Poor nations: Poverty and corruption

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
This is the behavior of a corrupt government, even when "legal" like the Soviets and Nazi Germany.

1 Samuel 8

11 And he said, “This will be the behavior of the king who will reign over you: He will take your sons and appoint them for his own chariots and to be his horsemen, and some will run before his chariots. 12 He will appoint captains over his thousands and captains over his fifties, will set some to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and some to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. 13 He will take your daughters to be perfumers, cooks, and bakers. 14 And he will take the best of your fields, your vineyards, and your olive groves, and give them to his servants. 15 He will take a tenth of your grain and your vintage, and give it to his officers and servants. 16 And he will take your male servants, your female servants, your finest young men, and your donkeys, and put them to his work. 17 He will take a tenth of your sheep. And you will be his servants. 18 And you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, and the Lord will not hear you in that day.”

The government will take what is yours and give it to others. This is the redistribution of wealth. The funny part about Purex is he supports the people and systems he complains about. Like Bernie Sanders supporters. They are crying about the abuses and unable to get ahead and their solution is to have government take even more of their income.


New member
Does anyone care that 80% of the world lives on less than $10 a day?

that according to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. And they “die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world. Being meek and weak in life makes these dying multitudes even more invisible in death.”?

that 1.3 billion live on less than $1.25 a day?

that around 27-28 percent of all children in developing countries are estimated to be underweight or stunted. The two regions that account for the bulk of the deficit are South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.?

I mean, how often does it enter your consciousness? Doesn't it bother you that there is so much food out there and money, but yet, most of the world lags way behind even the poorest of the Western countries?


New member
I've been reading various articles and videos about why some nations are rich while others are poor. The biggest contributing factor to the economic success of a nation is the strength of its institutions. You cannot have strong institutions with rampant corruption (see Mexico and Ukraine).

Kinda strange examples, as neither Ukraine nor Mexico are especially far down the list economically.

Mexico, in fact, vastly outperforms its neighbors to the south, and is on par with South America. Ukraine is slightly worse than most of its neighbors, but Moldova is a lot worse. And, there are some pretty horrible governments near the top of the list.


New member
Kinda strange examples, as neither Ukraine nor Mexico are especially far down the list economically.

Mexico, in fact, vastly outperforms its neighbors to the south, and is on par with South America. Ukraine is slightly worse than most of its neighbors, but Moldova is a lot worse. And, there are some pretty horrible governments near the top of the list.

I picked them off the top of my head because i have been to both countries. They both looked pretty poor to me, but not as poor as sub Saharan Africa. I'm not saying there is a linear relation between corruption and poverty. Corruption is just one element that accounts for a countries lack of prosperity. The following video shows in a convincing fashion what makes poor countries poor and rich countries rich.



Well-known member
So, you guys are saying there is no solution to remedy poverty in countries ridden with corruption?
The solution to corruption is and has always been writing good laws and practicing good law enforcement, based on equal freedom, justice, and opportunity for everyone. But those can't happen unless we want it bad enough to be willing to make it happen, and then protect it once it does.

So far, that's only happened in a few places, and for a relatively short time. Then our greed and stupidity kicks in and we start ripping and tearing at each other all over again, trying to rule the world.

Our enemy is within us. And unless we're willing to admit that, and reign it in, we're doomed to be enslaved by it.


New member
That's a really good video. Makes some persuasive arguments.

Its why I started this thread. Corruption stood out as something that really keeps the lid on a economy. Leaders see no reason to raise taxes and provide for the public good when they are being paid handsomely to do nothing or watch while criminals rape the land. I guess my real question is how do you get a bureaucracy that is accountable to the people?


New member
The solution to corruption is and has always been writing good laws and practicing good law enforcement, based on equal freedom, justice, and opportunity for everyone. But those can't happen unless we want it bad enough to be willing to make it happen, and then protect it once it does.

So far, that's only happened in a few places, and for a relatively short time. Then our greed and stupidity kicks in and we start ripping and tearing at each other all over again, trying to rule the world.

Our enemy is within us. And unless we're willing to admit that, and reign it in, we're doomed to be enslaved by it.

We have a strong government and police force. Outright bribery is rare as far as I know. We also have an educated electorate as opposed to poor countries. We are also free to Assemble and seek redress for problems. Other countries don't have these advantages. The people are powerless and uneducated to the point they don't even realize what the problem is.

If large scale corruption existed in our country at some point in time, I'm not sure when. Even if there was, it didn't affect our wealth status, so other issues must have been at play.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Does anyone care that 80% of the world lives on less than $10 a day?

that according to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. And they “die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world. Being meek and weak in life makes these dying multitudes even more invisible in death.”?

that 1.3 billion live on less than $1.25 a day?

that around 27-28 percent of all children in developing countries are estimated to be underweight or stunted. The two regions that account for the bulk of the deficit are South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.?

I mean, how often does it enter your consciousness? Doesn't it bother you that there is so much food out there and money, but yet, most of the world lags way behind even the poorest of the Western countries?

if you can't afford to feed yourself, stop having kids :idunno:


Well-known member
We have a strong government and police force. Outright bribery is rare as far as I know.
Then you have your head in the sand, because bribery now completely rules our state and federal legislatures. They get to write the laws that govern themselves, and they have made bribery, and cheating elections, legal. Such that they now completely ignore the will and well-being of the people they are supposed to be representing, and instead they represent only the will and well-being of their wealthy patrons, and themselves.

I honestly don't understand how you can not know this unless you are willfully ignoring the information available to you.

This video is from some years ago, and is about just ONE lobbyist who happened to get caught. And the only reason he got caught, was that he ripped of his own clients (the people who paid him millions of dollars to bribe the Congress on their behalf). The many hundreds of other lobbyists in Washington, who do exactly the same things that this guy did, are still at work doing what they do, because they don't cheat their own corporate clients. They are "honest bagmen", carrying out the bribery of their wealthy clients.

And it's gotten WAY worse since this 60 Minutes piece because the Supreme Court has since allowed wealthy corporations to create 'PAKS', in secret, and fund them with unlimited amounts of money that no one track.

We also have an educated electorate as opposed to poor countries.
An "educated electorate" like yourself? Who does not seem to have even the remotest idea of what is going on in Washington?

We are also free to Assemble and seek redress for problems. Other countries don't have these advantages. The people are powerless and uneducated to the point they don't even realize what the problem is.
How is the right to assemble going to change anything? Especially when the moment that assemblage creates the least bit of difficulty for the state, the state will send in the police to break it up? Since when has an assemblage in this country ever changed anything?

If large scale corruption existed in our country at some point in time, I'm not sure when. Even if there was, it didn't affect our wealth status, so other issues must have been at play.
It is effecting our "wealth status", massively, right now!

Please watch this short video about how wealth is being distributed in the United States. And how different it is from what you THINK our wealth is distributed.



Well-known member
Here is a boring TedTalks video about what we could do to stop the corruption in Washington. If we were smart enough, and honest enough to even acknowledge that it exists, and that it needs to be stopped. And if we were willing to try. Which sadly, many of us are not.



New member
When talking to a Marxist, it's like talking in another reality. You are so blinded by anti capitalist rage, you cannot fathom what I am trying to say.


New member
Just because I don't see the fantasies you call reality, doesn't mean I'm uneducated. I have a college degree and have written a published scientific paper.

What education qualifications do you have? Scouting every Huffington post and mother Jones and reading Democrat underground?


Well-known member
Just because I don't see the fantasies you call reality, doesn't mean I'm uneducated. I have a college degree and have written a published scientific paper.

What education qualifications do you have? Scouting every Huffington post and mother Jones and reading Democrat underground?
If you were so smart, you would have already known about this stuff, and about the 'gerrymandering', and about how our electoral system is completely rigged to make sure that the wealthy elites get to pick our candidates before we get to vote for them. Making sure that whomever wins will do their bidding, once elected. And now, to make doubly sure, they are trying to rig the vote through electronic voting machines that no one can oversee, or recount, and through voter suppression laws and practices at the polls. The corruption just magnifies year after year, and yet you seem to be oblivious of it.

Why is that?

(By the way, I have a master's degree.)