For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.
You do NOT UNDERSTAND that scripture that says that!
ANSWER these questions:
Does God say do not murder?
Does God say love is doing no harm to your neighbor?
Do you love your neighbor by NOT murdering them, AS COMMANDED?
Does God say DO NOT STEAL?
Do you love your neighbor by not stealing from them?
Does God say do not bear false witness?
Do you love your neighbor by not bearing false witness against them?
NOW YOU HAVE OBEYED ALL THOSE THINGS. You have loved your neighbor by OBEYING all those things.....
EXCEPT that you think you neighbor's wife is beautiful, and she comes on to you, and you subcomb, you have now broken a command from God of do not commit adultery----So you have NOW SHOWN THAT YOU DO NOT LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AFTER ALL, BECAUSE you have caused harm to your neighbor.
Don't you see that our love is dependent upon obeying God?