ECT Notes on D'ism this week

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I'm seeing the following unstated positions by D'ism harden into place. I don't think they want you to know this up front.

1, there are NT letters that are only for one group or another. You have to ask them which ones you are allowed to read.

2, The neat thing about the NT (to them) is exclusion. One of them has 3 different locations for 3 different groups, including putting people in the old covenant on the same 'saved' plane as a Christian believer. So much for a conflict with Judaism! If a person was to know the NT for themselves, they would see that the neat thing is inclusion.

3, They (D'ists) are the official spox about what the 2 covenants are. They do this to concentrate all attention on one verse in Hebrews, skip chs 9-10, and especially skip the gospel accounts and Corinthians, both. Even though one verse in Hebrews mentions Judah and Israel, they think that means the land, not realizing J&I can be reconciled in Christ--if that was the intent of the passage.

4, They don't realize the accusation of being Judaistic--or being a 'stepchild' of it--is for real. In other words, the one group or movement that would be the opposition, in any normal reading of the gospels or Acts, is actually what D'ism belongs to. Then, to top that off, the trite formula is used to show how there is a difference: the Christians had 'accepted Christ as personal Lord and Savior', which would be a non-conflicting answer to the conflict, they think.

5, There is supposedly a week AFTER the destruction of the temple in Dan 9. Just jump in at v26; it's the 70th week, often called that because it is after the 69th. Messiah dies but accomplishes everything in the list in v24. A power comes and destroys the city and temple. It is stretched out by the expression 'war will continue to the end'. v27a is Messiah again; b is the figure mentioned in ch 8, the leader of a rebellion that desolates the city and country. That's the 70th week.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
5, There is supposedly a week AFTER the destruction of the temple in Dan 9. Just jump in at v26; it's the 70th week, often called that because it is after the 69th. Messiah dies but accomplishes everything in the list in v24. A power comes and destroys the city and temple. It is stretched out by the expression 'war will continue to the end'. v27a is Messiah again; b is the figure mentioned in ch 8, the leader of a rebellion that desolates the city and country. That's the 70th week.

There is without question 1 week after the destruction of the city and the sanctuary.
Not even debatable.


Well-known member
I did write one paper on the AofD when I worked on my thesis about the zealots and Luke-Acts. Out of say 30 scholars on the Daniel paragraph, none ever mentioned STP's week after. Possibly placing things on either side of the middle differently from others, yes. Stretching out the final week to a generation, yes. But never a week AFTER the 70th.

But of course he's the Hebrew scholar known all over the world. So he would know. He's crapped on Waltke and on Cornfeld's edition on the JEWISH WAR so what the heck?

I will only accept the testimony of 2 or 3 witnesses on these things. I assume he knows what that means.

The sign of a cult is to operate without reference to any reason or authority. Like Islam's name; it's the verbal demand 'submit.' Just submit. Like Antifa showing up in masks, so there is no questioning or background, you just have a broken arm or tibia and your eye is bleeding because they are right. And "they were here first" to quote the great D'ist of TOL yesterday (8/29).

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I did write one paper on the AofD when I worked on my thesis about the zealots and Luke-Acts. Out of say 30 scholars on the Daniel paragraph, none ever mentioned STP's week after. Possibly placing things on either side of the middle differently from others, yes. Stretching out the final week to a generation, yes. But never a week AFTER the 70th.

But of course he's the Hebrew scholar known all over the world. So he would know. He's crapped on Waltke and on Cornfeld's edition on the JEWISH WAR so what the heck?

I will only accept the testimony of 2 or 3 witnesses on these things. I assume he knows what that means.

The sign of a cult is to operate without reference to any reason or authority. Like Islam's name; it's the verbal demand 'submit.' Just submit. Like Antifa showing up in masks, so there is no questioning or background, you just have a broken arm or tibia and your eye is bleeding because they are right. And "they were here first" to quote the great D'ist of TOL yesterday (8/29).



Well-known member
Himself :chew:

the opposite of that Ktyou and STP. it's years finding ways to resolve questions of meaning of the text using tools like this:

Resource List
Marcus Sanford 1984

Lexical, reference and commentary:

_____. The Jewish Encyclopedia.
Brown. New Int’l Dictionary of NT Theology.
Goldingay. “The Book of Daniel; Three Issues” THEMELIOS 1977.
Kasemann. Commentary on Romans.
Kittel. Theological Dictionary of the NT.
Marshall. New Int’l Greek Text Commentary: Luke.
Same. Apostolic Preaching.
Newell. Romans.
Nineham. Mark.
Odendaal. “The Eschatological Expectations of Isaiah 40-66” Int’l Library of Biblical and Theological Studies.
Orr. Int’l Standard Bible Encyclopedia.
Taylor. Mark.
Tasker. Matthew.
Young. Daniel.

There needs to be 2-3 witnesses to establish a fact. The exact opposite is STP declaring himself an undebatable source and crapping on all commentary, not realizing he is full of D'ist commentary.
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