Poly's pick 02-04-05

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Originally posted by Sold Out

God uses figurative language to transfer truth. The bible is not a story of fables. The bible is entirely historically accurate.

To understand heaven and what God is thinking, read the parables. Parables are an earthly story designed to give a heavenly truth.

One of the most stunning evidences of the inspiration of the Scriptures is the great number of scientific truths that have lain buried within its pages for more than 3,800 years, only to be discovered by man’s endeavor within the last few centuries or even years. For example:
1) Up until 400 years ago most people scoffed at the very idea that the stars in the heavens could be as innumerable as the sands upon the seashore. However, God revealed to the prophet Abraham 3,800 years ago that there are indeed as many stars as there are grains of sand (See footnote on Gen 22:17).
2) Up until fifty years ago and the invention of the satellite in the late 1950’s people in different parts of the world still believed the world was held up by elephants and/or even giant tortoises. However, God revealed to Job 3,600 years ago that He hung the earth upon nothing (See footnote on Job 26:7).
3) Up until a few hundred years ago no one knew how and where the clouds got her rain. However, God revealed to Job 3,600 years ago that the clouds got her rain through evaporation and precipitation of the seas and oceans (See - Job 36:27-29 & Amos 9:6 & Eccl 1:6,7).
4) Up until 63 B.C. when the Roman geographer, Strabo, recorded oceanic occurrences people were oblivious to the fact that at least five fresh water springs came up out of the oceans and seas. However, God revealed to Job 3,600 years ago that there was more than one spring coming up out of the seas (See - Job 38:16).
5) Up until 100 years ago most people were led to believe that bleeding a person helped him/her get better by getting rid of the disease within the blood. However, God revealed to the prophet Moses 3,400 years ago that the continuance of life depended on you keeping your blood, not losing it (See footnote on Lev 17:11).
6) Up until the 1850’s when Matthew Maury, the father of oceanography, discovered ocean currents nobody understood they even existed. However, God revealed to the David 3,000 years ago that “the paths of the seas” did certainly exist (See - Psa 8:8).
7) Up until just recently people scoffed at the idea of mountains and valleys being in the oceans. However, God revealed to the prophet Jonah 2,700 years ago that mountains and valleys did exist in the oceans (See - Jonah 2:6 & II Sam 22:16). The largest mountain ridge on earth is the Mid-Oceanic Ridge, which zigzags about 35,000 miles throughout the Pacific Ocean.
8) Up until 400 years ago most people thought the earth was flat. However, God revealed to the prophet Isaiah 2,700 years ago that the earth was round (See - Isa 40:22).
9) Up until just recently no one understood how energy and matter was held together. However, God revealed to the Apostle Paul 2,000 years ago that energy (i.e., the basic elements of all matter) is bound together by sound waves (See - Heb 11:3 & Gen 1:3 & footnote on Colo 1:17). Nice of science to finally catch up with the Word of God, eh!

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