Oligarchy Confirmed - Democracy Is Dead In The U.S.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Americas decline isn't theoretical, it's all in the social indicators.
And it has little to do with religion, or the rejection of it. And everything to do with the industrial strength proselytizing of consumerism: of individual selfishness, of greed and ignorance through commercial advertising and an unrelenting media. The message is everywhere: materialism is the solution to all our needs, all our fears, all our problems, and all our desires. Money buys everything because everything is for sale, here. America is not a country, it's a business.


New member
And it has little to do with religion, or the rejection of it. And everything to do with the industrial strength proselytizing of consumerism: of individual selfishness, of greed and ignorance through commercial advertising and an unrelenting media. The message is everywhere: materialism is the solution to all our needs, all our fears, all our problems, and all our desires. Money buys everything because everything is for sale, here. America is not a country, it's a business.

It was never about religion but the Son of God.

Interestingly, you apparently can't see the connection between materialism and lack of godly values. Then again the US is the leader of the promotion of the "prosperity gospel" where people are judged by the amount of goods they have. America's drug epidemic is another example of this void by the lack of Jesus Christ that is filled up with nonsense.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
It was never about religion but the Son of God.

Interestingly, you apparently can't see the connection between materialism and lack of godly values.
What do you think is a "Godly value"? And how do you think it relates to religion? Because I'm not aware of any anti-materialist morality on the part of Christians. At all. In fact, Christianity endorsed and sponsored some of the most egregious episodes of gross materialism in human history.
Then again the US is the leader of the promotion of the "prosperity gospel" where people are judged by the amount of goods they have. America's drug epidemic is another example of this void by the lack of Jesus Christ that is filled up with nonsense.
Almost no one can happily fill their lives with "Jesus". Which is why religious Christianity has failed so miserably at countering gross materialism. The symbols have to stand for something of real value, sooner or later, and Christian religiosity has mostly no idea what that is.


New member
Read this article that The Berean posted, it has some very interesting ideas to present: Japan, Refutation of Neoliberalism

When a constitutional democracy writes it's constitution, I think it needs to spell out some basic goals and principals for itself regarding various aspects of social intercourse. For example, I think it should spell out it's basic goals and principals regarding it's relationships with other nations: what it will and will not do for, with, and to other nations and peoples. It needs to spell out it's basic goals and principals regarding it's own citizens: the ideals and rights it affords them, and how it intends to protect and maintain those rights. And I think it also needs to articulate it's basic goals and principals regarding commercial interactions, both within it's borders and with other countries.

Some of those basic principals might include something like; that it will not allow it's own government or citizens to exploit foreign labor by buying cheap goods produced under conditions that would not be acceptable at home. Or perhaps it would demand that we produce at least half of the products and services we buy, within our own borders. Or perhaps it could demand that as unemployment rates increase, the number of hours everyone works per week as 'full time', decrease; encouraging the hiring of extra workers and discouraging the abuse of labor for increased profit. Or perhaps it could impose tax imperatives that return some portion of a businesses profits to the communities from which they are derived, on businesses that would otherwise take their profits elsewhere; encouraging more localized commerce.

And the ideals, here, being that the goal of the nation's commerce is to serve the well-being of the nation's people rather then the wallets of the primary investors. Thus; every full time wage is a livable wage. Every citizen has a job available to him. Home industry is encouraged and protected by laws and tariffs. Diversity and forward-thinking in commerce is encouraged and protected by laws and tax/investment incentives. Small local businesses are encouraged, while large national/international businesses (chains and monopolies) are discouraged by laws and tax/investment incentives, etc.,.

The point being that there would be specified goals based on specified ideals and principals that everyone could understand and follow.

It's not about the political system either. Many of the supposed "models" are in a steep decline. However, since the UN controls the social indicators standards few have a clue. Needless to say all the supposed exemplary model nations are in steep decline.


New member
What do you think is a "Godly value"? And how do you think it relates to religion? Because I'm not aware of any anti-materialist morality on the part of Christians. At all. In fact, Christianity endorsed and sponsored some of the most egregious episodes of gross materialism in human history.
Almost no one can happily fill their lives with "Jesus". Which is why religious Christianity has failed so miserably at countering gross materialism. The symbols have to stand for something of real value, sooner or later, and Christian religiosity has mostly no idea what that is.

Your perspective is that of a typical American. There are other countries out there that have been more faithful to the Gospel, Latin America specifically.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Your perspective is that of a typical American. There are other countries out there that have been more faithful to the Gospel, Latin America specifically.
Latin America was raped and enslaved by Christian materialists … so completely, that it's current 'Christianity' is more akin to Stockholm Syndrome than it is to faith in Christ.


New member
Latin America was raped and enslaved by materialist 'Christians' … so completely, that it's current 'Christianity' is more akin to Stockholm Syndrome than it is to faith in Christ.

It is true many Christians in the name of God abused natives in North and South America. Nonetheless, the Gospel has had a calming effect, at least on South America where the most complete version was preached, and this is clearly evident in the low homicides rates and traditional family values. Many Americans will of course claim we are backwards because we have less material goods and some will associate this with not being "complete" Christians as well.


New member
Hall of Fame
This is a large part of why I don't care for christianity. Christians tend to have no problem with limitless bribery and corruption. No, the problem god cares about is that there's two dudes kissing. I listen to christians talk about how god's wrath will be upon America if we don't start hating gay people, but god doesn't mind corruption. god is never interested in punishing a nation for bribery and corruption. god is worse than weak. god is petty.

Why do you identify as a christian?


New member
Latin America was raped and enslaved by Christian materialists … so completely, that it's current 'Christianity' is more akin to Stockholm Syndrome than it is to faith in Christ.

Was that before or after the Inca's tore the bleeding hearts out of their living victims?
Throughout history, everyday folks in every civilization have been both victims and beneficiaries of good and bad.
"There is nothing new under the sun. Vanity of Vanity. All is vanity. Thus spake Koheleth."
So live today to the best of your ability.
And quit whining.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Was that before or after the Inca's tore the bleeding hearts out of their living victims?
Throughout history, everyday folks in every civilization have been both victims and beneficiaries of good and bad.
"There is nothing new under the sun. Vanity of Vanity. All is vanity. Thus spake Koheleth."
So live today to the best of your ability.
And quit whining.
Then what good is the Christian religion to the well-being of mankind, if it's adherents behave just like everyone else?


New member
Hall of Fame
Then what good is the Christian religion to the well-being of mankind, if it's adherents behave just like everyone else?

Salvation. Forgiveness. Relationship with God.

If anything the state of the world shows the need for a Savior.

The Berean

Well-known member
I don't. I'm an atheist. I've heard I have a profile that says I'm a christian, but I never entered that in nor do I know how to change it. I access this board through a cell phone app called tapatalk.

1) Go to the Top Left of the screen, click on "User CP".

2) On the lift side click on "Edit Your Details".

3) Then choose "Atheist".