SpaceX to attempt to catch a Falcon 9 rocket after deploying the SES-9 communications satellite. Unfortunately, given the nature of the launch and the trajectory, SpaceX is not anticipating a successful recovery. But, I am hopeful and happy they are giving it a try. Speaking of tries, so far SpaceX is 0 for 3 when it comes to landing attempts at sea:

Getting close! :D

If this is something that interests you, here is a link to the live broadcast that will take begin ~20 minutes before launch. The launch is currently scheduled for tonight at 6:46:17 PM EST. Cya then!

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Falcon 1, SpaceX's first launch in 2006. Like many rockets before it, this ended in a fireball. But they learned a ton from it.


