pacifism for true Jesus' followers.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You keep claim from the world's point of you view.

the world will take care of itself.

Why don't you pay attention or focusing to spread God's kingdom instead of being so political?

Your Lord seem to be country, obviously.

Then, why do you depend on your country to send you a check each month Sir?


I sincerely hope you find someone who can help to connect the dots.

You see, you cannot see clear teaching of Jesus' word even though it is simple and clear.

Jesus gave clear example how to practice "love your enemy".

You just don't accept it because most of you are so worldly and your interest is of the world.

Jesus' true followers are not of the world as He says.

I will repeat since so many of you pro military Christians refuse to see this simple fact.

The military is politics and of the world.

His true followers don't get involved with violent practice of the world.


I am getting all the help I need from my Lord, Jesus Christ with my walk with Him.


Well-known member
.... know how little you know about either faith. The reality is there's as much similarity between the Jehovahs Witnesses and Hinduism as there is with the Mormon Faith in other words none.
Er, no. Absolutely incorrect. Mormons and JW's both are untenable. They both have that in common. They are both started by cult leaders who have been in trouble with the law. They are both wrong about the identity of the person of Jesus Christ. Both elevate themselves to be 'gods' with every elevated/deified sense of the word. Both are works-based faiths toward salvation. Both are brain-washing. Etc. Etc.

If you was you wouldn't be dogmatically sticking to your erroneous position as well as repeating to others that the JW's are a cult the same as the Mormons.
Both are heresies. Both are leeches off the back of Christianity. Whatever you are trying to distance yourself from, isn't important to Christians. We really just think both are damnable heresies. That alone is enough alike to not really be worried about nuances of differences or stark ones after that.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You see, you cannot see clear teaching of Jesus' word even though it is simple and clear.

Jesus gave clear example how to practice "love your enemy".

You just don't accept it because most of you are so worldly and your interest is of the world.

Jesus' true followers are not of the world as He says.

I will repeat since so many of you pro military Christians refuse to see this simple fact.

The military is politics and of the world.

His true followers don't get involved with violent practice of the world.


I am getting all the help I need from my Lord, Jesus Christ with my walk with Him.

Then, why do you depend on your country to send you a check each month Sir?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Hey, Meshak, if we disband our military, the communists will walk in and you won't get your check each month. What will poor Meshak do then? :think:


Er, no. Absolutely incorrect. Mormons and JW's both are untenable. They both have that in common. They are both started by cult leaders who have been in trouble with the law. They are both wrong about the identity of the person of Jesus Christ. Both elevate themselves to be 'gods' with every elevated/deified sense of the word. Both are works-based faiths toward salvation. Both are brain-washing. Etc. Etc.

Both are heresies. Both are leeches off the back of Christianity. Whatever you are trying to distance yourself from, isn't important to Christians. We really just think both are damnable heresies. That alone is enough alike to not really be worried about nuances of differences or stark ones after that.

Do you have anything to say about Jesus not practiced killing His enemy in New Testament?

that's the topic of this thread.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Er, no. Absolutely incorrect. Mormons and JW's both are untenable. They both have that in common. They are both started by cult leaders who have been in trouble with the law. They are both wrong about the identity of the person of Jesus Christ. Both elevate themselves to be 'gods' with every elevated/deified sense of the word. Both are works-based faiths toward salvation. Both are brain-washing. Etc. Etc.

Both are heresies. Both are leeches off the back of Christianity. Whatever you are trying to distance yourself from, isn't important to Christians. We really just think both are damnable heresies. That alone is enough alike to not really be worried about nuances of differences or stark ones after that.

Brilliant post Lon.
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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
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I have a theory. Could it be possible that the anti-Christ is being held back because of the USA Military might? What else stands in the way of some "world dictatorship?" Perhaps, God is using our country to delay the anti-Christs take over? Which will certainly occur at some point in time? Maybe, after the USA is no longer a threat to tyranny?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If the nutty pacifists had their way, the USA would have no military thus we would cease to be a country. Pacifists don't use their head for anything but holding their hat on. (No pun against Meshak isn't intended?)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Reasons for pacifists:

1) Religious fanaticism?
2) Cowardice? (Yellow streak up the back?)
3) Unpatriotic?
4) Mental illness?
5) Immature logic/reason?
6) The desire to have our country overthrown?
7) Ex-Flower child syndrome?
8) Peace at all costs?
9) Death wish?

Can anyone think of any other possible reasons? Please be rational if at all possible?