Real Science Friday: A Leading Telescope Designer in Studio

The Barbarian

I think those pics are from the Orion Nebula if I recall correctly, which is what, 500 light years away? That's how it looked 500 years ago when the light we're seeing started its journey, but a mere 500 years later won't make much difference in how it would look now.

There are actually stars just being "born" at the tips of those gas/dust columns. Anyone who says that stars are not forming right now is just ignorant of what we've seen in the last 15 or 20 years with the Hubble.

Yep. As you see, it comes as a complete surprise to the creationists. It's never been a problem for Christians, though. The God who created the universe is a lot more capable and powerful than the creationists are willing to let Him be.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Hey, Barbarian. Do you think creationists are not Christians?

The Barbarian

Hey, Barbarian. Do you think creationists are not Christians?

I am sure that some are. Old Earth creationists, for example, do not object to Genesis. Some YE creationists may never have realized the implications of their new doctrines. Some of them are as Christian as anyone else.

But yes, many creationists are not Christians, in the sense of accepting the Nicene Creed and Jesus as God.

Some creationist hold beliefs that are not consistent with Christianity.

The Barbarian

(Barbarian says that some creationists hold beliefs that are inconsistent with Chrisitianity)

(Stipe asks Barbarian to name one)

Life ex nihilo, for example.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Barbarian re-invents the question Stripe asked.

Stripe re-asks it.

What belief can one hold that would make one not a Christian?

some other dude

New member
Well, he can cut and paste faster than anyone but Squeaky.

When he's on his own, he usually falls flat on his face and then gets really angry when people (read me :) ) laugh at him.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Well, he can cut and paste faster than anyone but Squeaky.

Maybe he is Squeaky. :think:

When he's on his own, he usually falls flat on his face and then gets really angry when people (read me :) ) laugh at him.

What I really hope is that one day he can show some respect for the explanations that are presented to him. Plenty of times I have ceded to his greater knowledge. Never once will he even consider allowing a plain reading of Genesis a fair hearing.

Anything counter to evolutionism .. :CRASH: .. he's blinded.

And Barbarian - we all are well practised in riling each other up, but that's a genuine hope. Show some humility and maybe a little respect sometime. Who knows, perhaps you'll learn something. :up:


New member
Wow! Thanks for bringing this. Even as a young boy, I was fascinated by the change from caterpillar to butterfly or moth. It just seemed impossible that the caterpillar could build this structure around himself, then turn into mush, and then create a butterfly from the mush. "A caterpillar species needs to begin digesting itself, turning itself into a "bag of rich fluid," and then forming all new tissue and organs, including wings, legs, antennae, heart, muscles and nervous system, building a brand new organism, and then starting the process all over again." Here it is, all these years later, and I remain amazed by this whole process.

Here is a wild prediction: There will come a day when the Evolutionists and the Creationists will shake hands and be friends. Pretty wild, huh! Maybe not. There will come a realization that the two go hand in hand in a process which is too big for current (inside the box) thinking. This will happen.

How is it that when we don't understand something, "goddid it"?

Because they have no other alternative after painting themselves into a corner.

Do evolutionists usually have nothing to say when it comes to Caterpillar Metamorphosis?

some other dude

New member
And Barbarian - we all are well practised in riling each other up, but that's a genuine hope. Show some humility and maybe a little respect sometime. Who knows, perhaps you'll learn something. :up:

Much like Squeaky, barbie's not here to learn, he's here to teach. They each see themselves as experts and ridicule anybody who doesn't accept that.

Frayed Knot

New member
Do evolutionists usually have nothing to say when it comes to Caterpillar Metamorphosis?

Biologists have a lot to say about it. Many insects go through a larval stage, then metamorphosize into an adult. The butterfly is just another example of this. The process is basically a two-step development, where instead of having to provide all the nutrients that are needed within the egg, the critter develops part way, then goes out to eat, then the development process is continued after it fattens up. Seems like a pretty good evolutionary strategy - insects seem to be fairly successful as a group!

It's also very inaccurate to say that the larva turns itself into a "bag of rich fluid," because structures that exist in the larva are maintained, and further developed in the metamorphosis process.

I don't see that it's any more of an amazing thing, than any other creature's development process. The difference is that with these insects, there's a pause during development while it fattens up, then development continues.


New member
=Frayed Knot;2767552]Biologists have a lot to say about it. Many insects go through a larval stage, then metamorphosize into an adult. The butterfly is just another example of this. The process is basically a two-step development, where instead of having to provide all the nutrients that are needed within the egg, the critter develops part way, then goes out to eat, then the development process is continued after it fattens up. Seems like a pretty good evolutionary strategy - insects seem to be fairly successful as a group!

What directs the metamorphosize? What tells the "development process" to continue? Evolution is an abstract concept that does not do anything. And insects eat each other. Was the first to try this successful? The second? The third? The fourth? Do you have any proof that this process evolved? You don't. What you have is a butterfly--a beautiful creation that evolution could never produce in a gazillion ions.

It's also very inaccurate to say that the larva turns itself into a "bag of rich fluid," because structures that exist in the larva are maintained, and further developed in the metamorphosis process.

What tells the "structures that exist in the larve to maintain and further develope in the metamorphosis processs"?

I don't see that it's any more of an amazing thing, than any other creature's development process. The difference is that with these insects, there's a pause during development while it fattens up, then development continues.

"Amazing"? You should be absolutely ASTONISHED that this process could happen undirected by accident for no reason. You should be rocked to your socks with awe that the origin of all life as we see today came from nonliving matter. And then this lifeless, reasonless matter gave us the laws of logic and rational thought. I don't have enough faith to be an atheist.

"... although they knew God, they did not glorify HIm as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened" (Rom. 1:21).



New member
=The Barbarian;2766587]Yep. As you see, it comes as a complete surprise to the creationists. It's never been a problem for Christians, though. The God who created the universe is a lot more capable and powerful than the creationists are willing to let Him be.


Are we to take this post metaphorically or literally? If literally, why?



New member
=some other dude;2765661]barbie's a bitter, angry, closet racist and Christian-hater. He is to be pitied.

Hello all,

Whatever gene is necessary for one to admit to any truth, it's missing in Barbarian's DNA. If Jesus were posting on ToL, Barbarian would argue with Him that He is the way, the truth and the life. He would post: "Barbarian chuckles... Let's look and see if this Jesus is the way the truth and the life." And then he would post some nonsense.

So on other threads, I tried to show him that he is not saved and is going to hell. He believes he is going to the nonexistent Purgatory. But he does not know that there is no air conditioning in Purgatory. And no amount of purchased prayers to his priest by his family will expedite his duration in Purgatory. But knowing Barbarian, he will deny where he is at. "Barbarian, you're in hell. There is no Purgatory." And while Barbarian will argue against this, I doubt he will be able to chuckle.


The Barbarian

Whatever gene is necessary for one to admit to any truth, it's missing in Barbarian's DNA. If Jesus were posting on ToL, Barbarian would argue with Him that He is the way, the truth and the life.

I don't think Jesus would deny that He is the way the truth and the life.

And He is God, Tom. Hard as that may be for your ego, He is.

And you aren't.