Pray for me.


This thread is awesome.. don't you dare ask me to pray for you haha.
It's not my fault God put you in England.

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New member
I'm Welsh, but more so of the redeemed and scripture warns me of people like you who speak evil of dignities.

I have a queen but she is known as Love queen who rules Christ's kingdom of love. I love to bow down and kiss her feet.


Some time ago I called in to see the daughter of an old friend of mine. She was doing some home improvements and various other “stuff” and it was all getting on top of her. She told me her woes and explained her plans. As I was leaving she asked me to pray for the success of her endeavours. I advised her never to ask me to pray for her. As I always and only pray according to the will of the Eternal Father and not the will of man or in this case woman. Furthermore, that the will of the Almighty, would not run parallel with her will.

She just nodded.

So... if praying doesn't help... then why pray at all? Why did Jesus ask us to "pray for our enemies"? Why do people pray for others in the bible?

Is it all an "illusion"?


Well-known member
When someone asks me to pray for them, I always attempt to pray for whatever the underlying need may be. A change of heart or a willingness to accept what may not be anything close to what they're asking. It's the same way I pray about my own needs.


New member
So... if praying doesn't help... then why pray at all? Why did Jesus ask us to "pray for our enemies"? Why do people pray for others in the bible?

Is it all an "illusion"?

When I pray I know that my prayers are heard. When I pray I expect an answer and I'm never disappointed. Three weeks ago on a mountain I was ascending. I had the answer to a prayer I made 16 years ago. I'm still waiting on one I made 17 years ago.


New member
Some time ago I called in to see the daughter of an old friend of mine. She was doing some home improvements and various other “stuff” and it was all getting on top of her. She told me her woes and explained her plans. As I was leaving she asked me to pray for the success of her endeavours. I advised her never to ask me to pray for her. As I always and only pray according to the will of the Eternal Father and not the will of man or in this case woman. Furthermore, that the will of the Almighty, would not run parallel with her will.

She just nodded.

The reason for my warning is that when I do pray for someone their life falls apart, their aims in life are crossed and they will find themselves in a process of being stripped of everything. This is what is called "teaching the heart to fear" By the self same Spirit that may well "the fears relieve".*

I'd been praying for her from the first time we met. When she would boast of her plans I'd be praying to have them crossed. When she was boasting about enjoying life I would look up and ask, how do the wicked boast of peace? Is it not written that "There is no peace unto the wicked". I would then ask Him to deal with her. I did so in the knowledge that His dealing may be unto life eternal or destruction. I hoped unto life eternal and still do.

*"For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of sonship, whereby we cry, Abba, Father". Romans 8:15