Only Support the Troops If You Support the War!

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Only Support the Troops If You Support the War!

Friday April 14th, 2006. This is show # 75.

I care about the Christians and the conservatives who spread this moral relatavism, this lie, that says even if you oppose the war, you should support the troops. So what, is that only valid for this decade or only in America? Is that a general principle that's true? So if your troops were Nazi soldiers going in to destroy the nations around them and to round up all the Jews and put them in concentration camps..."Well, I'm against the war but I support the troops." What does that mean? The troops are the one's who are implementing the evil policy of the government if it's an unjust war.

If your troops are doing something evil, you should oppose the troops and oppose the evil and oppose the war and oppose the government that's conducting the war. That's what you should do if you know right from wrong. But if you're a moral relativist, you don't understand that we're in a battle between right and wrong, then you undermine truth, you undermine morality and you say even if you're against the war you should support the troops. It's inane.
* Florida councilman won't swear support for government because of Iraq war. Bob looks at justification for war. And then discusses the bigger issue of thoughtless conservatives who say, "Even if you oppose the war, you should support the troops," thereby promoting moral relativism because, for example, no one should have supported the German troops in WWII.
* Christian TV station owner refuses to air baseball game on Good Friday, and instead will air Inside Edition and a Primetime show featuring a Tom Cruise interview. Cruise says you can be a Christian and a scientologist at the same time, even though scientology teaches that aliens escaped their doomed planet to come to earth and today live in your brain unless you pay a scientologist to clear them out!
* Bob says he has a revealing Jay Sekulow/ACLJ story to tell next week!
* Douglas from Dunn NC says a beautiful five-year-old boy is alive because he would not help his then 15-year-old step daughter have an abortion! Also, Douglas asked for tips on explaining to an unbeliever why God could not save us unless Jesus died for our sins.
* Five-year-old paralyzed shooting victim apparently wrongly taught to forgive everyone. The general principle on forgiveness, taught by Jesus, is that we should forgive someone who sins against us "if he repents" (Luke 17:3), otherwise, repentance becomes superfluous.
* The 15-year-old boy sentenced to four years for raping four young girls will come out worse than he went in; we should abolish prison, and sentence criminals only to divinely authorized restitution, corporal or capital punishment.
* Sean from Phoenix AZ (contrast Dunn's terrain) called to pit Bob's rebuttal up against Timothy Lynch and Milton Friedman's After Prohibition arguments for legalizing drugs like crack cocaine and heroin. Bob supports outlawing drugs whose primary purpose is to make people high (which turns them into an unacceptable risk to society). Also, Bob opposes America's 1920-1933 Prohibition of alcohol since God's Word permits alcohol but not drunkenness. And remember that Prohibition did cut death from alcoholism by about 70% and death from cirrhosis by half. Also, in 1905, three states prohibited alcohol, and nine states by 1912, and 26 by 1916. In 1913 Congress generally prohibited shipment of liquor from wet to dry states. This chart is from


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I have had friends in Iraq and know guys serving. Just because we're friends doesn't mean I support the war (and frankly, neither do many troops).


Patron Saint of SMACK
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BillyBob said:
It's not their job to support the war, it's their job to win it.
While that is true, I don't believe for a minute that most of the troups don't support the war.


New member
..."Well, I'm against the war but I support the troops." What does that mean? The troops are the one's who are implementing the evil policy of the government if it's an unjust war.

I see it differently.

It's their job to do what their Commander tells them.

It's as wrong to go into a war and not finish the job as it is to fight a burning building and never put out the fire.

However, if the building keeps burning for several years, it is quite insane of the Commander to attempt to rebuild the building on the same site before the flames are completely extinguished. Eventually, you are going to get your butt burned.

Ironically, this same Commander has been apart of a similar scenerio at home...

When part of his property is destroyed, he makes an effort to rebuild in the same spot, without first confronting the issue that destroyed his property to begin with.

This is clearly an indication that the Commander is insane, because an he does the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

It's not the war, or the troops I don't support, it's the idiot that doesn't know how to take care of things properly that I object to.


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What if we're involved in two wars, one you support and one you do not. Do you support the troops or not?


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Lighthouse said:
Either way, he has a point.

From the Best Quote of the Show (emphasis mine):
If your troops are doing something evil, you should oppose the troops and oppose the evil and oppose the war and oppose the government that's conducting the war. That's what you should do if you know right from wrong.

I can see where he would have a point if you thought what the troops were doing is wrong, but if you oppose the war for non-moral reasons then your not being "morally [relativistic]" by opposing the war but supporting the troops.

Frank Ernest

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Lucky said:
What if we're involved in two wars, one you support and one you do not. Do you support the troops or not?
You support the troops in either event. As to supporting the "war", this came about during the first Gulf War. Former congressman Lee Hamilton made the famous statement, "We support the troops, but not the President." Simple matter of infernal politics. Liberals supported every military action taken by Bill Clinton. Liberals oppose all military actions taken by Bush I and II.

To take a walk down Memory Lane. There was little opposition to Lyndon Johnson's war in Vietnam. Liberals never blamed Johnson for anything. They blamed the troops and quite publically so. When Richard Nixon assumed the presidency, Vietnam immediately became "Nixon's War."

Funny how that works.

Frank Ernest

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Sozo said:
Not me :nono:

I prefer annihilation

You're an Ezekiel kinda guy! :sozo:Woo-hoo!

Ezekiel 28:17-19 "Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee. Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more."
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