I have no idea what you are trying to say... You probably don't either
in other words, 3 or more syllables gives you trouble :comeout:
I have no idea what you are trying to say... You probably don't either
I have no idea what you are trying to say... You probably don't either
sorry to see you failed the IQ test...
sorry to see you failed the IQ test...
you're not too smart either. I wasn't addressing my comments to YOU... but since you want to resort to lib tactics (name calling, insults) to heck w/ you. Ignore sounds goodI do know what I'm trying to say. I don't know how to explain it to a 4 year old. Which means I certainly don't know how to explain it to you. my 4 year old cousin is smarter than you are.
what a total lie
but then lying is what libs do
so we are (ho hum) not surprised
not only do they lie but they point the finger @ Rs for doing what they do in massive spades...
raise the Debt?
Pres O has almost DOUBLED the Debt... !!!
he has spent more $$ than ALL the presidents of the US COMBINED...
Stupid... the things libs say
Please, America... Wake up and smell the coffee... Libs are rotten people who can't stand the truth and couldn't care less about YOU
Generally speaking, they hate We the people...
they love We the government... they love taking your stuff, taking your rights, enslaving you to the government...
Did it work in the USSR?
Did it work in China?
Does it work in Cuba... Do some research on civil rights in those countries...
the facts are Reagan raised taxes eleven times
I put those who lie on Ignore