Psaki regurgitates long-debunked lie about Russian hacking


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Democrats have run out of steam. They are desperate to deceive voters into believing Russia is to blame for the problems America is facing because of Biden and his ungodly democrat Marxist bedfellows around the country. Psaki repeats the lie Hillary and cohorts invented years ago about Putin and Russia hacking into DNC headquarters. Maybe she does not even know the truth. Some of these bozo democrat spokespeople really do not know the facts because they have never received any instruction outside of carefully edited lying leftist democrat propaganda narratives.

During the call with the TikTok influencers, Psaki claimed that Russia "hacked" the 2016 election in which Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton.

"If you look back at 2014, and frankly even 2016, when Russia invaded Ukraine and then in 2016, when they, you know, of course, hacked our election here, we did not do that, we did not declassify information," Psaki told the group of TikTok stars.