Pastor Indulgently Forgives Unrepentant Vandal

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Pastor Indulgently Forgives Unrepentant Vandal

Monday September 25th, 2006. This is show #191.

If he doesn't repent then why forgive him, because you'll be sending him to Hell, probably. You'll be convincing him that forgiveness is automatic, that people who don't repent get forgiven. So why should he become a Christian so that God will forgive him? He'll think, if he attends your Sunday school class...that everybody gets forgiven automatically and that Christians are representatives of Christ and God is only loving and so the majority in America who reject Christ as their Savior but who believe in God, they believe God is love and God is all forgiving and God's not going to send them to Hell. Where did they get that from? They get that from Christian radio and TV and the pulpit when they're told that you have to forgive everyone and forgiveness should be automatic. It's not automatic. Forgiveness should come with repentance.

* Pastor Rodney Reynolds: of the Cornerstone Worship Center in Judah Indiana indulgently offered forgiveness to the unknown vandal who spray-painted their church with satanic symbols. A BEL listener sent Bob Enyart's Judge Rightly and Nicer than God articles to the pastor!

* Another Public School Teacher: has sex with a student, this time, in the English classroom of Sellersburg Indiana's Charlestown High School.

* Another Homosexual Pedophile: brags that his rape of young children (nine disabled boys) is actually good for the kids.

* Sunday's Parade Magazine: laments that child pornography consumers get lenient sentences as will John Karr in California.
Today's Resource: For help convincing yourself (or someone else) to pull the kids out of public school, read The Harsh Truth About Public Schools by BEL friend Bruce Shortt!
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