Report: Children of Alcoholics in UK Calling Helpline to Hear Bedtime Stories


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(Metro) — Children as young as five are ringing a helpline to hear bedtime stories because their alcoholic parents are too intoxicated.

Some of the youngsters call the counsellors at the National Association for Children of Alcoholics (Nacoa) so regularly their favourite story books are kept by the phones.

According to a parliamentary group there are 2.5 million children of alcoholics in the UK.

Hilary Henrqiues, the Nocoa charity’s chief executive, said on one occasion a counsellor had to help a five-year-old girl call 999 when her drug and alcohol addicted mother had locked herself in the bathroom overnight.

When paramedics arrived they found the woman had died.

Another of their callers, a girl aged seven, rang while hiding from her drunk parents under her bed on Christmas day. She was cold, scared and had received no presents and wanted to hear a story about her imaginary friend – a dog called Bruce.

The helpline’s regular callers often request classic Disney tales, while the Horrid Henry books and Roald Dahl are also popular, Ms Henriques said.

‘The children like to hear a made-up story because this helps to get across the message that things can be different from the life they live at the moment, which is really the cornerstone of what we do – keep hope alive.’

As MPs brand the issue a ‘secret scandal’, have interviewed a leading Psychotherapist and addiction expert on the long-term impact of being raised by an alcohol dependent parent.

Psychotherapist and International Conferences on Addiction and Associated Disorders presenter Christophe Sauerwein told ‘Growing up under the care of addict is extremely difficult for the child and has impact in adulthood.

‘An addict priorities his using over parenting responsibilities. The child will be neglected and will have to take care of himself almost as an orphan. Sometimes he will have to take care of the parent under substance influence and will have no choice than to “parent his parent”, an impossible and unfair mission imposed to the child.

‘Addicts behaviours are unpredictible and out of control. The child will grow up with a permanent fear of what is going to happen next.

‘Being poorly taken care of, the child will develop a sense of being unloved, abandoned and eventually low self esteem and low self worth.

‘More and more western countries legal systems consider addict parents within a family as abusive to the children.’

He added: ‘The child will develop an unexpressed pain and sadness together with a feeling of complete disempowerment. The child will have have a tendency to isolation and withdraw from social behaviours.

‘The impact is long lasting within the adult child of an addict. Most adult children of addict present anger and control issues, low and fragile self-esteem, fear of abandonment and will feel very insecure in their adult relationships.

‘They can also develop a high propensity to victimisation. They are also more prone to develop addictive behaviors out of early exposure and role modeling independently of any possible genetic pre-disposition.’

Nocoa received 32,000 calls and emails from children last year.

The charity is marking Children of Alcoholics week following the launch of a manifesto by MPs calling on the Government to take action.

The all-parliamentary group, supported by the Archbishop of Canterbury, said their research uncovered a ‘shocking picture of support for children of alcoholics’, including an apparent absence of strategies to deal with the issue and a dearth of funding in many areas.

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I'm sure this also applies to children of addicts, please agree with me in prayer for all these and many other children whose parents neglect them this way.

Pray for their parents to seek God and seek help.