Senator Catches Fire: Dies


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Senator Catches Fire: Dies

This is the show from Wednesday, February 29th 2012.


* Social Insecurity: Bob asks co-host Doug McBurney if Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation regarding Barry (aka President Barack Hussein Obama) Soetoro’s eligibility is serious. Bob hints that it might just be that odd Connecticut Social Security number that could be a real problem for Barry.

* Burning Down One Side: Bob and Doug mourn the death of the 3,500 year-old Cypress tree nicknamed “The Senator”. And Doug points out that the same type of drug-fueled hedonism threatens what remains of 3,500 years of civilization as well!

* The Groping Epidemic: An NBC report about the 500 or so government school teachers accused of groping, molesting and even raping school kids, (just last year alone) implies there’s nothing to worry about. After all there were over 600 such accusations just a few years back! So, the trend is positive parents, just keep feeding your innocent children into the system...

* Tim Tebow’s Big Date: While the likes of the National Enquirer & TMZ busy themselves camping out, waiting to tie Tim Tebow to some scandal, (or some woman), Tim was busy escorting 10 year old Presli Collins to the Cartoon Network Awards Show.

* Detroit Gas Bag: Hear the inimitable Bob Enyart deconstruct Kwame Kenyatta’s policies and worldview regarding the aforementioned liberal city councilman’s attempt to reduce violent crime in Detroit.

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Today’s Resource: God gave us marriage as a foundational building block for society. Now the new 3-part video,God's Plan for Marriage can help you to build the kind of marriage that God desires you to have. Available now on DVD.