Brother Vinny

Active member
The powers-that-be over at Trion apparently had a big server migration or some such of RIFT servers, so I'm a gamer without a game tonight. I'll be really upset if my level 46 High Elf Warrior gets deleted.

Listening to broken by Nine Inch Nails. Trent Reznor had a lot of rage back then. The latest album has songs that seem spiritually questing, and one that sounds happy, as though he found a modicum of peace.

He needs Jesus.

For that matter, so do I. More of him daily.

I received a very uplifting, heartwarming private message from a brother on the other side of the theological Tiber today. It made me feel like weeping for the differences that separate the Body of Christ. I often question if those differences are as important as extreme factions on both sides want to make out, and I wonder if my Church handled the divisions she endured properly.

Sometimes I want to retreat back into the foyer of "mere Christianity," if only to better preserve the things that unite us, rather than focus on the myriad minutiae that tear us apart.