Planned Parenthood butchers reject federal funding offer proposed by Trump

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You have yet to produce an argument for why unborn children should be protected under the law.

I'll give you my reason - because they are human beings. That, by the way, is sufficient reason to not murder them, too.

So what's your reason? What is it about an unborn child that makes you think the law should prevent them from being hurt?

apparently, because they'll grow to hit me with a hammer :idunno:


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what you really desire (demand) is an outright eradication of abortion from the face of the earth. Correct?
That would be wonderful!
But a law will not make it so, anymore than a law against murder stops all murders.


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apparently, because they'll grow to hit me with a hammer :idunno:

I don't recall which movie John Wayne starred in (May have been The Shootist) where he was looking at a little baby and smiling.
The person in the room with him asked, "So you don't have anything against babies?"
John Wayne says, "I love babies. It's people I can't stand, and unfortunately babies grow up to be people."


You have yet to produce an argument for why unborn children should be protected under the law.

I'll give you my reason - because they are human beings. That, by the way, is sufficient reason to not murder them, too.

So what's your reason? What is it about an unborn child that makes you think the law should prevent them from being hurt?

Suffering. A fetus prior to 20 weeks doesn't suffer.


Well-known member
It's an aspect of SCOTUS' Roe/Wade ruling.

But if you know better....:idunno:

I don't understand why you believe the law should allow for the killing of a human fetus, but at the same time should protect a human fetus from suffering.

It's an inconsistency in the law, and an inconsistency in your views. Both are worth examining. But you seem to be content with this dissonance.


I don't understand why you believe the law should allow for the killing of a human fetus, but at the same time should protect a human fetus from suffering.

It's an inconsistency in the law, and an inconsistency in your views. Both are worth examining. But you seem to be content with this dissonance.

It's only dissonant because you fail to discern between a viable fetus and an inchoate one.
It's all the same to pro-life ideology.