PastorKevin's SPOTD 5-19-07

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wannabeme said:
10 reasons why beer is better than Jesus:

10. No one will kill you for not drinking Beer.

9. Beer doesn't tell you how to have sex.

8. Beer has never caused a major war.

7. They don't force Beer on minors who can't think for themselves.

6. When you have Beer, you don't knock on people's doors trying to make them drink it.

5. Nobody's ever been burned at the stake, hanged, or tortured over their brand of Beer.

4. You don't have to wait more than 2,000 years for a second Beer.

3. There are laws saying that Beer labels can't lie to you.

2. If you've devoted your life to Beer, there are groups to help you stop.

1. You can prove you have a Beer.

...Don't take it personally. Just laugh and go on about your day. What would our world be without humor?

dying_star said:
10 Reasons Jesus is Better than Beer

10.) Jesus will not poison your bloodstream

9.) Jesus doesn't put you in situations where you have sex without realizing what you are doing

8.) Jesus has never caused a major physical war either (it's Charlemagne you're probably thinking of)

7.) Jesus doesn't force Himself on anyone

6.) When you have Jesus, you don't stick pictures of half-naked people on billboards to advertise Him.

5.) No one has had to get their stomach pumped, lost their families because a thinking-impaired idiot ran into them on the road, gotten pregnant/gotten someone pregnant unknowingly, or become a drunken bum living in the street because of Jesus.

4.) You don't have to wait 1 millisecond to be with Jesus, because He's always right there.

3.) God is not a man that He should lie--Numbers 23:19

2.) If you devote your life to Jesus, there is FREEDOM (John 8:36), so you don't have to go to useless support groups to be rid of your addictions

1.) You can prove you have Jesus.

I can't not take something personal when it slaps my personal Savior in the face. Our world would be a lot less disgusting without what you perceive as humor.
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