Poly's POTD 09-04-07

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Blessed beyond measure
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I protested the homo parade in San Diego from 1980 to 1996 when I moved out of the State. Let me tell you, it is no place for small children or adults. Every perversion is promoted on the floats in the most obscene ways possible. My Church in San Diego also protested and held outreaches in Hillcrest, a community known for it homosexual population, so we were well know by the participants in the parade. One of their favorite things to do to us was taunt us with children. I remember on particularly filthy beast holding a child on his shoulders telling us that the child was all his and there was nothing we could do about it. I'm leaving out the expletives. There was no mistaking what he meant. The “Pride Fest” is a time of recruitment. Young people are attracted to the no holds barred party atmosphere and are unaware of the homosexual’s recruitment tactics.

The police treated us as though we were criminals, the parade was about 100,000 strong. They tried to separate us from the actual parade with a string of mounted police. The homos would fill whistles with water and blow them in our faces, in front of the police. Nothing was done. One year a police officers was hit in the face with a cup of urine that was intended for us. Things were taken a little more seriously after that, especially when they found out that they could not test the culprit for AIDS.

In the early 90's the police and fire departments actively recruited homos in Hillcrest and Balboa park, a known hang out for the homosexuals. We warned them that they would regret opening up their departments to such perversion, but they just laughed.

In 1996, the last year that I was there, the mounted police were out in force, so was the foot patrol. That year was different though, the homos in the police department marched down the street in altered police uniforms. The Chief of police sat on top of a squad car leading the obscene display of same sex cops in their cropped, extremely tight faux uniforms holding hands, skipping, dancing, kissing and hugging one another all the way along the parade route. To our amazement and shock the mounted police and the foot patrol all, (every one of them) turned their backs on their homo comrades when they came into sight and didn't turn around again until they were well out of sight. They asked us for our tracts and they wanted to know where to look in the Bible for verses on homosexuality. They finally listened because they had had their fill of perversion. It was just too late.

Truthtrecker you never cease to bless me to my core in all you are willing to do to save innocent children, stand for righteousness, and uphold the name of Christ.

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