

Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
anyone else have sleep problems?

Yep. I'll be 47 in December. I can only sleep between two and four hours at a time, Kat. I've always had trouble sleeping, though, even when I was a baby (according to my mom). I don't take any sleeping pills or stimulants (unless driving long distance). Right now, since I'm home and have no plans of a long trip any time soon, I just let my sleep come as it may. Sometimes, I'm in bed by midnight. And, sometimes, I'm up until four in the morning. I usually sleep about two to four hours and then wake up until around noon. I take a nap and sleep between one and four hours, depending on how long I slept the night before. And, usually, if it's only a one-hour nap, I take a second nap around six in the evening. I don't drink a lot of caffeine and I don't do drugs at all (with the exception of a stimulant when I drive long distance).


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
you always hear about the need for sleep
too much sleep is more of a problem
it causes depression

you are better off with less than six hours of sleep
you are going to take a test
you had too much to drink

I have heard of baseball players staying up all night just to get out of a batting slump


I was diagnosed sleep apnee. I had this for a long time. I can sleep a few hours at a time. When I wake up I read and that put me back to sleep. Then I sleep another few hours. so that makes about 6 hours sleep a night.

And this is just fine with me.


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Hall of Fame
It is good that you read. I wish I could, however, compared to my ability in 2008, to read eight hours, now I still read fast yet my comprehension has dropped why down; it is like watching a movie with no sound, you get the picture, but little detailed information. Now I watch more movies.
between 1 and 4 AM, see how this jumped up here, what causes this?
so, my day goes like this:
Usually asleep between 1 and 3 AM, and if it is closer to 1AM, then I am awake before 5AM, and if it is around 2AM, it usually is about 5AM, but 3AM or later, I might sleep to 7AM.

Then, depending on how early I wake; early, I will fall to sleep, a short time around noon, then around 6PM ( see, it jumped again, one reason I do not post as much!) I will sleep about two hours. If the day starts later, i feel more tired most of the morning, then fall to sleep about two hours in the late afternoon, then I am more likely to fall asleep before 2AM and it cycles back between these two sleep patterns.


New member
I also have sleeping problems, probably brought on by 25 years of shift work. Someone in an earlier post mentioned taking Melatonin, and it works well for me. It's natural, not a drug, over the counter, and shouldn't effect any other medication you're taking. It simply relaxes me and makes it easier for me to go to sleep. Many people take Melatonin, and you should be able to find it in just about any grocery or drug store.

Dan Emanuel

Active member
I also have sleeping problems, probably brought on by 25 years of shift work. Someone in an earlier post mentioned taking Melatonin, and it works well for me. It's natural, not a drug, over the counter, and shouldn't effect any other medication you're taking. It simply relaxes me and makes it easier for me to go to sleep. Many people take Melatonin, and you should be able to find it in just about any grocery or drug store.
Yep :thumb: to all of this.
I [also] enjoy melatonin.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yep. I'll be 47 in December. I can only sleep between two and four hours at a time, Kat. I've always had trouble sleeping, though, even when I was a baby (according to my mom). I don't take any sleeping pills or stimulants (unless driving long distance). Right now, since I'm home and have no plans of a long trip any time soon, I just let my sleep come as it may. Sometimes, I'm in bed by midnight. And, sometimes, I'm up until four in the morning. I usually sleep about two to four hours and then wake up until around noon. I take a nap and sleep between one and four hours, depending on how long I slept the night before. And, usually, if it's only a one-hour nap, I take a second nap around six in the evening. I don't drink a lot of caffeine and I don't do drugs at all (with the exception of a stimulant when I drive long distance).
You may have what is know as non-24-hour sleep disorder? I know it is hard to treat; one of my physicians treats this and has some success. They use behaviour therapy, which seems unattractive to me.
I may also have this, yet when I was your age, I worked so many hours, I assumed I did not have time to sleep. Who knows, it seemed then, I had more energy than most persons, Oh, the good ole days!:cool:


It seems that I have more energy than when I was younger. It must be my diet I started several months ago.

My sleep patern seems similar to Ktoyou. I just don't force myself to sleep too many hours.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You may have what is know as non-24-hour sleep disorder? I know it is hard to treat; one of my physicians treats this and has some success. They use behaviour therapy, which seems unattractive to me.

I don't know. I've never gone to a doctor (that I remember) for my sleeping problems. I don't remember a lot from my childhood. So, I can't tell you if my mom ever took me to one about the problem then. I'm assuming that she didn't since I've never taken any kind of sleeping pills and I still have the problem.

I may also have this, yet when I was your age, I worked so many hours, I assumed I did not have time to sleep. Who knows, it seemed then, I had more energy than most persons, Oh, the good ole days!:cool:

When I was younger (eighteen to twenty-one), I worked three jobs to support myself. I did this until I found out I was pregnant and was basically given the choice to change shifts on two of my jobs due to morning sickness or quit. I couldn't change shifts because I depended on public transportation and the buses quit running at 7 pm. So, I had to quit.

My daughter is the same way now, at age 26. She wasn't this way when she was younger. So, I had assumed that she didn't have the same problems when she was a child. But, now, she walks everywhere, works nights, and survives on about 4 hours of sleep a day.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I never know when I will go to sleep? Generally, it is before 2AM, early cycle and around 3AM late cycle. Late cycle usually leads to afternoon sleep and to being tired earlier, so the next day is early cycle. I never leave he house on late cycle days.
Armadillos (mainly Dasypus) are common roadkill due to their habit of jumping three to four feet vertically when startled, which puts them into collision with the underside of vehicles.
I read this:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
My daughter is the same way now, at age 26. She wasn't this way when she was younger. So, I had assumed that she didn't have the same problems when she was a child. But, now, she walks everywhere, works nights, and survives on about 4 hours of sleep a day.

That was how i used to be. Although I did go to bed at midnight, I rose at 5AM, did outdoor work and then made Bob breakfast. I worked 8to 5 and then did some work at home. Those were the days, call my office on computer and get in the net, no problem, I used Excite, and mainly traded on eBay, back when eBay was small and :cool:

I remember talking on MSN, hold the tab and speak, now I do not know about any of that.

What amazes me, I thought I would never live past my 60s, now look at how long I been around, not all of it is fun, but it has good points! :)