Skeleton Poster Girl for Government Care

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Skeleton Poster Girl for Government Care

Thursday April 13th, 2006. This is show # 74.

I remember reading, was it Philo or Josephus? I think it was Philo. Two 1st century Jewish historians/philosophers/theologians/political advocates of the Jews. And they mentioned, way back in the history of mankind, the babylonian empire. Remember who built the babylonian empire? Nimrod. They mentioned him. And this is what Philo said. He said Nimrod taught people to rely on the government instead of relying on God. And I read that and I thought, "Wow, the first liberal! Nimrod was the first liberal! That's socialism. Socialism teaches people to rely on the government."
* The 40-year old London woman found as a virtual skeleton in her apartment three years after her death is a poster girl for government care. To the extent that the government cares for people in need, to that extent family, friends, churches and neighbors will not!
* Come to the Denver Bible Church Resurrection Day sunrise service this week, or at least, enjoy the Easter and Palm Sunday (If Christ Had Not Risen) sermons!
* Public school bus driver criminally charged for tying up an unruly 7-year-old. What's a liberal to do? Kids are miserably unhappy because the anti-spanking jihad has left parents unable to enforce boundaries.
* New Orleans officials expected the government to impose a conservative building code for homes to be elevated 10 feet above the ground, which would make rebuilding many neighborhoods cost-prohibitive, which would be politically taboo. But the Bush administration, whether by wisdom or politics we cannot know, has decided to allow federal funds even for a lenient standard of homes elevated only three feet.
* Katrina evacuee's living in a government trailer barely survived when it burst into flames, escaping through a hole blown in the trailer. When governments to e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g, they do n-o-t-h-i-n-g well.
* The prurient National Geographic Society, after robbing indigenous peoples around the world of their antiquities, is now willing to spend a small fortune on the fraudulent Gospel of Judas because they lust after the thought of undermining Christianity.
Today's Resource: Get Bob's message, Tyrant Dad, which includes the Pearl's classic book, Train Up a Child. The more immoral society becomes, the more unreasonable good parents appear, especially to their children. Listen to this message to understand and deal with this reality.
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