Pharmaceutical Exec: Hillary Clinton has Parkinson's Disease


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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Donald Trump is a liberal, if the media (including Fox News, which is pro republican, not pro conservative) were reporting the truth, instead of showing his circus freak show act they should have been showing the American public the liberal ideology that he's embraced for decades. Believe me, if the truth had been shown, Donald Trump would not be the Republican candidate for President.

You're a hardcore liberal fool who just admitted that he's voting for a republican for President (the prosecution would rest it's case on that alone, but there's more proof to be shown).

Democrats and Libertarians (i.e. independents) crossed party lines to get Trump nominated. Some liked what they heard, others knew he is a joke and look forward to a good ole fashioned republican party trouncing come November.

Hopefully Ted Cruz and company will be successful when the 2020 Presidential election comes around and it will be required that you be a registered republican in order to vote in the respective state republican primaries.

'Never (Again) Trump' sets sights on 2020

Grass-roots conservatives and party leadership are finding a common cause: Limiting Republican primaries to registered Republican voters.

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I've been a registered Republican since I was 18 and voted straight party ticket except for a slight indiscretion named Ross Perot so a big fail on your mind reading there. The party has moved, we don't care about the Gays which is the only thing you seem to care about. We want our laws enforced, we want what we paid for, we're sick of everyone having their hands out wanting a freebie, we just want to work and raise our families and if we decide that government should do something then we want it done right. We want good deals, not bad deals. Who are you voting for?


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Hall of Fame
I really don't care about Clinton's health because I know she's just a figure head. She's the face on a product, just like JEB! is a re-facing of an old product line.
Trump on the other hand is not, he's un-refined, he's so un-coached that we're not even sure he's coachable.

patrick jane

I really don't care about Clinton's health because I know she's just a figure head. She's the face on a product, just like JEB! is a re-facing of an old product line.
Trump on the other hand is not, he's un-refined, he's so un-coached that we're not even sure he's coachable.
your user name is accurate


like marbles on glass
I don't make it to the Opera much.

But you like spaghetti, right? Everyone likes spaghetti.

Seriously though - what happens when it's the Henry Higgins who are running the country, and not the president? We don't get to vote them in or out of office.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
But you like spaghetti, right? Everyone likes spaghetti.
I don't, but that's a long story.

Seriously though - what happens when it's the Henry Higgins who are running the country, and not the president? We don't get to vote them in or out of office.
That's defiantly what you got with Bill 2.0.