Praise the Lord III


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!

For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels,
and then He will reward each according to his works
Matthew 16:27


The Last Mile of the Way

If I walk in the pathway of duty,
If I work till the close of the day;
I shall see the great King in His beauty,
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.

If for Christ I proclaim the glad story,
If I seek for His sheep gone astray,
I am sure He will show me His glory,
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.

Here the dearest of ties we must sever,
Tears of sorrow are seen ev’ry day;
But no sickness, no sighing forever,
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.

And if here I have earnestly striven,
And have tried all His will to obey,
’Twill enhance all the rapture of Heaven,
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.

When I’ve gone the last mile of the way,
I will rest at the close of the day,
And I know there are joys that await me,
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.

Ephesians 6:24


More Love to Thee, O Christ

More love to Thee, O Christ, more love to Thee!
Hear Thou the prayer I make on bended knee.
This is my earnest plea: More love, O Christ, to Thee;
More love to Thee, more love to Thee!

Once earthly joy I craved, sought peace and rest;
Now Thee alone I seek, give what is best.
This all my prayer shall be: More love, O Christ to Thee;
More love to Thee, more love to Thee!

Let sorrow do its work, come grief or pain;
Sweet are Thy messengers, sweet their refrain,
When they can sing with me: More love, O Christ, to Thee;
More love to Thee, more love to Thee!

Then shall my latest breath whisper Thy praise;
This be the parting cry my heart shall raise;
This still its prayer shall be: More love, O Christ to Thee;
More love to Thee, more love to Thee!

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
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Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!

Because He first loved us.
1 John 4:19


O How I Love Jesus

There is a name I love to hear,
I love to sing its worth;
It sounds like music in my ear,
The sweetest name on earth.

It tells me of a Savior’s love,
Who died to set me free;
It tells me of His precious blood,
The sinner’s perfect plea.

It tells of One whose loving heart
Can feel my deepest woe;
Who in each sorrow bears
A part that none can bear below.

Jesus, the name I love so well,
The name I love to hear:
No saint on earth its worth can tell,
No heart conceive how dear.

O how I love Jesus,
O how I love Jesus,
O how I love Jesus,
Because He first loved me!

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.
Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Matthew 6:34


While Time is Spent

I do not ask, I would not know,
What Time is bringing me;
I only pray, come weal or woe,
That I may faithful be.

The future in God’s keeping lies,
The past He doth command;
To Him I lift my fearless eyes,
Nor ask to understand.

Under the shadow of His wings
I lodge while Time is spent,
And glorify the word that brings
The secret of content.

Where He doth lead I’ll follow on,
Whate’er the cost may be;
And in the dawning that awaits
I shall His glory see.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
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Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!

The kindness and love of God our Savior.
Titus 3:4


Growing Dearer Each Day

How sweet is the love of my Savior!
’Tis boundless and deep as the sea;
And best of it all, it is daily
Growing sweeter and sweeter to me.

I know He is ever beside me!
Eternity only will prove
The height and the depth of His mercy,
And the breadth of His infinite love.

Wherever He leads I will follow,
Thru sorrow, or shadow or sun;
And though I be tried in the furnace,
I can say, Lord, Thy will be it done.

Some day face to face I shall see Him,
And oh, what a joy it will be
To know that His love, now so precious,
Will forever grow sweeter to me!

Sweeter and sweeter to me,
Dearer and dearer each day;
Oh, wonderful love of my Savior,
Growing dearer each step of my way!

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!
And a very great multitude spread their clothes on the road; others cut down branches from the trees and spread them on the road. Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying:
“Hosanna to the Son of David!
‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!’
Hosanna in the highest!”​
Matthew 21:8-9


Sunday Morning Praise

Palm Sunday

The street stands crowded from wall to wall. “Yon Hebrew boy, come here, I pray,
And tell me what has sufficed to call such multitude abroad today.”
“Friend, do you see upon yonder hill where winds the road round Olive’s brow?”
“Lad, I see only the sunshine still and ragged trees and dust below.

“While on the path, some weary men with one in their midst, as poor as they
Is much bespent, for I see again, He rides a foal, and draws this way.”
“I, stranger, many a month before, stood on the coast of Gennesaret’s sea;
In wicker basket, some loaves I bore, from home, my mother prepared for me.

“Now stranger, just at the set of sun, He that was teaching called me near;
‘Your loaves will you give?’ ‘Every one!’ I said, and gave them with ne’er a fear.
“Well, stranger, five thousand men and more had heard the teacher’s words that day,
And these were hungry; He blessed my store, and fed them all, and sent away.

“Now stranger, rides toward the gate the teacher, He that spoke that day;
I seek Him now, would not be late Keep me no longer; I cannot stay.”
“Hosanna!” down from the hill they cry, “Hosanna!” comes back from town below
With homage meet and honor high, at Christ’s dear feet green palms they throw.

…the children crying out in the temple and saying, “Hosanna to the Son of David!”
Matthew 21:15

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!

I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:20

…He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5


Moment by Moment

Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine;
Living with Jesus, a new life divine;
Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine,
Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine.

Never a trial that He is not there,
Never a burden that He doth not bear,
Never a sorrow that He doth not share,
Moment by moment, I’m under His care.

Never a heartache, and never a groan,
Never a teardrop and never a moan;
Never a danger but there on the throne,
Moment by moment He thinks of His own.

Never a weakness that He doth not feel,
Never a sickness that He cannot heal;
Moment by moment, in woe or in weal,
Jesus my Savior, abides with me still.

Moment by moment I’m kept in His love;
Moment by moment I’ve life from above;
Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine;
Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.

Isaiah 26:3
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 14:27
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:7


Hidden Peace

I cannot tell thee whence it came,
This peace within my breast;
But this I know, there fills my soul
A strange and tranquil rest.

Beneath the toil and care of life,
This hidden stream flows on;
My weary soul no longer thirsts,
Nor am I sad and lone.

I cannot tell the half of love,
Unfeigned, supreme, divine,
That caused my darkest inmost self
With beams of hope to shine.

I cannot tell thee why He chose
To suffer and to die,
But if I suffer here with Him
I’ll reign with Him on high.

There’s a deep, settled peace in my soul,
Yes a deep, settled peace in my soul,
Tho’ the billows of sin near me roll,
He abides, Christ abides.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!

In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.
Isaiah 30:15


O God of Love, Grant Us Your Peace

O God of love, grant us Your peace, within each restless mind.
May all our inner turmoil cease, God show us how to find...
Your quiet rest, Your still, small voice, Your light upon life’s way,
To walk with you our humble choice, God give us grace to pray.

O God of life, grant us Your peace, both where we work and live.
Our ties of fellowship increase, God, teach us how to give...
A helping hand, a listening ear, a message we may share,
So day by day and year by year, God give us grace to care!

O God of hope, grant us Your peace, though all the earth choose war.
May global tensions now decrease, God, lead us to adore...
The way of Christ, and like our Lord, be merciful and just,
Surrounded by Your Living Word, God give us grace to trust!

O God of all, grant us Your peace, we share one human bond,
And so when others seek release, God, help us to respond...
To heal the sick, to seek the lost, to set the captive free,
To serve and never count the cost May we live peacefully!

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.
John 1:16


Lord, Thou Hast Promised Grace for Grace

Lord, Thou hast promised grace for grace
To all who daily seek Thy face;
To them who have, Thou givest more
Out of Thy vast, exhaustless store.

Each step we take but gathers strength
For further progress, till at length,
With ease the highest steeps we gain,
And count the mountain but a plain.

Who watch, and pray, and work each hour
Receive new life and added power,
A power fresh victories to win
Over the world, and self, and sin.

Help us, O Lord, that we may grow
In grace as Thou dost grace bestow;
And still Thy richer gifts repeat
Till grace in glory is complete.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


New member
It is an interesting concept, more is given to those who already have much!
I have learned through life experience that trouble comes by the bucket sometimes! It is when I am on the verge of being overwhelmed that I realize "from whence cometh my help".
When the comfort of worldly things is destroyed I am brought back to my center and remember it is the living God who is my redeemer and sustainer.
Thanks Psalmist!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!

What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.
John 13:7


Hereafter Thou Shalt Know

Hereafter thou shalt know in this I rest,
Since Thou hast willed it so, whose will is best;
I walk by faith; what though I do not see?
Thou seest all; this is enough for me.

And so I stand and wait, till Thou shalt open
Into the light the gate, with glowing hope
That brighter than my brightest thought shall be
The full unfolding of Thy love to me.

Meanwhile, I cannot tell why things are so;
But this, Thou doest well, I surely know.
The clouds may veil the sun, and tears mine eyes;
Still reigns my Lord beyond these curtained skies.

And so I quiet my heart as on Thy breast;
That Thou my Father art lulls me to rest;
A weary child, on Thee my soul is stilled;
Do as Thou wilt, for Thou the best hast willed.

Have Thine own way with me; all things perform
If in the calm I be, or in the storm;
How sweet, when cloud and storm are overpast,
Just to be home, and with my God at last.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

He gives more grace.
James 4:6


He Giveth More Grace

He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater,
He sendeth more strength as our labors increase;
To added afflictions He addeth His mercy,
To multiplied trials He multiplies peace.

When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources
Our Father’s full giving is only begun.

Fear not that thy need shall exceed His provision,
Our God ever yearns His resources to share;
Lean hard on the arm everlasting, availing;
The Father both thee and thy load will upbear.

His love has no limits, His grace has no measure,
His power no boundary known unto men;
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!

My grace is sufficient for you.
2 Corinthians 12:9


His Grace is Enough For Me

Just when I am disheartened,
Just when with cares oppressed,
Just when my way is darkest,
Just when I am distressed
Then is my Savior near me,
He knows my every care;
Jesus will never leave me,
He helps my burdens bear.

Just when my hopes are vanished,
Just when my friends forsake,
Just when the fight is thickest,
Just when with fear I shake
Then comes a still small whisper:
“Fear not, My child, I’m near.”
Jesus brings peace and comfort,
I love His voice to hear.

Just when my tears are flowing,
Just when with anguish bent,
Just when temptation’s hardest,
Just when with sadness rent
Then comes a thought of comfort:
“I know my Father knows.”
Jesus has grace sufficient
To conquer all my foes.

His grace is enough for me, for me,
His grace is enough for me;
Through sorrow and pain,
Through loss or gain,
His grace is enough for me.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

...there I will meet with you, and I will speak with you from above the mercy seat.
Exodus 25:22


Before Thy Mercy Seat, O Lord

Before Thy mercy seat, O Lord,
Behold, Thy servants stand,
To ask the knowledge of Thy Word,
The guidance of Thy hand.

Let Thy eternal truths, we pray,
Dwell richly in each heart;
That from the safe and narrow way
We never may depart.

Lord, from Thy Word remove the seal,
Unfold its hidden store,
And as we read, teach us to feel
Its value more and more.

Help us to see a Savior’s love
Shine forth from every page,
And let the thoughts of joys above
Our inmost souls engage.

Thus, while Thy Word our footsteps guides,
Shall we be truly blest,
And soon arrive where love provides
An everlasting rest.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence.
Hebrews 4:16


Behold the Throne of Grace

Behold the throne of grace, the promise calls us near,
There Jesus shows a smiling face and waits to answer prayer.
That rich atoning blood, which sprinkled round we see,
Provides for those who come to God an all prevailing plea.

My soul ask what thou wilt, Thou canst not be too bold;
Since His own blood for thee He spilt, what else can He withhold.
Beyond thy utmost wants His love and power can bless;
To praying souls He always grants, more than they can express.

Since ’tis the Lord’s command, my mouth I open wide;
Lord open Thou Thy bounteous hand, that I may be supplied.
Thine image, Lord, bestow, Thy presence and Thy love;
I ask to serve Thee here below, and reign with Thee above.

Teach me to live by faith, conform my will to Thine;
Let me victorious be in death, and then in glory shine.
If Thou these blessings give, and wilt my portion be;
Cheerful the world’s poor toys I leave, to them who know not Thee.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!
Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and said to the disciples, “Sit here while I go and pray over there.” … Then the detachment of troops and the captain and the officers of the Jews arrested Jesus and bound Him…So they took Jesus and led Him away. Then Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. And Pilate said to them, “Behold the Man!”…Then he delivered Him to them to be crucified. So they took Jesus and led Him away…And He, bearing His cross, went out to a place called…Golgotha…where they crucified Him…Matthew 26:36; John 18:12; John 19:5, 16-18


Ten Thousand Angels

They bound the hands of Jesus
in the garden when He prayed;
They led Him thru the streets in shame,
They spat upon the Saviour so pure and free from sin;
They said “Crucify Him ~ He's to blame”

Upon His precious head they placed a crown of thorns;
They laughed and said, “Behold the King”
They struck Him and they cursed Him
and mocked His holy name,
All alone He suffered everything.

When they nailed Him to the Cross,
His mother stood nearby,
He said, “Woman, behold thy son!”
He cried, "I thirst for water,
but they gave Him none to drink.
Then the sinful work of man was done.

To the howling mob He yielded;
He did not for mercy cry.
The Cross of shame He took alone.
And when He cried, “It's finished!”
He gave Himself to die,
Salvation's wondrous plan was done.

He could have called ten thousand angels
to destroy the world and set Him free
He could have called ten thousand angels
But He died alone, for you and me.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!

So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said,
“It is finished!”
And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.

John 19:30


It Is Finished!

It is finished! Christ hath known
All the life of men wayfaring;
Human joys and sorrows sharing,
Making human needs His own.
Lord, in us Thy life renewing,
Lead us where Thy feet have trod,
Till, the way of truth pursuing,
Human souls find rest in God.

It is finished! Christ is slain,
On the altar of creation,
Offering for a world’s salvation
Sacrifice of love and pain.
Lord, Thy love through pain revealing,
Purge our passions, scourge our vice,
Till, upon the tree of healing,
Self is slain in sacrifice.

It is finished! Christ our King
Wins the victor’s crown of glory;
Sun and stars recite His story,
Floods and fields His triumph sing.
Lord, whose praise the world is telling,
Lord, to Whom all power is given,
By Thy death, hell’s armies quelling,
Bring Thy saints to reign in Heav’n.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

His children will have a place of refuge.
Proverbs 14:26


Beneath the Cross of Jesus

Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand,
The shadow of a mighty rock within a weary land;
A home within the wilderness, a rest upon the way,
From the burning of the noontide heat, and the burden of the day.

O safe and happy shelter, O refuge tried and sweet,
O trysting place where Heaven’s love and Heaven’s justice meet!
As to the holy patriarch that wondrous dream was giv’n,
So seems my Savior’s cross to me, a ladder up to Heav’n.

There lies beneath its shadow but on the further side
The darkness of an awful grave that gapes both deep and wide;
And there between us stands the cross two arms outstretched to save
A watchman set to guard the way from that eternal grave.

Upon that cross of Jesus mine eye at times can see
The very dying form of One who suffered there for me;
And from my stricken heart with tears two wonders I confess;
The wonders of redeeming love and my unworthiness.

I take, O cross, thy shadow for my abiding place;
I ask no other sunshine than the sunshine of His face;
Content to let the world go by, to know no gain or loss,
My sinful self my only shame, my glory all the cross.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!
“Therefore command that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest His disciples come by night and steal Him away, and say to the people, ‘He has risen from the dead.’ So the last deception will be worse than the first.” Matthew 27:64


Sealed Was The Tomb

Sealed was the tomb, guarded by soldiers,
Brightly the moonlight shone around;
Roadway and hill gleamed in the brightness,
Flooded with light the garden’s bound.
Brighter the light seen ’neath the olives;
Forms bright as sunlight, ’mid the trees,
Soldiers were there, clad as for warfare;
Lo! they are gone, and who are these?

See yonder, hast’ning to the city,
The trembling soldiers in terror go!
Earthquake astounding, strange light surrounding,
Drive them away these things to show.
Darkly they plan; falsely as darkly,
Stories that He was borne away
Borne by His friends, poor weak disciples,
Stol’n when the moon was bright as day!

Soldiers of Rome ne’er slept on duty,
False was the tale for silver told;
Death could not hold that mighty Victor!
Lift up your heads, ye gates of gold!
The morn of glory hath awakened,
And death no longer holds boundless pow’r;
Empty the prison, Jesus has risen;
Time hath no richer, grander hour.

O wonderful light in the garden,
That fadeth not away!
The King who was laid in the shadow
With vict’ry is crowned this glorious day.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!