Openly ‘Gay’ Speaker Invited to Conservative Event Dropped After Sexual Remarks....

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Openly ‘Gay’ Speaker Invited to Conservative Event Dropped After Sexual Remarks Favoring Young Boys, Older Men Surface

And thats what happens when conservatives embrace what they know good and well is wrong. Hes a pervert sexual deviant, like all practicing gays.

No, God is not ok with gay. No matter what your feelings tell you.

So gay lovers on this board, tell me again how fags dont target young boys to groom them to be a fag too?

What would be the point? You wouldn't be interested in any objective viewpoint as you seemingly want to tar all homosexual men with the same ignorant brush and more interested in referring to those people as "fags". If anybody had claimed that all homosexuals don't commit crimes or some such you might just have had a case. As it is it's the same ole' argument from repetition that doesn't fly and it's just an excuse for you and others of similar ilk to vent your disgust for people simply for being gay regardless of whether they're guilty of anything else or not.

Ironically, if the 'slippery slope' fallacy that's often perpetuated on here were to hold true then this nut wouldn't be getting so much flak would he?


New member
You know what's funny, is that Milo talked about Ghostbusters and not only made claim of, but proved, that the media twisted his words. But that doesn't stop those from yourself from perpetuating slander- it's just a part of the brainwashing you liberals exhibit :rolleyes:
so did this twisting occur when his actual tweets were made public? Or was it when he reposted fake tweets his followers created saying that they were actually from Jones?

As far as the Holocaust- I don't know what Milo had to say about that. What I do know is that the Holocaust murder count was far less than 6 million, which is literally a made up number.
You are of course aware that the Nazi's keep meticulous records of just how many people were taken into its 15,000 concentration camps and how many were gassed and how many were shot and how many starved to death. These records can name well over 4 million Jews who died in their camps.

You see, the number fits a prophesy in modern Judaism- there was only one good college try at accounting for the death toll and it was as reliable as a two wheeled wagon.
History simply accepted it out of pity.
was that unreliable one good try done by Wilhelm Hoettl who found that there were 6 million Jews killed: " 4,000,000 in extermination camps and the remaining 2,000,000 through shooting by the Operations Units and other causes, such as disease, etc.”
or was it done my Yad Vashem who came up with the same numbers as Hoettl?
or was it Raul Hilberg who found that it was 5.1 million Jews who died in Nazi concentration camps?
or was it Lucy Dawidowicz who used camp records to find it was 5,933,900 Jews?
or was it Wolfgang Benzh and his finding of between 5.3 to 6.2 million?


so did this twisting occur when his actual tweets were made public? Or was it when he reposted fake tweets his followers created saying that they were actually from Jones?

He made a public statement which completely vindicated him altogether- if you want to keep listening to your deceiving media, who didn't over it, than go on and be that sheep.

You are of course aware that the Nazi's keep meticulous records of just how many people were taken into its 15,000 concentration camps and how many were gassed and how many were shot and how many starved to death. These records can name well over 4 million Jews who died in their camps.

was that unreliable one good try done by Wilhelm Hoettl who found that there were 6 million Jews killed: " 4,000,000 in extermination camps and the remaining 2,000,000 through shooting by the Operations Units and other causes, such as disease, etc.”
or was it done my Yad Vashem who came up with the same numbers as Hoettl?
or was it Raul Hilberg who found that it was 5.1 million Jews who died in Nazi concentration camps?
or was it Lucy Dawidowicz who used camp records to find it was 5,933,900 Jews?
or was it Wolfgang Benzh and his finding of between 5.3 to 6.2 million?

You have your independents who tried to look for themselves, but the government never landed on any such figure. While you slave away at wishing it were true that 6 million died just so you can use the Jews as another bashing stick in your arsenal against white conservatives, I'm going to stick to the reality that the figure is a made up one based on Jewish demand and laughable presumptions :wave2:

You see, because you all play into their hand consistently, it's not any conspiracy to those like myself- the Jews make up half of SCOTUS, 30 seats in Congress, run the media, and marry sons and daughters of Presidents. They put their selves in those positions and tell you what to think. And not only do you accept it but you vigilantly defend it.
As then, so as now :rolleyes:


You have your independents who tried to look for themselves, but the government never landed on any such figure. While you slave away at wishing it were true that 6 million died just so you can use the Jews as another bashing stick in your arsenal against white conservatives, I'm going to stick to the reality that the figure is a made up one based on Jewish demand and laughable presumptions :wave2:

You see, because you all play into their hand consistently, it's not any conspiracy to those like myself- the Jews make up half of SCOTUS, 30 seats in Congress, run the media, and marry sons and daughters of Presidents. They put their selves in those positions and tell you what to think. And not only do you accept it but you vigilantly defend it.
As then, so as now :rolleyes:

Thanks for showing TOL once again that you're more than just a misogynist, but also a anti Semite.


Thanks for showing TOL once again that you're more than just a misogynist, but also a anti Semite.

Anti-Semite Anti-Semite Anti-Semite Anti-Semite Anti-Semite

You're Anti-Semite. You don't like those Muslims to much, do you?

Guess what?
They're SEMITES.

The whole deal is rigged:

Semite: a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.
Anti-Semitic: hostile to or prejudiced against Jews

Wonder how that happened :rolleyes:
You're obsessive need to keep the Jews vindicated has led to a giant, false facade altogether.


I've followed Breitbart for years. Bannon lived like five miles down the road from me, I'm Richmond born and raised. Nobody can tell me nothing I don't already know on this subject :chuckle:


New member
He made a public statement which completely vindicated him altogether- if you want to keep listening to your deceiving media, who didn't over it, than go on and be that sheep.
SO you are saying that the tweets Yiannopoulos sent form his own account were fakes created up by the liberal media? :think:

Well you convinced me.

You have your independents who tried to look for themselves, but the government never landed on any such figure. While you slave away at wishing it were true that 6 million died just so you can use the Jews as another bashing stick in your arsenal against white conservatives, I'm going to stick to the reality that the figure is a made up one based on Jewish demand and laughable presumptions :wave2:

You see, because you all play into their hand consistently, it's not any conspiracy to those like myself- the Jews make up half of SCOTUS, 30 seats in Congress, run the media, and marry sons and daughters of Presidents. They put their selves in those positions and tell you what to think. And not only do you accept it but you vigilantly defend it.
As then, so as now :rolleyes:

So all those historians I listed, one of which was a Nazi who participated in the Holocaust (aCW will be upset to learn that Wilhelm Hoettl was a heterosexual)and the mountain of physical evidence and documentation are just worthless because you say you know of someone who came up with a different number...even if you won't name that individual.

Again, how can anyone argue with logic like that?


SO you are saying that the tweets Yiannopoulos sent form his own account were fakes created up by the liberal media? :think:

Well you convinced me.

Poe's Law is something you all ignore, and demonize anything you can muster out of anything.

Milo explained it all, and it made the media look like the slandering cucks they are :wave2:

Why don't you mop up some of your self-respect and stop depending on liars to make your case.

So all those historians I listed

All your historians came to different numbers, you don't just average it out and call it accurate. The only realistic estimate- the amount of people actually accounted for, is 3.8 million.


That's still not true. Some Muslims are Semitic. Most are not.

Arabs are descendants of Abraham, Saudi Arabia is the Muslim capitol.

Most Jews aren't Semitic- they are all white Europeans with an ounce of Semite blood.

You want to haplessly defend the Jews, go ahead- but keep it to yourselves if you don't want to hear the truth :wave2:


New member
Milo explained it all, and it made the media look like the slandering cucks they are
Yiannapoulos back tracked in his statement and admitted he was wrong in the language that he used:
Milo said:
My experiences as a victim led me to believe I could say anything I wanted to on this subject, no matter how outrageous. But I understand that my usual blend of British sarcasm, provocation and gallows humor might have come across as flippancy, a lack of care for other victims or, worse, “advocacy.” I am horrified by that impression.

...I shouldn’t have used the word “boy” — which gay men often do to describe young men of consenting age — instead of “young man.” That was an error...

...I am certainly guilty of imprecise language, which I regret...

...I said some things on those internet live streams that were simply wrong...

...I would be wrong to allow my poor choice of words to detract from my colleagues’ important reporting, which is why today I am resigning from Breitbart, effective immediately. This decision is mine alone...

So, Crucible, he is certainly admitting error in his choice of words, is he not? What words is he backtracking from? Hmm, let's see...

Milo said:
“And you know what, I’m grateful for Father Michael. I wouldn’t give nearly such good head if it wasn’t for him"

Milo said:
I think particularly in the gay world and outside the Catholic church, if that’s where some of you want to go with this, I think in the gay world, some of the most important, enriching and incredibly life affirming, important shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men, they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys.

Crucible - do you agree with the what he said here? Are you going to blindly defend his words when he even admits to choosing his words poorly?


Crucible - do you agree with the what he said here? Are you going to blindly defend his words when he even admits to choosing his words poorly?

Are you going to blindly take any word that anyone says and make them out to be Satan by them? That's what your media does- he explained himself and you know what? It was damn legitimate- he vindicated himself to a point where he ought not even had to apologize in the first place. You're all just PC tyrants who chew alive anyone who speaks, quite frankly.

I agree that you all are toxic to this society and have become desensitized to your own bile :wave2:


So, Crucible, he is certainly admitting error in his choice of words, is he not? What words is he backtracking from? Hmm, let's see...

Milo Yiannopoulos is a proud and unrepentant homosexual who was on top of the world because the Libertarian movement (who now pretend that they are 'conservative') made him their spokesperson to speak out against certain liberal values that they disagree with.

When Yiannapoulos was honest about the homosexual lifestyle (that it's full of pedophile's and pederasts) his pot of gold was cut off because it's politically incorrect to talk about such things.

Yiannapoulos backtracked not because he didn't mean what he said, he backtracked because he didn't want the money and notoriety that he'd been receiving to stop.


New member
Are you going to blindly take any word that anyone says and make them out to be Satan by them? That's what your media does- he explained himself and you know what? It was damn legitimate- he vindicated himself to a point where he ought not even had to apologize in the first place. You're all just PC tyrants who chew alive anyone who speaks, quite frankly.

I agree that you all are toxic to this society and have become desensitized to your own bile :wave2:

:doh: Should I take Milo's word for it? What media? :sozo: I only directly quoted Milo...:hammer:

Yes, he apologized because he, at minimum, flippantly used poorly chosen words.

Your head is in the sand on this one and even Milo would tell you as much.

I'll even ask again, do you agree with him here?
Milo (not the media demonizing the poor fella) said:
I think particularly in the gay world and outside the Catholic church, if that’s where some of you want to go with this, I think in the gay world, some of the most important, enriching and incredibly life affirming, important shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men, they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys.


:doh: Should I take Milo's word for it? What media? :sozo: I only directly quoted Milo...:hammer:

Yes, he apologized because he, at minimum, flippantly used poorly chosen words.

Your head is in the sand on this one and even Milo would tell you as much.

I'll even ask again, do you agree with him here?

Keep in mind that Yiannopoulos, after using what you call "poor chosen words" (I call it being refreshingly honest, considering that he's a proud and unrepentant homosexual), was uninvited to the CPAC conference, asked to step down as a Sr. Editor of the Libertarian leaning Breitbart News, and had a very lucrative book deal with Simon and Schuster cancelled.

Sounds like motivation to me to backtrack on what he previously said.


:doh: Should I take Milo's word for it?

You took his word at the first part, but not the second?

I'll even ask again, do you agree with him here?

I agree that you are just playing prosecutor, just as it was the media's, to convict him. They never gave his defense the time of day, but mopped him all over the newsroom :rolleyes:

55% of Americans have lost faith in the media because you all think it's a expressway to sabotage anything and anybody, and it's going to have consequences soon enough once Trump rolls up his sleeves :wave2:


New member
You took his word at the first part, but not the second?

Yes. I posted both. Remember? Do you recall him apologizing for using poorly chosen words? I agree that he should have clarified what he meant by what he said.

I agree that you are just playing prosecutor, just as it was the media's, to convict him.

Convict him of what? Why are you playing the victim card for him?

They never gave his explanation the time of day, but mopped him him all over the newsroom :rolleyes:

I'm not talking about the media. I am talking about HIS OWN WORDS...Do you care to address them or will you continue to dodge?

Do you agree with him here?
Milo (not the media demonizing the poor fella) said:
I think particularly in the gay world and outside the Catholic church, if that’s where some of you want to go with this, I think in the gay world, some of the most important, enriching and incredibly life affirming, important shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men, they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys.

55% of Americans have lost faith in the media because you all think it's a expressway to sabotage anything and anybody, and it's going to have consequences soon enough once Trump rolls up his sleeves :wave2:

Stop deflecting from what I am asking you. I never once quoted anyone but Milo himself.