One World Government/Religion

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Eclectic Theosophist
world peace......

world peace......

Do you find anything wrong or immoral with Pres. Obama's or Pope Francise's address?

You do realize the Jewish hope from an OT perspective includes realization of a 'one world government'? Take also the belief in a millennial period of peace and righteousness with the Messiah ruling and reigning the entire world', besides a new heaven and earth wherever you them put in time.

Sooner or later, whether a 'one world government' is headed by the true Messiah or the anti-Christ,...its 'assumed' that these will be actual states one day. How do these 'assumptions' hold? The thing to consider is will such a government be held by true and good principles, based on integrity, truth, mutual co-operation, tolerance and justice. If world peace can be sustained upon the grounds of real justice/righteous relations and mutual peace COULD be realized. Do you accept such a Utopia for our world?


"Do you find anything wrong or immoral with Pres. Obama's or Pope Francis' address?"
"You remind us that the Lord’s most powerful message is mercy." :Nineveh: ~ Barack Obama

“If you take part of the truth, and try to make that part of the truth, all of the truth, then that part of the truth becomes an untruth.” ~ Adrian Rogers Rom. 2:5–8, John 3:36, Rev. 6:16, 17 :burnlib:

"That means welcoming the stranger with empathy and a truly open heart." :Nineveh: ~ Barack Obama Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT :CRASH:

"You do realize the Jewish hope from an OT perspective includes realization of a 'one world government'?"

"The Jewish people of Christ's time were looking for a Messiah who would be a political ruler. But the Lord didn't come to be that kind of king, and never offered that kind of kingdom..." Full text: The Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-12 Grace to You

"Take also the belief in a millennial period of peace and righteousness with the Messiah ruling and reigning the entire world', besides a new heaven and earth wherever you them put in time."
That time is still to come (Rev. 20:1–10).

"Sooner or later, whether a 'one world government' is headed by the true Messiah or the anti-Christ..."
:idea: Still worshiping light bulbs? 2 Pe 2:1 :smokie:

As a reminder freelight is number 1 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in the Miscellaneous category. :burnlib:


Eclectic Theosophist
Global unity.......

Global unity.......

Definitely. Remember Jesus quoted the older prophets saying "I desire mercy and not sacrifice,...and to go and learn what that means". - this was very important to the Lord Jesus,...understanding the power of mercy...and extending that mercy. He encourages you to ponder that deeply.

“If you take part of the truth, and try to make that part of the truth, all of the truth, then that part of the truth becomes an untruth.” ~ Adrian Rogers Rom. 2:5–8, John 3:36, Rev. 6:16, 17 :burnlib:

I don't think the speakers where trying to disguise 'part' of the truth as the whole truth, but presenting truth as they know it, and I don't see anything wrong with the address as it extols higher spiritual values and religious principles given to man for his own good. Don't you find that commendable?

You might look into 'hospitality' and kindess to strangers as being a virtue, a way of caring for/serving your fellow man. No?


"The Jewish people of Christ's time were looking for a Messiah who would be a political ruler. But the Lord didn't come to be that kind of king, and never offered that kind of kingdom..." Full text: The Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-12 Grace to You

I speak of the Messiah's total mission and ministry,...for the Christian view concerning his 2nd coming surely includes his ruling and reigning on earth in the millennium, and the traditional Jewish belief of all nations of the world being at peace under the Messiah's rule (whether that be with an individual Messiah leading Israel and/or including 'Isreal' itself as the collective Messiah) holds. Jesus did not fufill most if not all the messianic expectations of the Jews, which is why orthodox Jews reject Jesus as their Messiah.

Jewish Messiah Wanted

:idea: Still worshiping light bulbs? 2 Pe 2:1 :smokie:

I do not worship light bulbs :idunno: Granted, don't forget 'God' himself is 'Light'. 'Light' is Consciousness.

As a reminder freelight is number 1 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in the Miscellaneous category. :burnlib:

Like that list really means anything, but is side-entertainment for most of the liberals here.

Any reader/poster can go on that thread and read all my commentaries about the subject and the humor of the 'heretic list' itself, for starters. I hold my own there, and am a 'happy heretic' because by way of the true meaning of the word 'heresy', I choose to think for myself, and respect my right of choice and honest research in all matters.

Choleric gave me my own category since he doesn't quite get what I'm all about.


1) Freelight (spiritualist/universalist)

I don't think 'Miscellaneous' is adequate, but maybe 'Eclectic' would be better. Also....with spiritualist/universalist could be included 'gnostic', 'theosophist', 'perennialist'.


'Light' is Consciousness.
:dizzy: God keeps us guessing when it comes to understanding certain things--like light. Here's what we do know--it's not to be :bow: worshiped (Rom. 1:21–25). :rolleyes:

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).



Eclectic Theosophist


:dizzy: God keeps us guessing when it comes to understanding certain things--like light. Here's what we do know--it's not to be :bow: worshiped (Rom. 1:21–25). :rolleyes:

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).


Lets consider the metaphysical significance and deeper meaning of what "God is Light" means,....I usually infer here that it indicates 'consciousness', the totality of all knowledge, the fullness of All That IS (existence and all that it includes). It may also include 'omniscience' for "in him there is no darkness at all", - however,.. in the omnipresence of God there is both 'light' and 'shadow' because the realms of conditional existence (space-time-matter) have different dimensions, colours, density, vibrational frequencies, pathways of 'distorted' or 'limited' perception. If we consider the electro-magnetic spectrum and the refraction of 'light' scientifically....we get an insight into the invisible world where physical light originates. So 'God' as primordial light is the origin, essence, medium and context in which all existence inheres, and it could be no other way if 'God' is the universal reality at the heart of all.

When 'God' is realized and lived as being "all in all", this is the fullness of the kingdom, since 'God' is being realized and lived as the One and Only reality. - from within this 'conscious light',...souls can live in harmony and peace, since there is no separation, division or conflict in this primal unity. Such is the condition of love, in living principle. If this can be realized within a community of souls, then 'there' is 'heaven'.


Eclectic Theosophist
have some real hummus

have some real hummus

Falafel-hummus (2 Pe 2:1, Lk 12:51). :dizzy:

Oh dear.

Lets address your 'passages' -

2 Peter 2:1 does not reject the concept of 'spiritual unity'.

Lk 12:51 refers to there being division between those who stand for love/truth...and those who do not, so obviously there will be a conflict of interests.


Can you imagine the bureaucratic nightmare of a one-world government? Any dictator or leader is never universally liked and obeyed. Even with soldiers on the street.

Think of what would happen if we had a World Post Office? Total chaos.

We do just fine by honoring every country's stamps and getting the mail in a citizen's hands. And, despite the normal bureaucratic snafus, we do it pretty well and pretty cheap.

If we ever had it privatized, then the corporate costs will be passed down and employees will lose their living standard. The costs of UPS and Federal Express have been outstripping the U.S. mail.
That's what usually happens. We should leave the government alone on this one. They have already been dangerously regulated by Congress already.


The only way we will get a "one-world government" is to work together and take Jesus at his word.

We are to help in building up the Kingdom of God "on earth." A dictatorship--even a theological/religious dictatorship, will not be efficient or accepted by most human beings.

We have all the tools we need. Jesus's earthly program (before it was tragically interrupted) was...

--to take a light load of supplies and work in pairs like Mormon missionaries.

--And dare to take that largest step into the household of the people you meet.

--And finally, share a meal with them and do all of the healing that you can think of. For them, like us, are broken people in many ways.

We should go out in the world as wounded healers.




Eclectic Theosophist
more food for thought.....

more food for thought.....

Too bad you don't believe the bible. :poly:

You mean your 'version' or 'translation' of the Bible :)

As a reminder aikido7 is number 45 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category. :burnlib:

This list is entertaining. Its also biased (surprise!)

Btw,...I see you added about me on the list in the Miscellaneous section (you also added more under this category) -

1) Freelight (spiritualist/universalist) (spiritualist/universalist) worships light, visits Jehovah's Witness denying deity of Jesus area as well, Urantia Papers, says Hindu, Gnosticism...all over the place)

Lets address:

You might want to see you repeated the (spiritualist/universalist), so delete one of those. You can also add Theosophist in the mix...since the study of divine wisdom (the wisdom of God) is essential to theology, naturally.

I do not worship 'light' in the sense you are indicating, but recognize that 'God' is LIGHT. - take that from John's writing 'in context' and beyond.

I do not visit JWs, but have debated them as well, although sometimes I do relate from a Unitarian position (as more down to earth), but I recognize this is only a 'positional-context' in which to relate things. I could just as well relate things from a 'Trinitarian' context, and in different dimensional perspectives inbetween.....such is my versatility as an 'eclectic' :)

'God' includes all dimensions...and beyond dimension.

The Urantia Papers (known in the public domain as the 'Urantia Book' or 'UB') are only one set of writings among many other religious works that I've included in my universal library, - I've expounded on many other religious texts as well. No one book can exclusively hold all of 'God'. Truth is truth wherever it is found, remember....'God' is omnipresent.

My earlier studies of Hinduism, non-dualism, Gnosticism, mysticism, occult science, metaphysics ALL relate to religious philosophy in general, with various particulars.

All over the place? :) - not really,....just 'all-inclusive'....because 'God' is 'all-inclusive'.


Many people in America do not trust this "warmth and welcoming" that is characteristic of Obama. They believe there is some evil motive behind everything he does.

"If you go looking for the bad in a man and expect to find it, you surely will."

--Abraham Lincoln.

There are some GOP congresspeople who are going to boycott the Pope's speech to both houses of government. That tells me a lot, too.

Like the Irish and the blacks, Catholics are hated and feared by many as well.


[Freelight, a false teacher (2 Pe 2:1) :reals:] 2 Peter 2:1 does not reject the concept of 'spiritual unity'.
:dizzy: You have no :idea: higher thought :freak: than the rest of us, Gnostic (2 Ti 1:7).

"2 Pe 2:1 false prophets. Peter described false teachers in detail in this chapter so that Christians would always recognize their characteristics and methods. The greatest sin of Christ-rejecters and the most damning work of Satan is misrepresentation of the truth and its consequent deception. Nothing is more wicked than for someone to claim to speak for God to the salvation of souls when in reality he speaks for Satan to the damnation of souls (cf. Deut. 13:1–18; 18:20; Jer. 23; Ezek. 13; Matt. 7:15; 23:1–36; 24:4, 5; Rom. 16:17; 2 Cor. 11:13, 14; Gal. 3:1, 2; 2 Tim. 4:3, 4)." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1954). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.

[Spiritual unity :freak:] " Lk 12:51 refers to there being division between those who stand for love/truth...and those who do not, so obviously there will be a conflict of interests.
:hammer: You have no unity with God, antichrist (Is 57:21, 59:2).

Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on the earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.

The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother–in–law against her daughter–in–law, and the daughter–in–law against her mother–in–law [Luke 12:51–53].

"When a person receives Jesus Christ as his Savior, he is immediately separated from the unbelievers around him. This will be true whether they be his relatives or his friends." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Gospels (Luke) (electronic ed., Vol. 37, p. 166). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.


Eclectic Theosophist
Lets cut thru the clutter......

Lets cut thru the clutter......

:dizzy: You have no :idea: higher thought :freak: than the rest of us, Gnostic (2 Ti 1:7).

"2 Pe 2:1 false prophets. Peter described false teachers in detail in this chapter so that Christians would always recognize their characteristics and methods. The greatest sin of Christ-rejecters and the most damning work of Satan is misrepresentation of the truth and its consequent deception. Nothing is more wicked than for someone to claim to speak for God to the salvation of souls when in reality he speaks for Satan to the damnation of souls (cf. Deut. 13:1–18; 18:20; Jer. 23; Ezek. 13; Matt. 7:15; 23:1–36; 24:4, 5; Rom. 16:17; 2 Cor. 11:13, 14; Gal. 3:1, 2; 2 Tim. 4:3, 4)." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1954). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.

:hammer: You have no unity with God, antichrist (Is 57:21, 59:2).

Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on the earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.

The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother–in–law against her daughter–in–law, and the daughter–in–law against her mother–in–law [Luke 12:51–53].

"When a person receives Jesus Christ as his Savior, he is immediately separated from the unbelievers around him. This will be true whether they be his relatives or his friends." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Gospels (Luke) (electronic ed., Vol. 37, p. 166). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

God is light. - the fruit of the Spirit is proof of the Spirit's presence. The ideals, concepts and principles espoused in the addresss in question contain positive and right values and principles. These are what you ought to be attending to and respecting, not just some hodge-podge of convoluted scriptures or quotes from various ministers. If one heeds the teachings of Jesus, then they will respect, love and serve their fellowman, and do all they can in their power to make peace with one another on every level. Such 'peace' is brought about thru 'right relations' (righteousness).
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